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Win-get ii pentru windows,ce ii apt-get pentru linux,cu acest programel potzi cauta programe freeware de la sourceforce.net,si sa se instaleze singur,cu o singura comanda:

 win-get install clamwin 

Aceasta comanda va cauta clamwin-ul si va instala odata gasit:


Alte comenzii :

win-get [switches] [action] [application]


win-get install [app name] - gets and installs the app

win-get sinstall [app name] - gets and installs the app using a silent installer

win-get do [app name] - downloads the file only and does not execute it.

win-get info [app name] - retrieves the description of the app

win-get search [keyword] - search the repository for matching files

win-get help - display help and usage information

win-get uninstall - launches the windows gui uninstall system.

win-get version - shows the version of win-get

win-get restore - pulls down a users remote software list from a repository and auto installs it.

win-get dorestore - download applications for a restore but do not install them.


-r - use requests table of repository

-noreport - turn off error reporting

-rep= - use the specified repository

-u=[username] - set the username

-p=[password] - set the password

Download: http://windows-get.sourceforge.net/win-get.exe

Homepage: http://windows-get.sourceforge.net/index.php

Va multumesc pentru atentie!

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