Nytro Posted December 25, 2012 Report Posted December 25, 2012 [h=3]OllyDbg 2.xx Plugins [ Here you can find most of the plugins ever written for OllyDbg v2.x... ][/h][TABLE=class: fborder][TR][TD=class: forumheader3]Author[/TD] [TD=class: forumheader3]Ferrit[/TD][/TR] [TR][TD=class: forumheader3]Author email[/TD] [TD=class: forumheader3] ferrit.rce©gmail.com[/TD][/TR] [TR][TD=class: forumheader3]Author website[/TD] [TD=class: forumheader3]http://forum.tuts4you.com/topic/30532-ollyext/[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]OllyExt is a plugin for Olly 2.xx debugger.The main intention of this plugin is to provide the biggest anti-anti debugging features and bugfixes for Olly 2.xx. Updates will come... The currently supported protections are the following: - IsDebuggerPresent - NtGlobalFlag - HeapFlag - ForceFlag - CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent - OutputDebugString - CloseHandle - SeDebugPrivilege - BlockInput - ProcessDebugFlags - ProcessDebugObjectHandle - TerminateProcess - NtSetInformationThread - NtQueryObject - FindWindow - NtOpenProcess - Process32First - Process32Next - ParentProcess - GetTickCount - timeGetTime - QueryPerformanceCounter - ZwGetContextThread - NtSetContextThread - KdDebuggerNotPresent - KdDebuggerEnabled - NtSetDebugFilterState - ProtectDRX - HideDRXThe currently supported bugfixes are the following: - Caption change - Kill Anti-Attach ( dll integrity check )Requirements: - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)OS support: - WinXP x32 - WinXP WoW64 - Win7 x32 - Win7 WoW64[TABLE=class: fborder][TR][TD=class: forumheader3]Filesize[/TD] [TD=class: forumheader3]46.85 kB[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: forumheader3]Date[/TD] [TD=class: forumheader3]Tuesday 25 December 2012 - 15:16:19[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]Download:http://tuts4you.com/request.php?3392Sursa: OllyExt 1.0 / OllyDbg 2.xx Plugins / Downloads - Tuts 4 You Quote