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Billsafe.de vulnerabilities - #Paypal

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Title: Billsafe.de - 2 ways to enter in any account and 2 Reflected XSS

Security Reward Program : https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/security/reporting-security-issues

Affected Product: Billsafe Inc.

Date: 17.04.2013

Severity: High.

Status: All vulnerabilites has been fixed

In video-ul de mai sus sunt prezentate cele doua modalitati sa intrii in conturi + 1 Reflected XSS

al doilea ar fi: https://client.billsafe.de/search/perform-claim-search/orderc/Käufer/dirc/etc'"><object data=jAvascriPt:alert(1)>

Am mai gasit si 2 stored XSS dar au fost duplicate:


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Mi-au zis ca e invalida problema asta.

Nu am falsificat nimic in video.

Nu imi vine sa cred:(

P.S.: imi cam dau seama ce s-a intamplat, pe 27.01 unul de la vulnerability lab le-a trimis o problema cum sa fure orice cont de pe client.billsafe.de, dev team-ul de pe client.billsafe.de au reparat problema rapid, eu pe 19.02 am trimis partial aceeasi problema(vezi video de mai sus). Eu le-am explicat ca ar putea fi valida si ca ce a trimis primul researcher nu e aceeasi problema cu ce am trimis eu, iar ei mi-au pus "INVALID" la status.

Sorry for double post, dar nu avea rost sa mai deschid alt topic.

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