eXs Posted August 1, 2013 Report Posted August 1, 2013 Emsisoft utilizeaza doua motoare de scanare antivirus: BitDefender si motorul propriu Emsisoft. Produsul Emsisoft Anti-Malware are astfel o detectie si protectie superioara.Conform ultimului test AV-Comparatives.org pe luna martie 2013, detectia Emsisoft a fost de 99.3%, la fel ca BitDefender sau BullGuard, insa rata alarmelor false a fost de 38, mult peste medie.Astfel, se pare ca nu beneficiaza de motorul propriu decat in ceea ce priveste alarmele false, deoarece detectia nu este superioara BitDefender, ci chiar identica.De curand a fost lansata versiunea 8 BETA, ce aduce urmatoarele imbunatatiri: Major signature database cleanup and reorganization to reduce update traffic and memory usage by about 80 MB. Greatly improved malware cleaning engine for more thorough and safer removal of infections. Separation of “Guard” logs into individual File Guard, Behavior Blocker and Surf Protection log sections. New Scan logs overview. New date column in custom host rules list. Dozens of minor improvements to usability.Download Free Emsisoft Anti-Malware Download - Antivirus, Antimalware, AntispywareSURSA: http://www.faravirusi.com/2013/06/23/emsisoft-anti-malware-8-beta-a-fost-lansat/ Quote