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Hippi virus

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Virii.exe Summary :

-Modifies registry so that the user can't run

any exe, bat, ini, inf, reg files anymore ..

-Disables ALL exe's on computer including regedit, cmd, ...

-Deletes restore settings

-Modifies files of LastKnownGood Configuration changes

SystemFolder & Windows folder so it will be much worse to

start with LastKnownGood configurations to repair virii

-Modifies usb mass storage drivers and usb driver to make sure

that the user can't backup his data, disables access to new

usb drivers

-Windows can't be reinstalled because it gives error

"rundll32.exe" can't be opened. HDD should be formatted first

to install windows.

-3KB, completely undetectable ...

Tested in WinXP Sp1 & Sp2





mai zbeng am vazut pe situl tau acolo la free cals ala de 10 minunte mi-am facut cont am downloadat plugins ... si cand sa dau call imi zice ca nu am banii lol DAR PARCA ERA FREE>.... ce sa fac.. ?


ha ha ha ! de ce ai postat aici ? ala nu e siteul lui este numai un site de la semnatura lui si daca chiar vroiai puteai sa ii dai un pm ( private message ).

Legat de problema nu stiu,,,

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