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Cum sa faci bani din YT cu Fullscreen(foarte usor)

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Salut,multi dintre voi nu stiu cu ce se ocupa FS asa ca o sa va spun eu.Fullscreen este o retea care are parteneriate cu YT.Voi sunteti platiti pentru:vizualizari/subscriberi/comenturi si toate cele.

Mai multe informatii aici:Fullscreen // The Premier Global Network for Creators and Brands

Daca vreti sa aplicati pentru fullscreen va las eu link-ul(alfel nu ai cum sa intri)



cred ca e ceva gen addmefast.com ,daca este asa nu cred ca au vrun parteneriat cu youtube-ul pentru ca cei de la youtube nu vor views subscriber like ..draci..false ... (piratate)


Nu are nici o legatura cu addmefast.com.Pe Fullscreen,poti face bani foarte usor,ai nevoie de creativitate si restu vine de la sine.Vizitati site-ul pentru informatii.


Cu cine vorbesti ca nu am inteles nici ideea aceasta,musca nu se baga in cacat doar te miroase,explica-ne si noua,prostilor despre ce este acel site ?

Tu cum esti creativ ? Uploadand mixaje ?!


Omu' nu m?nânc? rahat, nu mai vorbi?i aiurea.



Fullscreen Reviews | Glassdoor

Pros – Great CEO

Very social work environment

Casual dress

Interesting work if you enjoy YouTube

Upper management truly willing to hear your troubles and concerns regarding company which is rare find

Cons – Horrendous pay.

No benefits when you start.

No HR, so get used to sexual harassment and inappropriate comments.

No consequences for poor work.

No standard of hiring, once you're hired, they'll probably never fire you.

Advice to Senior Management – Learn to let go of the people who are hurting your company and reward those who are doing exceptionally well. Otherwise, you'll lose all the good ones and will be left with a flailing company full of dead weight employees and not enough talent.

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