Active Members Fi8sVrs Posted July 7, 2014 Active Members Report Posted July 7, 2014 XSSYA is a Cross Site Scripting Scanner & Vulnerability Confirmation (Working in two Methods)• Method number 1 for Confirmation Request and Response• Method number 2 for Confirmation Execute encoded payload and search for the same payload in web HTML code but decoded• Support HTTPS• After Confirmation (execute payload to get cookies)• Identify 3 Types of WAF (Mod_Security - WebKnight - F5 BIG IP)• Can be run in (Windows - Linux)XSSYA Continue Library of Encoded Payloads To Bypass WAF (Web Application Firewall)It Also Support Saving the Web Html Code Before Executing the Payload Viewing the Web HTML Code into the Screen or Terminal$ Python xssya.pyLinks should end with (/or=or?)Example$ Python xssya.py only Module need to download is colorama-0.2.7 Crawling (need to be enhanced)Download: Download: XSSYA Cross Site Scripting Scanner ? Packet StormAuthor:Yehiamamdouh51@hotmail.comsecure-edf provide tools for web application articles & videos check xssya xss - cross site scripting scanner and vulnerability confiramtion Quote