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Speed up your internet!

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1) Start-> Run-> type gpedit.msc ( You will see Local Computer Policy)

2) Expand the Administrative Templates branch

3) Expand the Network tab.

4) Highlight QoS Packet Scheduler

5) click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth

6 Check enabled

7 Change Bandwidth limit % to 0 %

click apply and then restart your pc.

your internet will be 20% faster. and believe me you will feel it.

source: http://www.thetechieblog.net/2007/05/11/how-to-increase-your-internet-speed


efecte minore... nu stiu ce sa zik dar pe me unu' ma enerveaza cand vad softuri sau nush ce prostii care cik "iti maresc viteza la internet" ..total minciuni :D, e posibil sa faci asa ceva dar nu de la tine din pc, ce primesti de la isp cum primesti asa iei...

(maybe dak iei conexiunea lu altu' cu mai mult net) :D.


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