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Tutorial Instalare Port Scan Detector

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In acest tutorial prezint instalarea unui modul de securitate ,PSAD , care detecteaza ce porturi sunt scanate.

Primul pas , activam login-urile de la ip tables :

iptables -A INPUT -j LOG
iptables -A FORWARD -j LOG

Salvam ,

iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules

Pasul II :

apt-get install psad

Instalam psad

nano /etc/psad/psad.conf
-> aICI ESTE LISTA DE configuratie , puteti sa o configurati dupa cum doriti.

[QUOTE]nano /etc/psad/auto_dl[/QUOTE]

---> Lista de IP-URI , Allow/Deny --->

nano /etc/psad/auto_dl

Apoi ii dam un restart :

systemctl restart psad.service

Pentru a afisa daca merge sau nu , executam :

psad -S
Sursa : Sursa
+ optimizat putin de mine. Se poate folosi si cu CSF.
24 start() {

25 # Check if psad is already running

26 if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/psad ]; then

27 echo -n $"Starting $prog: "

28 daemon /usr/sbin/psad

29 RETVAL=$?

30 [ $RETVAL -eq 2 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/psad

31 echo

32 fi

33 return $RETVAL

34 }

Va multumesc!

Edited by sleed

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