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Pure CSS Minion (Superman Mode)

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[h=1]Pure CSS Minion (Superman Mode)[/h]


Pure CSS Minion, just a little bit of js to toggle the Superman class.

@author Ezequiel Calvo <ezecafre@gmail.com>

Follow me @EzequielCalvo

Hashtag #CSSDrawing #Minion

Nice to have:

- Wave on the coat.

- Animation when changing the clothes.


<section class="content" id="target">

<ul class="hair hair-left">






<ul class="hair hair-right">






<div class="body">

<div class="glasses">

<span class="band band-left"></span>

<span class="band band-right"></span>

<div class="glass">

<div class="iris iris-left">

<div class="shine"></div>



<div class="glass">

<div class="iris iris-right">

<div class="shine"></div>





<div class="mouth">

<ul class="teeth">







<div class="pants">

<div class="belt belt-left"></div>

<div class="belt belt-right"></div>


<div class="super-pants">

<div class="symbol">

<div class="s-first-part"></div>

<div class="s-second-part"></div>



<div class="arm arm-left">

<div class="hand">

<ul class="fingers fingers-left">

<li class="finger"></li>

<li class="finger"></li>

<li class="finger"></li>




<div class="arm arm-right">

<div class="hand">

<ul class="fingers fingers-right">

<li class="finger"></li>

<li class="finger"></li>




<div class="legs">

<div class="leg"></div>

<div class="leg"></div>


<div class="shoes shoes-left"></div>

<div class="shoes shoes-right"></div>

<div class="coat"></div>


<button class="btn">Superman Mode ON!</button>

<script class="cssdeck" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js"></script>


* Minion Pure CSS


* @author Ezequiel Calvo <ezecafre@gmail.com>

* Follow me @EzequielCalvo

* Hashtag #CSSDrawing #Minion


.btn {

position: absolute;

top: 10px;

left: 10px;

border: 0;

padding: 5px 10px;

border: 1px solid #c0392b;

border-radius: 2px;

font-size: 0.95em;

background: #e74c3c;

color: #EEE;

font-weight: 60;


.btn:hover {

background: #c0392b;

border: 1px solid #e74c3c;


.content {

margin: 40px;


.body {

width: 180px;

height: 325px;

margin: 0 auto;


z-index: 1;

border-radius: 85px 85px 0 0;

box-shadow: inset 0 -10px 10px 3px #cc9e24;

background: #fcda6d;

background: -webkit-gradient(linear, right top, left top,color-stop(61%, #fcda6d), color-stop(100%, #cc9e24));

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #fcda6d 67%,#cc9e24 100%);

background: -moz-linear-gradient(right, #fcda6d 67%,#cc9e24 100%);

background: -ms-linear-gradient(right, #fcda6d 67%,#cc9e24 100%);

background: -o-linear-gradient(right, #fcda6d 67%,#cc9e24 100%);

background: linear-gradient(to right, #fcda6d 67%,#cc9e24 100%);


.hair {

padding: 0;


.hair li {

position: absolute;

top: -1px;

left: 50%;

z-index: 2;

list-style: none;

height: 45px;

width: 5px;

border: 2px solid #555;

border-radius: 140%;

margin: 10px;


.hair-left li {

border-left: none;

border-bottom: none;


.hair-right li {

border-right: none;

border-bottom: none;


.hair-left li:nth-child(1) {

margin: 20px 0 0 -60px;

transform: rotate(-20deg);


.hair-left li:nth-child(2) {

height: 30px;

margin: 45px 0 0 -75px;

transform: rotate(-50deg);


.hair-left li:nth-child(3) {

height: 36px;

margin: 15px 0 0 -35px;

transform: rotate(-10deg);


.hair-left li:nth-child(4) {

height: 26px;

margin: 35px 0 0 -13px;

transform: rotate(-20deg);


.hair-right li:nth-child(1) {

margin: 23px 0 0 60px;

transform: rotate(20deg);


.hair-right li:nth-child(2) {

height: 30px;

margin: 45px 0 0 75px;

transform: rotate(50deg);


.hair-right li:nth-child(3) {

height: 36px;

margin: 15px 0 0 35px;

transform: rotate(10deg);


.hair-right li:nth-child(4) {

height: 34px;

margin: 20px 0 0 13px;

transform: rotate(20deg);




.band-left:before {

height: 10px;

width: 17px;

position: relative;

display: block;

border-radius: 3px;

background: #222;

box-shadow: 0 1px 5px 0px #222;


.band-right {

top: 89px;

left: 168px;

transform: rotate(5deg);


.band-left {

top: 96px;

left: -5px;

transform: rotate(-5deg);


.band-left:before {

content: "";

display: block;

top: 10px;

background: #333;


.band-right:before {

content: "";

display: block;

top: 10px;

background: #333;


.glasses {

width: 180px;


.glass {

width: 85px;

height: 85px;

float: left;

margin: 40px 0 0 10px;

border-radius: 110px;

background: linear-gradient(#989697, #696371);

box-shadow: 4px 6px 9px 3px #c48e00;

box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 2px #5d4b3d ,

inset -1px 1px 3px 1px #fff ,

1px 5px 7px -1px #c48e00;


.glass:before {

content: "";

display: block;

width: 65px;

height: 65px;

border-radius: 70px;


top: 10px;

left: 10px;

background: #fcda6d;

box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px 1px #5d4b3d ;


.glass:after {

width: 63px;


content: "";

display: block;

border-radius: 70px;

position: relative;

top: -73px;

left: 11px;

background: #FFF; /* Old browsers */

background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left bottom,right top,color-stop(0.54, #FFF), color-stop(0.91, #AAA));

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left bottom,right top, #FFF 54%,#AAA 91%);

background: -moz-linear-gradient(left bottom,right top, #FFF 54%,#AAA 91%);

background: -ms-linear-gradient(left bottom,right top, #FFF 54%,#AAA 91%);

background: -o-linear-gradient(left bottom,right top, #FFF 54%,#AAA 91%);

background: linear-gradient(to left bottom, #FFF 53%,#AAA 91%);

-webkit-animation: eyes 4s infinite step-start 0s;

-moz-animation: eyes 4s infinite step-start 0s;

-ms-animation: eyes 4s infinite step-start 0s;

-o-animation: eyes 4s infinite step-start 0s;

animation: eyes 4s infinite step-start 0s;


.glass:last-child {

margin-left: -9px;


.iris {

width: 23px;

height: 23px;

position: relative;

top: -30px;

z-index: 10;

border: 1px solid #222;

border-radius: 50%;

background: #000;

box-shadow: inset -2px -2px 5px 2px #222,

inset 2px 2px 1px 2px #7e4d49;

background: -webkit-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #000 25%, #6f4a2d 34%, #c79067 44%, #6f4a2d 50%);

background: -moz-radial-gradient(center, ellipse cover, #000 25%, #6f4a2d 34%, #c79067 44%, #6f4a2d 50%);

-webkit-animation: iris 4s infinite step-start 0s;

-moz-animation: iris 4s infinite step-start 0s;

-ms-animation: iris 4s infinite step-start 0s;

-o-animation: iris 4s infinite step-start 0s;

animation: iris 4s infinite step-start 0s;


.iris-left {

left: 38px;


.iris-right {

left: 23px;


.iris:before {

width: 5px;

height: 5px;

content: "";

display: block;

position: relative;

z-index: 11;

top: 4px;

left: 4px;

border-radius: 50%;

box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px #FFF;

background: #FFF;


.mouth {

width: 70px;

height: 30px;

margin: 0 auto;

position: relative;

z-index: 2;

top: -155px;

border-bottom-left-radius: 50px;

border-bottom-right-radius: 50px;

border: 0;

overflow: hidden;

background: #222;

background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(#222), color-stop(0.79, #bd736a));

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#222, #bd736a 99%);

background: -moz-linear-gradient(#222, #bd736a 99%);

background: -o-linear-gradient(#222, #bd736a 99%);

background: linear-gradient(#222, #bd736a 99%);


.mouth:after {

content: "";


position: relative;

top: -50px;

left: -21px;

width: 120px;

height: 40px;

border-radius: 50%;

background: #FCDA6D;

box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px 1px #957b43;

/*-webkit-animation: mouth 7s infinite step-start 1s;

-moz-animation: mouth 7s infinite step-start 1s;

-ms-animation: mouth 7s infinite step-start 1s;

-o-animation: mouth 7s infinite step-start 1s;

animation: mouth 7s infinite step-start 1s;*/


.teeth {

width: 90px;

position: relative;

top: -19px;

padding: 0 5px;


.teeth li {

width: 16px;

height: 15px;

list-style: none;

display: block;

float: left;

z-index: 1;

border-radius: 6px;

background: #ccccc2;

box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 1px 1px #FFF,

inset -1px 0 1px 0px #F45;


.teeth li:first-child {

height: 12px;


.teeth li:last-child {

height: 12px;


.pants {

width: 180px;

height: 50px;

margin: 0 auto;

position: relative;

z-index: 2;

top: -58px;

border-radius: 2px 2px 25px 25px;

background: #146696;

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #146696 67%,#115278 100%);

border: 2px dotted #1f4362;

box-shadow: inset 1px -10px 10px 2px #1a364d,

0 0 2px 2px #2e5f88;


.pants:before {

width: 120px;

height: 60px;

content: "";

display: block;

position: relative;

top: -50px;

left: 40px;

border: 2px dotted #1f4362;

border-bottom: 0;

border-radius: 10px;

background: #146696;

background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left, color-stop(67%, #146696), color-stop(100%, #115278));

background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #146696 67%, #115278 100%);

background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #146696 67%, #115278 100%);

background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #146696 67%, #115278 100%);

background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, #146696 67%, #115278 100%);

background-image: linear-gradient(left, #146696 67%, #115278 100%);

box-shadow: 0 -3px 2px 2px #2e5f88;


.belt {

width: 15px;

height: 75px;

background: #146696;

box-shadow: inset 1px 10px 10px 2px #1a364d;

position: relative;


.belt:after {

content: "";

display: block;

width: 10px;

height: 10px;

border-radius: 50%;

background: #223333;

position: absolute;

bottom: 5px;

left: 2px;


.belt-left {

top: -160px;

left: 18px;

border: 2px dotted #1f4362;

border-top-left-radius: 25px;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-55deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(-55deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(-55deg);

-o-transform: rotate(-55deg);

transform: rotate(-55deg);


.belt-right {

height: 60px;

top: -230px;

left: 158px;

border: 2px dotted #1F4362;

border-top-right-radius: 25px;

-webkit-transform: rotate(35deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(35deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(35deg);

-o-transform: rotate(35deg);

transform: rotate(35deg);


.arm {

width: 20px;

height: 100px;

margin: 0 auto;

position: relative;

z-index: 2;

border-radius: 10px;

background: #FFD449;


.arm-right {

z-index: 1;

height: 115px;

top: -410px;

left: 95px;

box-shadow: inset 0 10px 10px 3px #D5970E;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-10deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(-10deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(-10deg);

-o-transform: rotate(-10deg);

transform: rotate(-10deg);


.arm-left {

top: -290px;

left: -104px;

-webkit-transform: rotate(10deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(10deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(10deg);

-o-transform: rotate(10deg);

transform: rotate(10deg);


.arm-left:before {

content: "";

display: block;

width: 21px;

height: 40px;

position: relative;

top: -18px;

border-radius: 50%;

background: #FFD449;

-webkit-transform: rotate(10deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(10deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(10deg);

-o-transform: rotate(10deg);

transform: rotate(10deg);


.arm-left:after, .arm-right:after {

content: "";

display: block;

width: 22px;

height: 20px;

position: relative;

border-radius: 6px;

background: #FFD449;


.arm-left:after {

z-index: 3;

top: -14px;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-15deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(-15deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(-15deg);

-o-transform: rotate(-15deg);

transform: rotate(-15deg);


.arm-right:after {

z-index: 3;

top: 55px;

left: -2px;

box-shadow: inset -3px -6px 5px 1px #D5970E;

-webkit-transform: rotate(15deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(15deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(15deg);

-o-transform: rotate(15deg);

transform: rotate(15deg);


.hand {

height: 40px;

width: 35px;

position: relative;

z-index: 1;

top: 35px;

left: 0;

border-radius: 30%;

box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 10px 5px #222;

background: #333;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-20deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(-20deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(-20deg);

-o-transform: rotate(-20deg);

transform: rotate(-20deg);


.hand:before {

content: "";

display: block;

position: relative;

z-index: 1;

top: -5px;


width: 30px;

height: 9px;

background: #111;

border: 5px solid #222;

border-radius: 50%;

box-shadow: 0 4px 1px 0 #444;


.hand:after {

content: "";

display: block;

position: relative;

z-index: 1;

top: -100px;

left: 1px;

width: 34px;

height: 30px;

background: #333;

border-radius: 50%;

box-shadow: inset 0 -10px 10px 5px #222;

-webkit-transform: rotate(5deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(5deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(5deg);

-o-transform: rotate(5deg);

transform: rotate(5deg);


.fingers {

list-style: none;

position: relative;

top: 10px;


.fingers li {

border-radius: 10px;

position: relative;

background: #333;

box-shadow: inset 0 -10px 10px 5px #222;


.fingers-right li:nth-child(1) {

z-index: 2;

width: 20px;

height: 35px;

top: -20px;

left: -50px;

border-right: 2px solid #000;

-webkit-transform: rotate(50deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(50deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(50deg);

-o-transform: rotate(50deg);

transform: rotate(50deg);


.fingers-right li:nth-child(2) {

z-index: 1;

width: 20px;

height: 30px;

top: -50px;

left: -40px;

border-right: 2px solid #000;

-webkit-transform: rotate(40deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(40deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(40deg);

-o-transform: rotate(40deg);

transform: rotate(40deg);


.fingers-left li:nth-child(1) {

z-index: 2;

width: 25px;

height: 25px;

top: -17px;

left: -43px;

border-right: 2px solid #000;

border-radius: 30px;

-webkit-transform: rotate(10deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(10deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(10deg);

-o-transform: rotate(10deg);

transform: rotate(10deg);


.fingers-left li:nth-child(2) {

z-index: 1;

width: 20px;

height: 24px;

top: -50px;

left: -18px;

border-right: 2px solid #000;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-30deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(-30deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(-30deg);

-o-transform: rotate(-30deg);

transform: rotate(-30deg);


.fingers-left li:nth-child(3) {

z-index: 1;

width: 23px;

height: 30px;

top: -63px;

left: -33px;

border-right: 2px solid #000;

-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(0deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(0deg);

-o-transform: rotate(0deg);

transform: rotate(0deg);


.arm-right .hand {

top: 105px;

left: -15px;

transform: rotate(20deg);

-webkit-transform: rotate(20deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(20deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(20deg);

-o-transform: rotate(20deg);

transform: rotate(20deg);


.arm-left .hand:after {

height: 30px;

width: 30px;

left: 3px;

top: -110px;


.legs {

width: 120px;

margin: 0 auto;


.leg {

z-index: 1;

width: 40px;

height: 35px;

display: inline-block;

background: #146696;

border-radius: 30%;

position: relative;

box-shadow: inset 1px 10px 10px 2px #222;

top: -410px;

left: 20px;


.shoes {

z-index: 1;

background: #222;

margin: 0 auto;

position: relative;

box-shadow: inset -2px 1px 10px 1px #666;


.shoes-left {

z-index: 0;

width: 40px;

height: 30px;

top: -425px;

left: -20px;

border-radius: 20px;

box-shadow: inset 0 -3px 3px 1px #999;


.shoes-right {

z-index: 0;

width: 50px;

height: 20px;

top: -452px;

left: 30px;

border-radius: 20px;

border-right: 1px solid #000;

box-shadow: inset -1px 1px 5px 1px #999;

-webkit-transform: rotate(10deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(10deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(10deg);

-o-transform: rotate(10deg);

transform: rotate(10deg);


.shoes-right:after {

content: "";

display: block;

position: relative;

width: 50px;

height: 20px;

top: -3px;

border-bottom: 7px solid #111;

border-radius: 20px;


.shoes-left:after {

content: "";

display: block;

position: relative;

width: 40px;

height: 20px;

top: 5px;

border-bottom: 7px solid #222;

border-radius: 20px;


/* Superman Styles*/

.coat {

width: 200px;

height: 150px;

margin: 0 auto;

background: red;

z-index: 0;

position: relative;

visibility: hidden;

top: -625px;

border-radius: 10px;

box-shadow: inset 1px 2px 20px 4px #B32020,

inset 0 -3px 20px 4px #222;

left: -2px;


.superman .leg {

background: #222;


.superman .coat {

visibility: visible;


.superman .mouth {

background: #fcda6d;


.superman .mouth:after {

border-radius: 0;


.superman .arm,

.superman .arm-left:after,

.superman .arm-left:before,

.superman .arm-right:after {

background: blue;

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #222 67%,#115278 100%);

box-shadow: inset 0 10px 10px 3px #000;


.super-pants {

width: 180px;

height: 130px;

margin: 0 auto;

position: relative;

z-index: 2;

top: -188px;

overflow: hidden;

border-radius: 2px 2px 25px 25px;

background: blue;

visibility: hidden;

background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #222 67%,#115278 100%);

background: -moz-linear-gradient(right, #222 67%,#115278 100%);

box-shadow: inset -1px -10px 10px 2px #1a364d,

0 0 2px 2px #2e5f88;


.symbol {

width: 100px;

height: 100px;

position: relative;

top: -30px;

left: 52px;

z-index: 1;

overflow: hidden;

background: red;

box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px 4px red,

inset 0 0 6px 3px #222,

inset 1px -10px 12px 1px #444,

inset 4px 0 4px 1px #FFF;

-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(45deg);

-o-transform: rotate(45deg);

transform: rotate(45deg);


.s-first-part {

width: 100px;

height: 20px;

z-index: 2;

background: yellow;

position: relative;

border: 1px solid #000;

border-radius: 20px 0 0 100px;

top: 26px;

left: 14px;

box-shadow: inset -1px 0 10px 4px #111,

1px 1px 14px 1px #000;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);

-moz-transform: rotate(-45deg);

-ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);

-o-transform: rotate(-45deg);

transform: rotate(-45deg);


.s-second-part {

width: 60px;

height: 20px;

z-index: 2;

background: yellow;

position: relative;

border: 1px solid #000;

border-radius: 5px 20px 100px 10px;

top: 55px;

left: 35px;

box-shadow: inset 3px 0 10px 4px #111,

1px 1px 14px 1px #000;

-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);

-moz-transform: ;

-ms-transform: ;

-o-transform: ;

transform: ;


.superman .pants {

visibility: hidden;


.superman .super-pants {

visibility: visible;


/* Eyes Animation */

@-webkit-keyframes eyes {

0%, 100% {


border: none;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;


15%, 95% {


box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px 1px #CCC;



@-moz-keyframes eyes {

0%, 100% {


border: none;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;


15%, 95% {


box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px 1px #CCC;



@-o-keyframes eyes {

0%, 100% {


border: none;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;


15%, 95% {


box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px 1px #CCC;



@-ms-keyframes eyes {

0%, 100% {


border: none;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;


15%, 95% {


box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px 1px #CCC;



@keyframes eyes {

0%, 100% {


border: none;

border-bottom: 1ox solid #222;

box-shadow: 0 0 0 #fff;


15%, 95% {


box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px 1px #CCC;



/* Iris Animation */

@-webkit-keyframes iris {

0%, 100% {

opacity: 0;


15%, 95% {

opacity: 1;



@-moz-keyframes iris {

0%, 100% {

opacity: 0;


15%, 95% {

opacity: 1;



@-o-keyframes iris {

0%, 100% {

opacity: 0;


15%, 95% {

opacity: 1;



@-ms-keyframes iris {

0%, 100% {

opacity: 0;


15%, 95% {

opacity: 1;



@keyframes iris {

0%, 100% {

opacity: 0;


15%, 95% {

opacity: 1;



/* Mouth Animation */

@-webkit-keyframes mouth {

0%, 100% {

top: -20px;


15%, 95% {

top: -7px;



@-moz-keyframes mouth {

0%, 100% {

top: -20px;


15%, 95% {

top: -7px;



@-o-keyframes mouth {

0%, 100% {

top: -20px;


15%, 95% {

top: -7px;



@-ms-keyframes mouth {

0%, 100% {

top: -20px;


15%, 95% {

top: -7px;



@keyframes mouth {

0%, 100% {

top: 0px;


15%, 95% {

top: -35px;




* Js event handler to change between Clark and Superman modes.


* @author Ezequiel Calvo <ezecafre@gmail.com>

* Follow me @EzequielCalvo

* Hashtag #CSSDrawing #Minion


$('.btn').on('click', function() {



Sursa: Pure CSS Minion (Superman Mode) | CSSDeck

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