Nytro Posted January 15, 2014 Report Posted January 15, 2014 [h=1]LANs.py[/h] Multithreaded asynchronous packet parsing/injecting ARP poisoner. Individually poisons the ARP tables of the target box, the router and the DNS server if necessary. Does not poison anyone else on the network. Displays all most the interesting bits of their traffic and can inject custom html into pages they visit. Cleans up after itself. Prereqs: Linux, python-scapy, python-nfqueue (nfqueue-bindings 0.4-3), aircrack-ng, python-twisted, BeEF (optional), and a wireless card capable of promiscuous mode if you choose not to use the -ip option Tested on Kali 1.0. In the following examples will be the attacking machine and will be the victim. All options:python LANs.py [-a] [-h] [-b BEEF] [-c CODE] [-u] [-ip IPADDRESS] [-vmac VICTIMMAC] [-d] [-v] [-dns DNSSPOOF] [-r IPADDRESS] [-set] [-p] [-na] [-n] [-i INTERFACE] [-rip ROUTERIP] [-rmac ROUTERMAC] [-pcap PCAP] [h=2]Usage[/h] [h=3]Simplest usage (including active user targeting):[/h] python LANs.py Because there's no -ip option this will ARP scan the network, compare it to a live running promiscuous capture, and list all the clients on the network including their Windows netbios names along with how many data packets they're sending so you can immediately target the active ones. The ability to capture data packets they send is very dependent on physical proximity and the power of your network card. then you can Ctrl-C and pick your target which it will then ARP spoof. Simple target identification and ARP spoofing.Sursa: https://github.com/DanMcInerney/LANs.py Quote