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Pack Hack

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-MailerX = You can spam with email! (it contains an smtp server)

-PHP Attacker = is a program that allow you to run exploitz on a website.(php)

-PhpNuke = Is a program that allows you to make sql injection on phpnuke sites (IT WORKS IS AWESOME)

-PHP-Nuke_Hacker = is a program that allow you to run exploitz on any website finding exploits from www.milw0rm.com

-IFRAME_DDoS_v1[1].0= You can flood a website with multiple connections

-Reuploaded=is a webnuker for websites! (it works great)

-ICMP DoS=You can flood a website

-IP_Hider_v2[1].7_-xray-=Is a good one for hiding you ip..(i am using it)

-PP-checker=Paypal checker to hack paypal accounts

-BrutusAET2 Host by HybriD3_2= one of best bruteforces ever

-evilsmiley= an .exe file that an evil face with an evil smiley appears on your monitor and u cant do anything ( a funny one )

-CSF-(c-sploiter final)= i will let you to check this out alone :-P

-AntiDote_v1[1].2_osCE=To make a trojan undetected!

-Nudge_Madness=basicly is an autoclicker

-msn-nudger=it spams your contacts with nudges

-YouTUBE_downloader_2.1.1=you can download the videos on youtube with this program

-MEssBlackFrezzerBeta=You can freeze someone's account on msn

-bugs.txt= a text file that contains different bugs like a site could have...

-sploof_v0.90.installer= a program to try a website's security....

-proxylist.txt = contains proxies

-proxies.txt= contains proxies

-ipstealer = is a shell that helps you to steal someone's ip

Password for AntiDote_v1[1].2_osCE is:

Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/37798225/pack.rar

Nu am mai vazut asta pe forum so enjoy


20 Sep 2007 03:43 pm ?!?!?! Are peste juma de an postu`... wtf man?.. sub avatar, a 2-a chestie care seamana cu o data, e data cand a fost postat mesajul...

Nu o sa va inteleg niciodata de ce inviati topicuri antice...

  devianc3 said:
20 Sep 2007 03:43 pm ?!?!?! Are peste juma de an postu`... wtf man?.. sub avatar, a 2-a chestie care seamana cu o data, e data cand a fost postat mesajul...

Nu o sa va inteleg niciodata de ce inviati topicuri antice...

Imi cer scuze am sa raportez problema asta ....

Eu nu va nimic sub avatar ,nici statusul ,nici data ,nici puncte

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