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A bitcoin wallet and blockchain explorer for your terminal.

termcoin bitcoin wallet and blockchain explorer for your terminal, written for node.js

termcoin's UI is rendered by blessed which is a full ncurses replacement and high-level widget library. Expect mouse support, eye-candy hover effects, and so-on.

termcoin's bitcoin implementation is now based on BCoin which fully implements BIP-37's description of bloom filters. This basically means you don't have to download the entire blockchain to use your wallet. You ask for and store only the transactions relevant to you (broadcasted in your bloom filter), while at the same time being able to verify the merkleroot of blocks.

The blockchain explorer currently uses the blockchain.info json api as a backend. In the future, termcoin will leave an option for the user to download the entire blockchain in the background (using bcoin - out of sheer obsession, I implemented the original satoshi protocol in bcoin), which means you will be able to explore the blockchain on your local disk instead of waiting for api calls to return.

For data management, termcoin uses tiny as the database necessary to store the (small) blockchain data and transactions relevant to your account.

BCoin was conceived brilliantly, and Fedor Indunty also went to the trouble of writing an ecdsa and bignumber library in pure javascript to supplement BCoin.

With all this being said, it's worth pointing out that termcoin is written entirely in pure javascript.

All of this means:

  • No compiling a database binding
  • No compiling a binding to an ecdsa library
  • No linking to ncurses
  • No running a bitcoin rpc server in the background
  • No downloading a 20gb blockchain
  • Just use your wallet and enjoy!

Termcoin uses a basic JSON wallet format with private keys that are compatible with bitcoind's importprivkey/dumpprivkey (128-prefixed+checksumed+base58) keys. (It also supports AES-CBC encryption for your private keys, just like the official bitcoin client).

NOTE: Termcoin used to use bitcoind/litecoind/etc as a backend. This backend is still supported for other currencies. It's just not as featureful due to limitations in the [coin]d rpc server.

[h=2]Screenshots[/h] 01.png


















Sursa: https://github.com/chjj/termcoin

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