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ID Executable Password v1

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Homepage: http://anonymz.com/?http://www.idsecuritysuite.com/products/id-executable-password.htm

Download Link: http://anonymz.com/?http://rapidshare.com/files/45008099/Bufy_49.rar.html

ID Executable Password ver 1.2 description:

Secures under password all Windows executables

Prevents unauthorized access to the programs

Provides direct Internet links for upgrades

Protects against network intruders

Tests protected computer applications

Detailed features:

ID Executable Password is a high-security protection program that prevents any outside interference by password protecting all executable files.

ID Executable Password protects all of your personal programs and applications, by the use of a secure password set by you. It allows you to choose and modify that password in order to maintain your privacy.

Incorporates password protection directly into the .EXE file, modifying its content and making it impossible to be accessed by anyone else. It supports both 16-bit and 32-bit executables.

Checks selected executable files at your request to search for already protected ones. It also keeps you informed and aware of secured programs and the ones you can set a password protection for.

ID Executable Password works with any network configuration, providing protection against all network users, as well as ones directly using your PC.

Tests at your request any computer application. ID Executable Password runs programs inside itself for an easy program testing and does not run in the background in order to provide its functionality.

ID Executable Password has an easy to use, convenient graphic interface which requires minimal space on your disk to operate and run efficiently.

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