Active Members Fi8sVrs Posted July 7, 2014 Active Members Report Posted July 7, 2014 SMTPTX is a very simple tool used for sending simple email and do some basic email testing from a pentester perspective. Its able to send messages without depending on knowing a specific MTA/SMTP server beforehand. Unlike tools like sendemail it handles the MX record resolution itself and connects to the relevant server and sends the email. Its able to add attachments, use TLS and do SMTP authentication, specify custom DNS servers and SMTP servers etc. More features are under way.The tool is intended to be used when assessing the functionality and basic configuration and security settings of SMTP servers and other pentesting oriented tasks. It may also be useful as a system tool in scripts and such for sending logs and such off of a system or anything that makes the life of the legit user/administrator easier.What SMTPTX isn'tThe tool is NOT a spam tool and was never intended to be such a tool. Thus SMTPTX is not permitted to be used as such! The author of SMTPTX cannot be held responsible for any illegal use of the tool.Beta CodeThe tool is currently in a beta state as it has not been extensively tested. Only the intended basic functionality has been verified under optimal conditions. Bugs and feature suggestions may be sent my way and I'll try to fix/implement them in a somewhat near future. No promises are being made though as I lead a very busy life.The code has only been tested on Linux (Debian/Kali) as I rarely use Windows. And as such, I don't know how it will behave on Windows or Mac. However, I don't see any reasons why it shouldn't run on those platforms.Further options are planned for SMTPTX, such as VRFY, custom EHLO, logging to file and a few more. I'm also thinking of implementing interactive mode and perhaps som basic dictionary attack features etc. Time will tell for sure.#!/usr/bin/env python#==============================================================================# Title : SMTPTX# Dependencies : Python v2.7 and Python DNS Toolkit ( Version : 1.0 Beta# Author : Copyright © 2014 <>, Thanks/Creds :# Abstract : This very simple tool is used for sending simple email and# do some basic email testing from a pentester perspective.# Its able to send messages without depending on an specific# MTA/SMTP server. Unlike tools like sendemail it handles the# MX record resolution itself and connects to the relevant# server and sends the email. Knowing the address of the# specific SMTP server is thus not necessary.## License : This code is free and released under the terms of GPL v3## Issues : First pre-production == Some issues do exist and functions# ARE missing. It is NOT very fault tolerant at all!# The basic stuff seem to work, no extensive tests has been# done! The code has been tested only on Linux (Debian & Kali)## Todo : Near future improvements:# - Ability to accept domain only when resolving SMTP servers# and not rely on a full email address# - Add custom EHLO host, VRFY and the like options# - Add logging to file# - Add 'quiet' option in order to suppress all output# Todo : Later improvements:# - Structure the code in a better manner# - Perhaps add interactive mode## Change log : Initial release == Bugs for sure!## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND# ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE# ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR ANY CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE# FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS# OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)# HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT# LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY# OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF# SUCH DAMAGE.## THIS PROGRAM MAY NOT BE USED IN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES!##==============================================================================import sysimport osimport getoptimport timeimport reimport smtplibimport email.utilsfrom email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipartfrom email.MIMEText import MIMETextfrom email.MIMEBase import MIMEBasefrom email import Encodersdef banner(): print(" ") print("===========================================================================") print(" SMTPTX v1.0 Beta by <>, GPL v3 ") print(" A small and very simple email testing tool ") print("===========================================================================") print(" ")def usage(): print(" ") print(" -h --help ") print(" Help section, and you are looking at it ") print(" ") print(" -f --from <FROM_ADDRESS> ") print(" If no from address is used, will be used instead ") print(" ") print(" -t --to <TO_ADDRESS> ") print(" If no to address is given, the from address will be used (relay test) ") print(" ") print(" -m --message <MESSAGE> ") print(" Plain text or HTML. If no message is given, time and date will be used ") print(" ") print(" -s --subject <SUBJECT> ") print(" If no subject is given, the default string \"This is a test\" is used ") print(" ") print(" -a --attachment <FILENAME> ") print(" Given in the form of a path: \\path\\to\\file ") print(" ") print(" -d --dns <IP_ADDRESS> ") print(" Use a custom DNS server for resolving MX records ") print(" ") print(" -T --dns-timeout <SECONDS> ") print(" Set a custom DNS resolution timeout in seconds. Default is 3s ") print(" ") print(" -S --smtp-server <SMTP_SERVER> ") print(" Use a specific SMTP server ") print(" ") print(" -p --smtp-port <PORT> ") print(" Use a non-standard port for the remote SMTP server. Default is 25 ") print(" ") print(" -U --username <USERNAME> ") print(" Username for SMTP server authentication ") print(" ") print(" -P --password <PASSWORD> ") print(" Password for SMTP server authentication ") print(" ") print(" -r --resolve ") print(" Only resolve SMTP server(s) for a given email address. No email is sent") print(" Must be used in conjunction with option: -t ") print(" ") print(" -v --verbose ") print(" Verbose output. Add extra status messages to standard output ") print(" ") print(" -e --use-tls ") print(" Use encryption capabilities if SMTP server supports it ") print(" ") returndef resolve_smtp_server(optsData): """ Resolve the MX record of the given email domain name e.g. and return a list with SMTP servers. This is kinda dirty since the DNS query returns an object and the documentation is missing some information on this. Or perhaps its just the ignorant self... TODO: """ smtpServers = [] dnsResolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() dnsResolver.timeout = optsData['dnstimeout'] dnsResolver.lifetime = optsData['dnstimeout'] if optsData['dns']: print (" Using custom DNS Server: %s" % optsData['dns']) dnsResolver.nameservers = [optsData['dns']] matchDomain = re.match(r'.*@(.*)', optsData['to'], re.M | re.I) mailDomain = print (" Resolving MX records for: %s\n" % mailDomain) try: mxQuery = dns.resolver.query(mailDomain, 'MX') except dns.exception.DNSException as dnsError: print(" A DNS error was encountered! Reason:\n") print(dnsError) sys.exit(1) print (" Resolved %i SMTP host(s)" % (len(mxQuery))) print ("") # Populate the hosts list with SMTP servers for mxData in mxQuery: mxRecord = repr( mxString = re.match(r'<DNS name (.*)\.>$', mxRecord, re.M | re.I) mxHost = try: # Give us the IP address of each MX host aQuery = dns.resolver.query(mxHost, 'A')[0].address except dns.exception.DNSException as dnsError: print(" A DNS error was encountered! Reason:\n") print(dnsError) sys.exit(1) print(" - %s -> %s" % (mxHost, aQuery)) smtpServers.append(mxHost) print("") optsData['smtpServer'] = smtpServers[0] returndef send_email(optsData): """ Send the email based on the dictionary passed to this function. TODO: """ emailMessage = MIMEMultipart() emailMessage['To'] = email.utils.formataddr(('', optsData['to'])) emailMessage['From'] = email.utils.formataddr(('', optsData['from'])) emailMessage['Subject'] = optsData['subject'] emailMessage.attach(MIMEText(optsData['message'])) if optsData['attachment']: add_attachment(optsData, emailMessage) if optsData['verbose']: print (" This is what will be sent:\n") print (emailMessage.as_string()) if optsData['attachment']: print (" Attached file: %s\n" % optsData['attachment']) try: if optsData['verbose']: print (" Using SMTP server: %s:%d\n" % (optsData['smtpServer'], optsData['smtpPort'])) smtpHandler = smtplib.SMTP(optsData['smtpServer'], optsData['smtpPort']) smtpHandler.set_debuglevel(optsData['verbose']) # We need to perform a EHLO in order to get a list of supported features smtpHandler.ehlo() if optsData['usetls']: if smtpHandler.has_extn('STARTTLS'): try: print ("\n Server supports TLS, using it...\n") smtpHandler.starttls() except smtplib.SMTPException as smtpError: print (" Failure of biblical proportions! Unable to send email. Reason:\n") print (" %s\n" % smtpError) sys.exit(1) else: print (" Server does not seem to support TLS, skipping...\n") # Reidentify over TLS if set up smtpHandler.ehlo() if optsData['username'] and optsData['password']: try: smtpHandler.login(optsData['username'], optsData['password']) except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: print(" Authentication failure!\n") print(" Will try to ignore...\n") smtpHandler.sendmail(optsData['from'], [optsData['to']], emailMessage.as_string()) smtpHandler.quit() print ("\n The email has been sent!\n") except smtplib.SMTPException as smtpError: print (" Failure of biblical proportions! Unable to send email. Reason:\n") print (" %s\n" % smtpError) sys.exit(1) returndef add_attachment(optsData, emailMessage): """ Add any type of attachment to the email. TODO: Add attachment size check? """ part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") # part.set_payload(open(optsData['attachment'], "rb").read()) try: attachment = open(optsData['attachment'], "rb") # We will exit as a safety precaution as we perhaps don't want to screw up for # example a social engineering campaign due to a simple file not found error! except IOError as fileError: print(" Unable to open the attachment file! Reason:\n") print(fileError) sys.exit(1) part.set_payload( Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename(optsData['attachment'])) emailMessage.attach(part) returndef main(): """ Main function and argument collector/processor TODO: """ optsData = {'to': '', 'from': '', 'subject': 'This is a test', 'message': time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())), 'verbose': False, 'smtpServer': '', 'smtpPort': 25, 'dns': '', 'dnstimeout': 3, 'resolve': False, 'attachment': '', 'username': False, 'password': False, 'usetls': False} banner() try: if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Too few arguments supplied...") usage() sys.exit(1) opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvf:t:m:s:d:T:S:p:ra:U:P:e", ["help", "verbose", "from=, "to=", "message=", "subject=", "dns=", "dns-timeout=", "smtp-server=", "smtp-port=", "resolve", "attachment=", "username=", "password=", "use-tls]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(err) usage() sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'): optsData['verbose'] = True elif opt in ('-f', '--from'): optsData['from'] = arg elif opt in ('-t', '--to'): optsData['to'] = arg elif opt in ('-s', '--subject'): optsData['subject'] = arg elif opt in ('-m', '--message'): optsData['message'] = arg elif opt in ('-d', '--dns'): optsData['dns'] = arg elif opt in ('-T', '--dns-timeout'): optsData['dnstimeout'] = int(arg) elif opt in ('-a', '--attachment'): optsData['attachment'] = arg elif opt in ('-S', '--smtp-server'): optsData['smtpServer'] = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--smtp-port'): optsData['smtpPort'] = int(arg) elif opt in ('-r', '--resolve'): optsData['resolve'] = True elif opt in ('-U', '--username'): optsData['username'] = arg elif opt in ('-P', '--password'): optsData['password'] = arg elif opt in ('-e', '--use-tls'): optsData['usetls'] = True else: usage() sys.exit(1) if optsData['resolve']: if not optsData['to']: print(" Error: No recipient address was given!") usage() sys.exit(1) resolve_smtp_server(optsData) sys.exit(0) elif optsData['smtpServer']: send_email(optsData) else: resolve_smtp_server(optsData) send_email(optsData)if __name__ == "__main__": try: import dns.resolver import dns.exception except ImportError: print(" Import Error: You seem to be missing the DNS Python library! ") print(" Either check your installation or go to ") print(" Also try using: sudo pip install dnspython ") sys.exit(1) main()# ---[ EOF ]---Source Quote