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Stealth last won the day on May 18 2014

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About Stealth

  • Birthday 02/07/1977


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    Gomer, Oz, Dabar

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  1. Habar nu am dacă ar trebui să râd la faza asta știind că aberează foarte mult (poate chiar în totalitate). De menționat: - Nu am vorbit niciodată cu el la telefon sau prin orice alt mijloc de comunicare. - Știu doar atât de la un coleg: că a venit într-o zi la firmă să se angajeze (prin 2014). - Nu a susținut vreo secundă că ar avea vreo legătură cu GhostShell. - În cadrul interviului i-au dat un site să îl verifice. - A văzut "index.php?id=1". - A zis fără să verifice nimic, că este vulnerabil la MySQLi. - Începuse să caute video-uri pe youtube despre "How to SQL Inject" de față cu, colegul meu. - Nu a reușit să demonstreze. - Ce exploit-uri 0day să îi ceri ăstuia având în vedere cele spuse mai sus? - A ieșit pe ușă zicând tot el că nu vrea să se mai angajeze și că își face propria firmă. End of Story.
  2. Check this out: https://www.google.ro/#q=site:rstforums.com+new_forum_2016
  3. La ce recompens? se încadreaz?. Mie mi-au dat duplicate la toate cele de 1 mil / 250k miles.
  4. Short: More: TinKode's Blog: Auditing United Airlines - Bug Bounty Program
  5. Investigators shut down an online marketplace where cybercriminals bought and sold hacked databases, malicious software and other products that could cripple or steal information from computer systems, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. More than 70 cybercriminals in the United States and 19 other countries are targets of the investigation, authorities said. Some of them have been charged, while others were the subject of search warrants because some countries require evidence to be seized before criminal charges can be filed, investigators said. U.S. Attorney David Hickton and other federal investigators revealed the 18-month undercover inquiry in Pittsburgh. The city is home to a large FBI cybercriminal squad and the National Cyber-Forensics & Training Alliance — a public-private nonprofit that aims to defeat cybercriminals. The site, called Darkode, was the largest-known English-language malware forum in the world, authorities said. Darkode is responsible for hundreds of millions in financial losses, the FBI said. The scale of the investigation, which involved 20 countries, was unprecedented. The Guardian reported that the website was hosted on so-called "bulletproof" web servers that were thought to be impenetrable by law enforcement. On the forum, hackers sold malware or solicited others to install it on unsuspecting victims' computers, investigators said. Marketplace members also bought and sold stolen databases — some containing millions of people's email addresses or personal information — often used in identity-theft and computer fraud schemes. The site, which had roughly 250 to 300 active members, was seized and shut down by authorities Tuesday as most of the arrests were being made and search warrants were being executed. Hackers couldn't just log onto the site. They had to be vouched for or nominated by current members to be able to buy, sell or solicit illegal wares or services on the site, authorities said. Some of the targets were responsible for hacking into Sony's PlayStation Network and Microsoft's Xbox Live services last year around Christmas, authorities said. British authorities in January arrested an 18-year-old man for computer hacking offenses related to the disruptions but hadn't released his name. The South East Organized Crime Unit said then it had worked with the FBI. But other threats and information marketed through Darkode have far more sinister implications. The advertised products included personal information from customers who participated in an automobile auction, personal information of 39,000 people from a database of Social Security numbers and 20 million emails and usernames that could be used to target people for identity theft, phishing emails or other schemes. The programs for sale included "ransomware," a virus that can lock a computer or network until a ransom is paid to the hacker who installed it. Those arrested or searched live in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Bosniz-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Macedonia, Nigeria, Romania, Serbia and Sweden. There are victims in all of those countries, and others, authorities said Aveti si video: Feds say they have shut down Darkode malware marketplace | Fox News
  6. Cine canta melodia de pe mixtape-ul asta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsQV4LauwVE?
  7. Adic? a?a: http://ctf.infosecinstitute.com/ctf2/exercises/ex13.php?redirect=//http://slacker.ro
  8. Conversa?ia cu acel autor necunoscut este de pe Yahoo Messenger (este vorba de un fost administrator de pe RST). A doua conversa?ie care s-ar spune c? ar fi fost cu prietena, defapt nu era prietena, era vorba de altcineva ?i era o convorbire telefonic?. Intercept?rile în cazul Yahoo-ului se fac relativ u?or ?i anume c? autorit??iile trimit mandatul c?tre Yahoo, iar Yahoo le ofer? parola în clar, plus acces la istoricul mesajelor tale (care se p?streaz? timp de 6 luni pe serverele lor - chiar dac? au fost ?terse de c?tre tine, deci Off-The-Records egal c?cat). Cât despre intercept?rile telefonice nu are rost s? dicut?m prea mult (se pot realiza prin 3 moduri - dup? IMEI-ul telefonului sau a cartelei, ori dup? amprenta vocal? dac? primele dou? posibilit??i nu exist?). Interceptarea traficului se face cu o "ma?in?" nu un tool. Ce face aceast? ma?in?? Simplu: man in the middle. Totul se face cu autorizare de la ISP-ul t?u ?i reproduce bit cu bit ceea ce prime?ti tu în browser. Not?: Presa a mâncat foarte mult rahat în acea perioad? ?i majoritatea "stenogramelor" au fost modificate integral pentru a face o ?tire cu influien?? negativ?, c? doar astea au atrac?ie la publicul românesc, c? de, majoritatea au un IQ de toat? lauda.
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