Active Members Fi8sVrs Posted March 9, 2014 Active Members Report Posted March 9, 2014 Netscan is a TCP and UDP SYN scanner that can also leverage Tor.Author: Domenico Pintogcc -lpthread netscan.c -o netscanTcp/Udp/Tor port scanner with: synpacket, connect TCP/UDP and socks5(tor connection) ./netscan[*] Network Scanner v1.0 starting at 09:26:50 Mar 9 2014 [*] -c | --connect Tcp protocol -s | --syn Syn packet scanner -t | --tor Tor scanner default -u | --udp Udp protocol -b | --banner Parse service banner -p | --port Port method A, A-B, A,B,C,D -d | --delay Delay synpack in ms [min: 50000] -v | --verbose Verbose output -h | --help Print help menu Example: scan -s scan -c scan -t scan -c -b scan -c -p1-100 scan -c -p1,2,3,4 <math.h>#include <time.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <errno.h>#include <netdb.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <getopt.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <signal.h>#include <net/if.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <termios.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <sys/time.h>#include <sys/wait.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <netinet/in.h>#include <netinet/ip.h>#include <netinet/tcp.h>#include <netinet/udp.h>#include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>#include <netinet/in_systm.h>#define LPORT 1#define HPORT 65535 #define TCPSZ sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)#define PSESZ sizeof(struct pseudohdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)#define TORPORT 9050#define TORCTRL 9051#define LOCALHOST ""#define SOCKS5 "\x05\x01\x00"#define UDP_RESEND 6#define UDP_PACKET 4096/* global var */static int verbose;static int syn;static int conn;static int tor;static int normal;static int progress;static int rangeport;static int singleport;static int specificport;static int udp;static int webserver;static int banserv;unsigned int delay=50000, timeout=1, timeout_s=1, timeout_u=200;unsigned short min, max, port;unsigned short index_p=0, index_o=0, index_c=0, index_f=0;unsigned short ports[HPORT], open_p[HPORT], closed_p[HPORT], filtred_p[HPORT];char *hostname, *eth0, *ipsource;typedef enum { false, true } bool;/* struct tcp syn packet */struct pseudohdr { in_addr_t src; in_addr_t dst; char padd; char proto; unsigned short len;};/* struct progress bar */typedef struct { char start; char end; char block; char cursor; unsigned int width; double max; bool percent; bool update;} bar;/* setup char for progress bar */void setupbar(bar * set) { set->start = '['; set->end = ']'; set->block = '='; set->cursor = '>'; set->percent = true; set->update = false; set->max = 100; set->width = 40;}/* Progress bar */void progressbar(double pos, bar * set) { unsigned int print = (unsigned int)(set->width*pos/set->max); unsigned count; if(set->update) { for(count=set->width+2+(set->percent?5:0); count; count--) putchar('\b'); } else set->update = true; putchar(set->start); count = set->width; for(; print>1; print--, count--) putchar(set->block); putchar((set->max == pos) ? set->block : set->cursor); count--; for(; count; count--) putchar(' '); putchar(set->end); if(set->percent) printf(" %3d%%", (int)(100*pos/set->max)); fflush(stdout);}void help() { //printf("[*] Network Scanner v1.0 helper %s %s\n",__TIME__, __DATE__); printf(" -c | --connect\tTcp protocol\n"); printf(" -s | --syn\t\tSyn packet scanner\n"); printf(" -t | --tor\t\tTor scanner default\n"); printf(" -u | --udp\t\tUdp protocol\n"); printf(" -b | --banner\t\tParse service banner\n"); printf(" -p | --port\t\tPort method A, A-B, A,B,C,D\n"); printf(" -d | --delay\t\tDelay synpack in ms [min: 50000]\n"); printf(" -v | --verbose\tVerbose output\n"); printf(" -h | --help\t\tPrint help menu\n\n"); printf(" Example: scan -s\n"); printf(" scan -c\n"); printf(" scan -t\n"); printf(" scan -c -b\n"); printf(" scan -c -p1-100\n"); printf(" scan -c -p1,2,3,4\n"); exit(0);} void ctrlc(int sig) { printf("\n\n CTRL+C intercepted exit scanner\n"); exit(0);}/* error control on port value */int portcontrol(char *arg) { if(strstr(arg,"-") != NULL) { rangeport = 1; sscanf(arg, "%hu%*c%hu", &min,&max); if(min >= max || min > HPORT-1 || max > HPORT || max == LPORT) { printf(" [RANGE-ERROR] invalid port range %s\n\n", arg); exit(0); } return 0; } if(strstr(arg,",") != NULL) { specificport = 1; char *p; p = strtok(arg, ","); while(p != NULL) { ports[index_p++] = (unsigned short)atoi(p); p = strtok(NULL, ","); } return 0; } singleport = 1; min = atoi(arg); return 0;}int service() { struct servent *se; int i=0; if(!udp) { while((se = getservent())) { if(strcmp(se->s_proto, "tcp") == 0) i++; } return i; } if(udp) { while((se = getservent())) { if(strcmp(se->s_proto, "tcp") == 0) i++; } return i; } return -1;}char* resolveHost (char *host) { struct hostent *he; struct in_addr a; if((he = gethostbyname(host))) { while (*he->h_addr_list) { bcopy(*he->h_addr_list++, (char *) &a, sizeof(a)); return inet_ntoa(a); } } return 0;}int cmpfunc(const void *a, const void * { return (*(unsigned short*)a - *(unsigned short*);}/* remove duplicate */unsigned short* rmdup(unsigned short *v, int size) { int i,index=0; unsigned short *new_v = (unsigned short*)malloc(size*sizeof(unsigned short)); if (size == 1) new_v[0] = v[0]; else { for (i=1; i<size; i++) { if (v != v[i-1]) new_v[index++] = v[i-1]; } } return new_v;}/* get banner service on open port */char *bannerservice(unsigned short bport) { int sock, conn, ctra, ctrb, sendbytes, rcvdbytes; char banner[1000], *httpdsptr, *httpdbptr, ip_addr[16]; struct sockaddr_in ban; struct hostent *host; struct timeval tm; tm.tv_sec = 1; tm.tv_usec = 0; host = gethostbyname(hostname); bzero(banner,1000); strcpy(ip_addr, (char *)inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr))); if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) return ("N.B. error"); if(setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tm, sizeof(struct timeval)) == -1) return ("N.B. error"); ban.sin_family=AF_INET; ban.sin_port=htons(bport); ban.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(hostname); if((conn = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&ban, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) == -1) return ("N.B. error"); if(bport == 80) sendbytes = send(sock, "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\n", 19, 0); rcvdbytes = recv(sock, banner, 1000, 0); if(bport == 80) { httpdsptr = strstr(banner,"Server"); for(ctra=0; ctra!=strlen(httpdsptr); ctra++) { if(httpdsptr[ctra] == '\n') { httpdsptr[ctra] = '\0'; break; } } httpdbptr = (char *)malloc(ctra-8); for(ctrb=0; ctrb!=ctra; ctrb++) { httpdbptr[ctrb] = httpdsptr[ctrb+8]; if(httpdsptr[ctrb+8] == '\0') { break; } } printf("["); if(strlen(httpdbptr) > 0) { httpdbptr[strcspn(httpdbptr,"\r")] = '\0'; printf("%s", httpdbptr); } else printf("N.d"); printf("]"); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("["); if(strlen(banner) > 0) { banner[strcspn(banner,"\r")] = '\0'; printf("%s", banner); } else printf("N.d."); printf("]"); fflush(stdout); } close(sock); return 0;}/* statistics port status */int statistic() { struct servent *se; unsigned short *new_o,i,total; new_o = rmdup(open_p, index_o+1); for(i=0; i<index_o; i++); total=i; qsort(new_o, total, sizeof(unsigned short), cmpfunc); if(verbose) printf(" ****** STATISTICS ******\n\n"); for(i=0; i<total; i++) { if(new_o == 80) webserver = 1; if(verbose && !udp) printf(" OPEN\t%d", new_o); if(verbose && udp) printf(" OPEN|filtred\t%d", new_o); if(!verbose) printf(" OPEN\t%d", new_o); if(!udp) { if((se = getservbyport(htons(new_o), "tcp"))) printf("\t%s ", se->s_name); else printf("\tunknown "); } if(udp) { if((se = getservbyport(htons(new_o), "udp"))) printf("\t%s\n", se->s_name); else printf("\tunknown\n"); } if(banserv || (!banserv && new_o == 80)) { putchar('\t'); bannerservice(new_o); } putchar('\n'); } if(webserver && !banserv) { printf("\n[*] Webserver detected: "); bannerservice(80); } if(syn) { index_o = i; if(normal) index_f = 312-index_o-index_c; if(rangeport) { index_f = (max-min+1)-index_o-index_c; } } if(index_o == 0) printf("\n[*] ALL ports are closed."); printf("\n[*] Statistics: open %d closed %d filtred %d, ", index_o, index_c, index_f); return 0;}/* get last up interface (good if you use vpn) */int interface() { char buf[8192],ip[iNET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct ifconf ifc; //= {0}; struct ifreq *ifr = NULL; int sck=0,nif=0,i=0; struct ifreq *item; struct sockaddr *addr; sck = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if(sck < 0) { perror("[ERROR] socket() interface: "); exit(0); } ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(buf); ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if(ioctl(sck, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { perror("[ERROR] ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF): "); exit(0); } ifr = ifc.ifc_req; nif = ifc.ifc_len/sizeof(struct ifreq); for(i = 0; i < nif; i++) { item = 𝔦 addr = &(item->ifr_addr); } eth0 = item->ifr_name; ipsource = (char*)inet_ntop(AF_INET,&(((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->sin_addr),ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); return 0;}unsigned short checksum (unsigned short *buf, int nwords) { unsigned long sum; for (sum = 0; nwords > 0; nwords--) sum += *buf++; sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); return ~sum;}/* check private ip (nmap function)*/int checkip(char *ip) { unsigned int i1[4]; sscanf(ip,"%3u.%3u.%3u.%3u", &i1[0], &i1[1], &i1[2], &i1[3]); if (i1[0] >= 224) return 1; if (i1[0] >= 96 && i1[0] <= 127) return 1; if (i1[0] >= 70 && i1[0] <= 79) return 1; if (i1[0] >= 83 && i1[0] <= 95) return 1; if (i1[0] == 172 && i1[1] >= 16 && i1[1] <= 31) return 1; if (i1[0] == 192) { if (i1[1] == 168) return 1; else if (i1[1] == 0 && i1[2] == 2) return 1; } if (i1[0] == 169 && i1[1] == 254) return 1; if (i1[0] == 204 && i1[1] == 152 && (i1[2] == 64 || i1[2] == 65)) return 1; if (i1[0] == 255 && i1[2] == 255 && i1[3] == 255) return 1; return 0;}void synpacket(int sockfd, struct sockaddr_in sinaddr) { struct iphdr ip; struct tcphdr tcp; struct pseudohdr pseudo; int attrib; char *buff = (char*)malloc(TCPSZ); char tmp[sizeof(struct pseudohdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)]; memset(&ip, 0x0, sizeof(struct iphdr)); memset(&tcp, 0x0, sizeof(struct tcphdr)); ip.version = 4; ip.ihl = 5; ip.tot_len = TCPSZ; = htonl(12345); ip.ttl = 255; ip.protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; ip.saddr = inet_addr(ipsource); ip.daddr = inet_addr(hostname); ip.check = checksum((unsigned short*) &ip, ip.tot_len >> 1); tcp.source = (rand()%64511)+1024; tcp.dest = htons(port); tcp.seq = (rand()%0xFFFFFFFF); tcp.ack_seq = 0; tcp.doff = 5; tcp.syn = 1; tcp.window = htonl(0xffff); tcp.check = 0; sinaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; sinaddr.sin_port = htons(port); sinaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname); attrib = 1; memset(tmp, 0x0, sizeof(struct pseudohdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr)); memset(buff, 0x0, TCPSZ); pseudo.src = ip.saddr; pseudo.dst = ip.daddr; pseudo.padd = 0; pseudo.proto = ip.protocol; pseudo.len = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)); memcpy(tmp, &pseudo, sizeof(struct pseudohdr)); memcpy(tmp+sizeof(struct pseudohdr), &tcp, sizeof(struct tcphdr)); tcp.check = checksum ((ushort*) tmp, (PSESZ) >> 1); memcpy(buff, &ip, sizeof(struct iphdr)); memcpy(buff+sizeof(struct iphdr), &tcp, sizeof(struct tcphdr)); if (sendto (sockfd, buff, ip.tot_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sinaddr, sizeof (sinaddr)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr,"*** Error in sendto: %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(1); } usleep(delay);}void* ackSniffer(void *arg) { int sockfd; size_t sin_size=sizeof(struct sockaddr); struct iphdr ip; struct tcphdr tcp; struct sockaddr_in sock; char pack[HPORT]; if((sockfd=socket (PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP))<0) { fprintf (stderr,"*** Fatal - Unable to create a raw socket: %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } sock.sin_family=AF_INET; sock.sin_port=0; sock.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(hostname); while(1) { memset (&ip,0x0,sizeof(struct iphdr)); memset (&tcp,0x0,sizeof(struct tcphdr)); if(recvfrom(sockfd, pack, sizeof(pack), 0, (struct sockaddr*) &sock, &sin_size)<0) { fprintf (stderr,"*** Fatal - Error in recvfrom(): %s\n",strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } memcpy (&ip,pack,sizeof(struct iphdr)); memcpy (&tcp,pack+sizeof(struct iphdr),sizeof(struct tcphdr)); if (ip.saddr == inet_addr(hostname) && tcp.ack && !tcp.rst && ntohs(tcp.source)){//>= min && ntohs(tcp.source) <= max) { if(verbose) { printf (" [OPEN] ACK sniffed %s:%u\t [winsize %d] [ttl %d]\n",hostname,ntohs(tcp.source),tcp.window,ip.ttl); fflush(stdout); } open_p[index_o++] = ntohs(tcp.source); } else if (ip.saddr == inet_addr(hostname) && tcp.ack && tcp.rst) { closed_p[index_c++] = ntohs(tcp.source); } } pthread_exit(0);}int setupsock(struct sockaddr_in sock) { struct timeval tm; int sd, attrib = 1; if(syn) { pthread_t t; if(pthread_create (&t,NULL,ackSniffer,NULL)) { fprintf (stderr," [ERROR-ACKSNIFFER] Thread process create: [%s]\n",strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, " [sYN - SOCKET] Unable to create raw socket: [%s]", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if(setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &attrib, sizeof(attrib)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, " [sYN - SOCKOPT] Error in setsockopt: [%s]\n",strerror(errno)); exit(0); } } if(conn || tor) { tm.tv_sec = timeout; tm.tv_usec = 0; sock.sin_family = AF_INET; if(conn) { sock.sin_port = htons(port); sock.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname); } if(tor) { sock.sin_port = htons(TORPORT); sock.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(LOCALHOST); } if((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, " [CONNECT - ERROR] Unable to create socket: [%s]", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if(conn) { fd_set fdset; fcntl(sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sock, sizeof(sock)); FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(sd, &fdset); if(select(sd+1, NULL, &fdset, NULL, &tm) == 1) { int so_error; socklen_t len = sizeof(so_error); getsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &so_error, &len); if(so_error == 0) { if(verbose) printf(" OPEN\t\t%d\n", port); open_p[index_o++] = port; } else { if(verbose) printf(" CLOSED\t\t%d\n", port); closed_p[index_c++] = port; } } else { if(verbose) printf(" FILTRED\t\t%d\n", port); filtred_p[index_f++] = port; } close(sd); return 0; } if(tor) { if(setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &attrib, 4) < 0) { fprintf(stderr," [TOR - SETSOCKOPT] SO_REUSEADDR: [%s]\n",strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if(setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char*)&tm, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr," [TOR - SETSOCKOPT] SO_RCVTIMEO: [%s]\n",strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if(connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*)&sock, sizeof(sock)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr," [TOR - CONNECT] Connect [%s]\n",strerror(errno)); exit(0); } } } return sd;}void udpscan(unsigned short port) { struct sockaddr_in myudp; char buff[] = "0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0"; int udpsock, rawsock, retry, retval, iplen; fd_set r; struct timeval mytimeout; struct icmp *packet; struct ip *iphdr; unsigned char recvbuff[uDP_PACKET]; if((udpsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) { perror(" [ERROR] Udp Socket: "); exit(-1); } if((rawsock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_ICMP)) < 0) { perror(" [ERROR] Icmp raw_sock: "); exit(-1); } mytimeout.tv_sec = 2; mytimeout.tv_usec = 0; myudp.sin_family = AF_INET; myudp.sin_port = htons(port); myudp.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname); retry = 0; while(retry++ < UDP_RESEND) { if((sendto(udpsock,buff,sizeof(buff),0x0,(struct sockaddr *)&myudp,sizeof(myudp))) < 0) { perror(" [ERROR] Udp Sendto: "); exit(-1); } FD_ZERO(&r); FD_SET(rawsock,&r); retval = select((rawsock+1),&r,NULL,NULL,&mytimeout); if(retval) { if((recvfrom(rawsock,&recvbuff,sizeof(recvbuff),0x0,NULL,NULL)) < 0) { perror(" [ERROR] Udp Recv: "); exit(-1); } iphdr = (struct ip *)recvbuff; iplen = iphdr->ip_hl << 2; packet = (struct icmp *)(recvbuff + iplen); if((packet->icmp_type == ICMP_UNREACH) && (packet->icmp_code == ICMP_UNREACH_PORT)) break; } else continue; } if(retry >= UDP_RESEND) { open_p[index_o++] = port; if(verbose) { printf(" OPEN|filtred\t%d\n", port); fflush(stdout); } } else closed_p[index_c++] = port;}int torscan() { struct sockaddr_in torsocks; struct servent *service; unsigned short portserv; char *buf = calloc(1024, sizeof(char)); short l = strlen(hostname); short t; int x,sockt; if(checkip(hostname)) { printf(" [TOR-SOCKS5] Reject connection to private address\n"); exit(0); } sockt = setupsock(torsocks); write(sockt, SOCKS5, 3); read(sockt, buf, 1024); if((buf[0] != 0x05) || (buf[1] == 0xFF) || (buf[1] != 0x00)) { printf("Socks5 error!\n"); exit(0); } buf[0] = 0x05; buf[1] = 0x01; buf[2] = 0x00; buf[3] = 0x03; buf[4] = l; for(x=0; x<l; x++) buf[5+x] = hostname[x]; x=l+5; t = htons(port); memcpy((buf+x), &t, 2); write(sockt, buf, x+2); read(sockt, buf, 1024); if((buf[0] == 0x05) && (buf[1] == 0x00)) { portserv = htons(port); if(verbose) { printf(" OPEN\t\t%d",port); fflush(stdout); } if((service = getservbyport(portserv,"tcp"))) { printf("\t(%s)\n",service->s_name); fflush(stdout); } else { printf("\t(unknown)\n"); fflush(stdout); } open_p[index_o++] = port; close(sockt); return 0; } if(verbose) { printf(" CLOSED|FILTRED\t\t%d\n",port); fflush(stdout); } closed_p[index_c++] = port; close(sockt); return 0;}int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_in sock; struct servent *se; struct timeval start, end; struct winsize term; char *portopt, *method; unsigned int mtime, seconds, useconds; int i, c, sockfd; progress = 1; bar progress; setupbar(&progress); printf("[*] Network Scanner v1.0 starting at %s %s [*]\n",__TIME__,__DATE__); srand ((unsigned) time(NULL)); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); signal(SIGINT, ctrlc); while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { //{"verbose", no_argument, &verbose, 1 }, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"syn", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"connect", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"tor", no_argument, 0, 't'}, {"udp", no_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"banner", no_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"delay", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"port", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "scthvubd:p:", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch © { case 0: if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0) break; printf ("option %s", long_options[option_index].name); if (optarg) printf (" with arg %s", optarg); break; case 's': if(getuid() != 0) { printf(" [ERROR-PERMISSION] You must to be root\n"); exit(0); } syn = 1; method = "synpacket"; interface(); sockfd = setupsock(sock); break; case 'c': conn = 1; method = "connect"; break; case 't': tor = 1; method = "tor"; break; case 'u': udp = 1; method = "udp"; break; case 'b': banserv = 1; break; case 'd': delay = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': portcontrol(optarg); portopt = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; //progress = 0; break; case 'h': help(); case '?': help(); break; default: help(); } } if (optind < argc) { while (optind < argc) hostname = argv[optind++]; } else help(); if(!(hostname = resolveHost(hostname))) { fprintf (stderr,"\n [RESOLUTION-ERROR] Unable to resolve: %s\n\n",hostname); exit(0); } if ((syn && tor && conn && udp) || (syn && conn) || (syn && tor) || (tor && conn)) help(); if ((udp && syn && conn) || (udp && syn) || (udp && conn) || (udp && tor)) help(); if (!syn && !tor && !conn && !udp) { if(getuid() == 0) { syn = 1; method = "synpacket"; interface(); sockfd = setupsock(sock); } else { conn = 1; method = "connect"; } } if (!rangeport && !singleport && !specificport) normal = 1; if(!verbose) { ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &term); if(term.ws_col < progress.width+10) verbose = 1; } if (rangeport) { printf(" Host: %s Method: %s Port: [%d-%d]\n\n", hostname, method, min, max); if(!verbose) { printf(" "); progress.max = max-min; } for(port=min, i=1; port<max; port++, i++) { if(conn) setupsock(sock); if(tor) torscan(); if(syn) synpacket(sockfd, sock); if(udp) udpscan(port); if(!verbose) progressbar(i, &progress); } } if (specificport) { printf(" Host: %s Method: %s Port: [", hostname, method); for(i=0; i<index_p; i++) { printf("%d", ports); if(i != index_p-1) printf(","); } puts("]\n"); if(!verbose) { printf(" "); progress.max = i-1; } for(i=0; i<index_p; i++) { port = ports; if(conn) setupsock(sock); if(tor) torscan(); if(syn) synpacket(sockfd, sock); if(udp) udpscan(port); if(!verbose) progressbar(i, &progress); } } if (singleport) { printf(" Host: %s Method: %s Port: [%s]\n", hostname, method, portopt); port = min; if(conn) setupsock(sock); if(tor) torscan(); if(syn) synpacket(sockfd,sock); if(udp) udpscan(port); } if (normal) { printf(" Host: %s Method: %s ports: [/etc/services]\n\n", hostname, method); if(!verbose) { printf(" "); progress.max = 312; i = 0; } while((se = getservent())) { if(udp) { if(strcmp(se->s_proto, "udp") == 0) { port = ntohs(se->s_port); udpscan(port); if(!verbose) progressbar(++i, &progress); } } if(syn || conn || tor) { if(strcmp(se->s_proto, "tcp") == 0) { port = ntohs(se->s_port); if(conn) setupsock(sock); if(tor) torscan(); if(syn) synpacket(sockfd, sock); if(!verbose) progressbar(++i, &progress); } } } } printf("\n\n"); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); seconds = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec; useconds = end.tv_usec - end.tv_usec; mtime = ((seconds)*1000 + useconds/1000.0) +0.5; statistic(); if((seconds/60) > 0) printf("scanned in %d.%d.%d min\n", seconds/60,seconds%60,abs(mtime-(seconds*1000))); else printf("scanned in %d.%d sec\n", seconds%60, abs(mtime-(seconds*1000))); return 0;} Quote