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Guest Nemessis

Proxymini - proxy server + source code

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Guest Nemessis

http://aluigi.altervista.org/mytoolz/proxymini.zip (dati click dreapta si save as...)

Proxymini is a good http proxy server which supports HTTP, HTTP CONNECT (HTTPS too), SOCKS4 (TCP and TCP bind) and SOCKS5 (TCP, TCP bind and UDP).

it has been designed to be small and for being used in trusted environments where there is no need to complex options and other boring things, just launch it and it will work

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Aduc la viata un subiect din 2007..

De curand am dat si eu peste programelul asta, l-am testat pe calculatorul meu si merge perfect (si http si socks), insa, daca pun vreun prieten sa se conecteze folosind ip-ul meu, nu-i merge netu.

L-am dat si la mai multe persoane, apoi am incercat sa ma conectez folosind ip-urile respective, dar fara succes.

L-am testat in retelele RDS si Clicknet. Daca am vazut ca nu merge, am incercat si cu CCproxy, dar tot fara success. Sa aiba vreo legatura cu chestia ca ip-urile respective sunt dinamice? Dar oricum, l-am pus si pe niste IP-uri statice, dar tot degeaba.

L-a mai folosit careva, sau stie cineva care ar putea fi problema?

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