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Ce Configuratie aveti ?

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Ii o batranica Ce trage inca bine din 2006 :D

Am un AMD Sempron Procesor 2600+,MMX,3dnow,~1.6ghz

Memory 512 ram

HDD: (1) 60 giga (2) 320 giga

Video: GeForce Fx 5200 , Memory 125 Mb 32 bits

Unitati optice: DWD-R ;


E mai vechi calculatorul (2-3 ani). A fost bun odata:) O sa ii fac modificari majore la vara sper. Daca am buget.

- Procesor: Intel® Core2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz

- Memorie(RAM): 4,00GB

- Tip sistem: 32 biti

- Placa video: Invidia GeForce 8800GT


Sursa: Asus 450W

Placa de baza : Gigabyte G31M-ES2L

Procesor: Intel® Pentium® Dual Core E6300 2.8 GHz

Placa Video: Gigabyte ATI Radeon HD 4850 512mb/256 biti

Memorie Ram: Kingmax 2GB DDR2-800 PC6400 FBGA Mars

HDD: WD 640GB , WD 80GB

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