Nytro Posted December 18, 2013 Report Posted December 18, 2013 Capstone 1.0 disassembly framework release! From: Nguyen Anh Quynh <aquynh () gmail com>Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 12:42:20 +0800Hi,We are excited to announce the 1.0 version for Capstone, the multi-arch,multi-platform disassembly framework you are longing for!Why this engine is unique? Capstone offers some unparalleled features:- Support all important hardware architectures: ARM, ARM64 (aka ARMv8),Mips & X86.- Clean/simple/lightweight/intuitive architecture-neutral API.- Provide details on disassembled instruction (called “decomposer” byothers).- Provide some semantics of the disassembled instruction, such as list ofimplicit registers read & written.- Implemented in pure C language, with bindings for Python, Ruby, OCaml,C#, Java and GO available.- Native support for Windows & *nix (including MacOSX, Linux, *BSDplatforms).- Thread-safe by design.- Distributed under the open source BSD license.For further information, see our website at Capstone - Ultimate disassembly frameworkBeing infant 1.0, Capstone might be still buggy or cannot handle manymalware tricks yet. But give it a chance and report your findings, so wecan fix the issues in the next versions.Capstone is a very young project: the first line was written just 4 monthsago. But we do hope that it will live a long life. The community support iscritical for this little open source project!We would like show our gratitude to the beta testers for bug reports & codecontributions during the beta phase! Their invaluable helps have beentremendous for us to keep this far.We would like to thank LLVM project, which Capstone is based on. Withoutthe almighty LLVM, Capstone would not be existent!Last but not least, big thanks go to Coseinc for the generous sponsor forour project!Thanks,QuynhSursa: Full Disclosure: Capstone 1.0 disassembly framework release! Quote