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Ceva de genu: Public Class Student Public firstName As String = String.Empty Public surname As String = String.Empty Public tel As String = String.Empty Public course As String = String.Empty End Class Public Class Form1 Dim cursuri As New List(Of String)(New String() {"Computing Technology", "Grafician in caramida"}) Dim dataBase As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of Student)) Dim dbDir = "cursuri" Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(dbDir) Then System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dbDir) End If For Each curs As String In cursuri cbCourse.Items.Add(curs) createField(curs) If (System.IO.File.Exists(dbDir & "\" & curs & ".txt")) Then For Each line As String In System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(dbDir & "\" & curs & ".txt") If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) AndAlso line.Contains(":") Then Dim info() As String = line.Split(":") Dim student As Student = New Student() student.firstName = info(0).Trim student.surname = info(1).Trim student.tel = info(2).Trim student.course = curs addStudent(student) End If Next End If Next End Sub Private Sub btnSearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbTel.Text) Then If searchForStudent(tbTel.Text) = True Then Dim student As Student = getStudent(tbTel.Text) tbFirstName.Text = student.firstName tbSurname.Text = student.surname tbTel.Text = student.tel cbCourse.SelectedText = student.course Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Studentul nu exista in baza de date", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Studentii se cauta dupa numarul de telefon", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If End Sub Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbTel.Text) Then If searchForStudent(tbTel.Text) = True Then removeStudent(getStudent(tbTel.Text)) MessageBox.Show(Me, "Studentul a fost sters din baza de date", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Studentul nu exista in baza de date", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Studentii se sterg dupa numarul de telefon", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If End Sub Private Sub btnRegister_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRegister.Click If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbFirstName.Text) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbFirstName.Text) AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbTel.Text) AndAlso cbCourse.SelectedIndex > -1 Then If searchForStudent(tbTel.Text) = False Then Dim student As Student = New Student() student.firstName = tbFirstName.Text student.surname = tbSurname.Text student.tel = tbTel.Text student.course = cbCourse.SelectedItem.ToString addStudent(student) MessageBox.Show(Me, tbFirstName.Text & " " & tbSurname.Text & " a fost adaugat in baza de date", "Succes", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Acest student exista in baza de date", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Te rugam sa completezi toate campurile", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If End Sub Private Sub btnList_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnList.Click couseList.Items.Clear() listStudents(cbCourse.SelectedItem.ToString) End Sub Private Sub listStudents(ByVal course As String) MsgBox(course) If dataBase.ContainsKey(course) Then If dataBase(course).Count > 0 Then For Each student As Student In dataBase(course) couseList.Items.Add(student.firstName & " " & student.surname) Next Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Nu exista studenti pentru cursul selectat", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) ' ?? End If Else MessageBox.Show(Me, "Nu exista cursul selectat", "Eroare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) ' ?? End If End Sub Private Function searchForStudent(ByVal tel As String) As Boolean For Each pair In dataBase For Each student As Student In pair.Value If student.tel = tel Then Return True End If Next Next Return False End Function Private Function getStudent(ByVal tel As String) As Student For Each pair In dataBase For Each student As Student In pair.Value If student.tel = tel Then Return student End If Next Next Return Nothing End Function Private Function getStudentByIndex(ByVal course As String, ByVal index As Integer) As Student If dataBase.ContainsKey(course) Then If dataBase(course).Count >= index Then Return dataBase(course).Item(index) End If End If End Function Private Sub removeStudent(ByVal student As Student) For index As Integer = 0 To dataBase(student.course).Count - 1 If dataBase(student.course)(index).tel = student.tel Then dataBase(student.course).RemoveAt(index) End If Next End Sub Private Sub addStudent(ByVal student As Student) If dataBase.ContainsKey(student.course) Then dataBase.Item(student.course).Add(student) Else createField(student.course) dataBase.Item(student.course).Add(student) End If End Sub Private Sub createField(ByVal fieldName As String) dataBase.Add(fieldName, New List(Of Student)) End Sub Private Sub couseList_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles couseList.SelectedIndexChanged If couseList.SelectedIndex > -1 Then End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing For Each pair In dataBase Dim O As New System.IO.StreamWriter(dbDir & "\" & pair.Key & ".txt", False) For Each student As Student In pair.Value O.WriteLine(student.firstName & ":" & student.surname & ":" & student.tel) Next O.Close() Next End Sub End Class A mai ramas putin de lucrat la el; si evident ca poate fi simplificat
Si sursa ?
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- cipherguru
- .net
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[.NET] Cum pot sterge un registry key care contine ...?
Maximus replied to Dizzy13's topic in Programare
Trebuie sa studiezi ceva de genu https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=vb.net+monitor+registry+key+for+changes -
@MrGrj 1 - Da 2 - Cum vrei tu, fara base64; 3DES sau ceva mai complex ! 3 - Orice script vreau eu. 4 - Unu singur, il faci tu 5 - Este exact ca si vorba : In capul tau ; Nu de pe foaie ; Mai detaliat ar fi : Nu vreau sa fisierul decriptat sa fie scris pe disc, deci asta inseamna in memoria RAM nu? 6 - Nu exista solutii existente , am cautat 2 zile. Prin umare, da, trebuie sa-mi dai si functia de decriptare , facuta in c# sau vb.net.
Am nevoie de PhantomJS cu o functie de decriptare; Adica eu sa criptez scriptul, iar la rulare PhantomJS sa il decripteze (in memorie) si sa-l execute. Astept PM sau vb aici.
Cel mai bine e sa iti faci un live usb , exact asa : https://forums.kali.org/showthread.php?3450-How-to-make-a-PERSISTENT-live-usb-on-windows-using-ext2-filesystem&p=40812&viewfull=1#post40812 1. Descarca imaginea de aici https://www.kali.org/downloads/ Daca ai > 4GB ia x64 ; < 4GB x86 2. Scrie imaginea cu Rufus (https://rufus.akeo.ie/) ; iti apare un dialog , dai Yes 3. Download and install MiniTool Partition Wizard. Launch it, select the existing UUI partition on your USB drive then click "Move/Resize". Resize the partition leaving a "Unallocated Space After" of 1024MB, and click Apply. When completed, select the blank area you just created (after the UUI partition), and click Create. Select FileSystem: Ext2 , select Create As: Primary, and Partition Label: persistence. Then click Apply. Foarte important pasul asta ! 4. Boot de pe USB 5. mkdir -p /mnt/usb mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/usb echo "/ union" > /mnt/usb/persistence.conf umount /dev/sdb2 (sdb2 poate fi sdb3 4 ....) reboot si apoi dai pe persitence voila
Interesanta ideea !
Am ceva asemanator ,dar acum nu-mi mai vede adaptorul in kali cand dau iwconfig ; dar apare in lsusb ; aveti idee ? E vb despre acelasi adaptor wifi , am urmarit toate tutorialele, merge 1 apoi nu mai merge...
Senior @Erase ; Spune-i la baietan cum
Ai facut import la `Imports System.Threading` si nu l-ai folosit ; De ce ? Te folosesti de timer , asta nu e bine ... E normal sa nu iti cumpere lumea produsul , probabil din cand in cand se inteapa si GUI-ul nu ? Data viitoare pune-l sa scrie direct in fisier, ca daca-l pui sa extraga 30k email, pica programul. Si ce e cu link-ul asta https://forums.atlauncher.com/user-8931.html
Ti-l cumpar ! @Erase , tu pui la indoiala aptitudinile lui ? Uite ce design profesional. Uite ce viteza pe win32 @ ~2k threads, frate esti nebun. Vreau sa cumpar acest program , la pachet , cu tine si cu ma-ta !
@nardini @char0 https://www.sendspace.com/file/fqyoar
- 37 replies
- access rdp
- anti desktop lock
- (and 3 more)
I don't understand why it would require admin rights. Run it in VMware , not on desktop/server.
Cu dedicatie de pe WC
Am folosit http://phantomjs.org/ si sunt foarte multumit de el. Adica-l recomand.
Nu are nici o treaba headerele unui `.exe` cu exif data.
// [*] Fixed Ebay tag remover
Asta e Market , de ce se cerseste aici ?
Multithreading Log Writer Public Class mtLogWriter Implements IDisposable Private LogWriters As Dictionary(Of Integer, IO.StreamWriter) Public WritersCount As Integer = 0 Public Sub New() LogWriters = New Dictionary(Of Integer, IO.StreamWriter) WritersCount = 0 End Sub Public Function Add(ByVal path As String, ByVal append As Boolean) As Boolean Try LogWriters.Add(WritersCount, New IO.StreamWriter(path, append)) WritersCount += 1 Return True Catch ex As Exception Return False End Try End Function Public Sub Remove(ByVal intLogWriter As Integer) If LogWriters.ContainsKey(intLogWriter) Then SyncLock LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter) LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Close() LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Dispose() LogWriters.Remove(intLogWriter) End SyncLock End If End Sub Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal intLogWriter As Integer, ByVal contents As String, Optional ByVal flush As Boolean = False) SyncLock LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter) LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).WriteLine(contents) If flush = True Then LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Flush() End SyncLock End Sub Public Sub Write(ByVal intLogWriter As Integer, ByVal contents As String, Optional ByVal flush As Boolean = False) SyncLock LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter) LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Write(contents) If flush = True Then LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Flush() End SyncLock End Sub Public Sub Flush() For int As Integer = 0 To LogWriters.Count - 1 SyncLock LogWriters.Item(int) LogWriters.Item(int).Flush() End SyncLock Next End Sub Public Sub Flush(ByVal intLogWriter As Integer) SyncLock LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter) LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Flush() End SyncLock End Sub Public Sub Close() For int As Integer = 0 To LogWriters.Count - 1 SyncLock LogWriters.Item(int) LogWriters.Item(int).Close() LogWriters.Item(int).Dispose() LogWriters.Remove(int) End SyncLock Next End Sub Public Sub Close(ByVal intLogWriter As Integer) SyncLock LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter) LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Close() LogWriters.Item(intLogWriter).Dispose() LogWriters.Remove(intLogWriter) End SyncLock End Sub #Region "IDisposable Support" Private disposedValue As Boolean Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean) If Not disposedValue Then If disposing Then For int As Integer = 0 To LogWriters.Count - 1 If LogWriters.Item(int) IsNot Nothing Then LogWriters.Item(int).Close() LogWriters.Item(int).Dispose() End If Next LogWriters.Clear() LogWriters = Nothing End If End If disposedValue = True End Sub Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose Dispose(True) End Sub #End Region End Class Test : Module Module1 Private logw As LogWriter.mtLogWriter Private WaitMe As Boolean = True Sub Main() logw = New LogWriter.mtLogWriter For i As Integer = 0 To 20 logw.Add("test/" & i & ".txt", False) logw.WriteLine(i, "First line") Dim th As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf WriteTest) ' Test th.IsBackground = True th.Start(i) Next 'Generate error If logw.Add("test/2.txt", True) = False Then Console.WriteLine("Could not open writer") End If 'End WaitMe = False Console.ReadLine() logw.Dispose() Console.ReadLine() End Sub Public Sub WriteTest(ByVal int As Object) While WaitMe = True System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100) End While Dim Log_int As Integer = CInt(int) For i As Integer = 0 To 2000 logw.WriteLine(Log_int, "MT line : " & i.ToString) Next logw.Flush(Log_int) Console.WriteLine("Thread " & Log_int & " finish !") End Sub End Module //Update
- 2
Sarcastic `Da ma , hai sa prezentam un stub pe pwnthecode`
Grup social naspa zici ... "Daca vrei sa fii lup , n-ai ce cauta cu oile." Lasa dracului ruleta , lasa drogurile Apuca-te de alergat Viata iti da ceea ce ceri si nimic mai mult. Be the change you want to see in the world !
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