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Trick To Make Portable Version Of Any Software

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There are a lot of software that you want to carry with you so that you can open them anywhere without any installations. Here is the solution to create a portable version of any software.Moreover you can also create a package of software..

Consider you love using Firefox browser and addicted to its user interface.You can create the portable version of Firefox with java and flash already installed in the Firefox. So you are not creating a portable version of your favorite browser instead you are creating a portable executable package file that has Firefox with flash and java already installed in it.

Your Firefox Package= Firefox Browser+Java+Flash+Addons

You can create a portable package of your choice of softwares.

Here is the complete step by step video tutorial to Make Portable Version Of any Software Using Cameyo

1. Download the Cameyo software.Its completely free.

Cameyo Application Virtualization - CNET Download.com

2.Install the software.

3.Now Click on Start->Cameyo->Caputre Software Installation

4.Intstall the software into your system whose portable version you want to create.

5.After Complete installation of the software click on the Install Done of the cameyo screen.

6.Now it will create a portable version of your installed software which you can carry and run anywhere without any installation.


Posted (edited)

1) nu toate aplicatiile se pot face portabile (exemplu antivirusii, tuneup 2012/2013 etc) deoarece unele aplicatii au nevoie de acces direct la sistem si la partea hardware.

2) la unele aplicatii este necesar sa fie lasate sa poata accesa si modifica registrii -> pentru asta dupa generarea pachetului portabil intrati din nou in cameyo si alegeti "edit existent package" si alegeti executabilul creat anterior dupa care va apare o interfata de unde puteti efectua diferite setari (acces la registrii, integrare virtuala, alegere iconita, etc)

3) exista mai multe aplicatii cu care puteti face aplicatii portabile, cameyo e mai pentru incepatori.

4) ultimele versiuni oficiale de cameyo (de pe site-ul oficial) nici nu mai trebuie instalate, ruleaza direct dupa descarcare, recomand sa folositi mereu ultima versiune.

5) pentru o experienta ok, se recomanda instalarea aplicatiilor si capturarea lor intr-un sistem virtual curat (care nu are probleme cu registrii sau alte chestii instalate pe el)

exemplu clasic netbeans -> cere JDK, chiar daca instalati netbeans si il faceti portabil, pe alt pc nu va rula deoarece nu va gasi jdk... deci instalati tot ce trebuie intr-un sistem curat, si apoi impachetati tot si apoi testati pe alt sistem...

Edited by Birkoff

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