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Adf.ly BOT(Advanced proxy,refferer, user agent)

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comes with a current (012/23/11) working proxy list ready to go.

add or remove proxys as you like, there is no limit on how many proxys you can add!

supports custom referrers so adfly thinks the links have been clicked on youtube or your blog or anywhere you want it to show!

There is no limit on number of referrers you want the bot to pick from!

malware free unlike a couple other adfly bots I have tried here!


Virus Scan: Adfly_v152.exe MD5:087416b2f25224e8a04b7d7c00001491 - VirSCAN.org Scanners did not find malware!

Download link: Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: adf.zip



nu e bun de nimic baga cam 10 viewuri la 20 de minute si e deageaba in timpul ala mai bine le faci tu in browser la 10 linkuri dea'tale sau folosesti proxy.. eu zic ca nu au nici un rost programele astea ca's deageaba.

Mai bine facem un thread si postam acolo toti linkuri sa ne facem view-uri :))


Erau bune atunci in primele saptamani cand au aparut, dar ar trebui sa te uiti la data postului inainte sa il pui, ca aceasta versiune daca nu ma insel si sunt sigur ca nu ma insel a mai fost postat si nu mai este functionabila de mult.

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