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O noua metoda de castig pe adf.ly garantata

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Posted (edited)

Salut o sa va prezint o noua metoda de castig pe adf.ly cred ca este una din putinele care functioneaza (Testata de mine). NOTE :- This is only a tip and will benefit your adf.ly earnings. Click the spoiler below to show you the method Exploit Status :- WORKING smile.gifWorks for other PTC Sites :- YES smile.gif Can be banned for this :- No 100% invisible exploit REQUIREMENTS 1.) AdF.ly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links. Account (REF Link) 2.) SionIAM Account (REF Link) Instructions 1. Got to sioniam and register as a new user. After registering in the sub-sections towards your right of the screen you will find a section called Frame Breaker Surf 2. Below it you will find Silver Surfer section. Click it. 3. Now in the top you will see a link to download the Silver Surfer Application. Download and install it 4. Now come back to the main page. Open a new tab and login to your adf.ly account 5. Create a link if not created or use your existing links. Copy your selected link 6. Now scroll downwards your sioniam account below you will see a section called points to click. 7. There you can see a text box and add button. 8. Paste your adf.ly url there and click add. 9. Now Start Silversurfer you installed. 10. Click on the second tab called Details. Now head back to your sioniam account scroll up. On the top you will see SilverSurfer URL: http://sioniam.com/silversurf.php?id=xxxx 11. Copy your SilverSurfer URL and paste it into the texbox in the tab and click Submit. 12. Now open the browser tab and you will see your SilverSurfer URL click start and you will start earning points which will automatically assigned to your adf.ly link in the points to click section. I RECOMMEND YOU TO RUN THIS ONLY WHEN YOU USE YOUR COMPUTER. THIS WILL INCREASE YOU VIEWS UPTO 50 Per link per day On an average you will get 50 clicks per day (depends upon how much you surf) So 50x7x30=10920 views which is nearly 3 - 4 Dollars you will earn + your normal adf.ly earnings IF YOU ARE BENEFITED BY THIS METHOD +Rep and Thanks appreciated . NOTE :- Don't waste your time in adf.ly bots etc NONE OF THEM are working (even my adf.ly click-me 1.3.2 bot). Adf.ly has powerful proxy and bot protection. Sursa:(TIP) How to boost your adf.ly earnings - TBN - The Botting Network

Edited by ovidelu47
Posted (edited)

Pai ai copiat de undeva si numai ai pus ref link-ul tau fara sa iti amintesti sa pui si sursa ?

Bravo... succes.



So 50x7x30=10920 views which is nearly 3 - 4 Dollars you will earn + your normal adf.ly earnings

Pierdut vremea...

Edited by StrXt
Guest Kovalski

nu stiu cat de mult poti castiga cu adf.ly si alte minuni deastea...

eu personal consider ca lucrurile astea reprezinta culmea saraciei.

prefer sa car saci de ciment o zi intreaga si sa fac 100 de lei pe zi decat sa stau o zi intreaga sa dau click-uri sa ma ma umplu de virusi si sa fac 0.72 de centi...

apropo... nu puteai sa scrii cu ROZ si cu font de 870 ?

  Password007 said:
Gata cu bot pentru adf.ly nu mai exista asa ceva functional,daca gasiti ceva de genul sunt virusii sigur.

...nu pot sa te contrazic in totalitate, s-a zis cu botii aiurea si ne-ganditi dar nu botii te baneaza in adfly sau alte retele ci proxiurile...

  Password007 said:
Treaba e ca nu mai gasesti proxy-uri bune si adfly a scazut si preturile,deci acum plateste mult mai putin decat o facea inainte.

...adevarat, atunci cresti numarul de linkuri si variezi cu mai multe retele... adfly, linkbucks, adfocus, cashfly...

Posted (edited)

...da, corect... un bot care l-am facut cu ceva timp in urma, sper sa ajute desi pe multi o sa ii ajute sa se baneze singuri.

Daca veti fi banati, nu va fi din cauza programului, proxiurile sunt de vina. Folositi multe linkuri de adf.ly si linkbucks (+100) si doar un VIEW / IP / AD





https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/bca953e93ea77806e1a40c59fa93830b430760b1c8dca16228 4eac4be262d168/analysis/1372273976/

Edited by macs

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