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HC Stealer+ CrypterX

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Posted (edited)

This program is a password stealer that steals any casualties.

This program comes with one crypterx witch that you can CRYPTA files because the file is not recognized by the majority of antivirusurilor.

This program is detected as being virus as well know that a virus can not be done in easy program.

I hope I have been helpful with this programel.

Link Download is in description:

// removed //

SCAN RESULT: http://s11.postimage.org/8txdue21f/FUCKYOU.png


Edited by em

1. Videoclip postat de bot.

2. Comentarii/like de pe enchanceviews

3. Vezi ca ti s-au blocat vizualizarile la 302 (proxy proaste nu de alta)

4. Daca vreti HC Stealer e pe forum de incredere.

5. Un caz clasic si prost de spreading.

6. Mori

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