Nytro Posted September 27, 2013 Report Posted September 27, 2013 EDB Linux Debugger[TABLE][TR][TH=bgcolor: #E6EBFF, align: left]Author: [/TH][TD] Evan Teran [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TH=bgcolor: #E6EBFF, align: left] Website: [/TH][TD=colspan: 2] CodeF00 [ Projects ] [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TH=bgcolor: #E6EBFF, align: left] Current version: [/TH][TD=colspan: 2] 0.9.17 [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TH=bgcolor: #E6EBFF, align: left] Last updated: [/TH][TD=colspan: 2] April 14, 2011 [/TD][/TR] [TR] [TH=bgcolor: #E6EBFF, align: left] Direct D/L link: [/TH][TD=colspan: 2] http://codef00.com/projects/debugger-0.9.17.tgz[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]Features * Intuitive GUI interface * The usual debugging operations (step-into/step-over/run/break) * Conditional breakpoints * Debugging core is implemented as a plugin so people can have drop in replacements. Of course if a given platform has several debugging APIs available, then you may have a plugin that implements any of them. * Basic instruction analysis * View/Dump memory regions * Effective address inspection * The data dump view is tabbed, allowing you to have several views of memory open at the same time and quickly switch between them. * Importing of symbol maps * Plugins o Search for binary strings o Code Bookmarks o Breakpoint management o Check for updates o Environment variable viewer o Heap block enumeration o Opcode search engine plugin has basic functionality (similar to msfelfscan/msfpescan) o Open file enumeration o Reference finder o String searching (like strings command in *nix)One of the main goals of this debugger is isolation of the debugger core from the display you see. The interface is written in QT4 and thus source portable to many platforms. The debugger core is actually a plugin and the platform specific code is isolated to just a few files, porting to a new OS would require porting these few files and implementing a plugin which implements the "DebuggerCoreInterface" interface. Also, because the plugins are based on the QPlugin API, and do their work through the DebuggerCoreInterface object, they are almost always portable with just a simple recompile. So far, the only plugin I have written which would not port with just a recompile is the heap analysis plugin, due to it's highly system specific nature.Download:http://codef00.com/projects/debugger-0.9.17.tgzSursa: Category:Ring 3 Debuggers - Collaborative RCE Tool Library Quote