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oclHashcat v1.30

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Download here: https://hashcat.net/oclhashcat/

This release is again focused on performance increase of the kernels and bugfixes. However, the most code intensive change in this version was the new workload dispatcher as it's part of the the oclHashcat core. The old one wasn't that bad, but the new one is simply faster which adds up to the increased performance of the kernels.

As always, make sure to unpack into a new folder. Never reuse an existing oclHashcat folder (because of the cached kernels).

One important thing for AMD users: You will need to update to the latest beta version of catalyst before updating oclHashcat. We've decided to no longer wait for AMD to ship the latest "stable" catalyst driver simply because they aren't any more stable than beta drivers...

There's also one change made to the binaries itself. We now are using our own toolchain (thanks to crosstool-ng) to create our own binaries with an older glibc. That was required to make the binaries compatible to linux distributions using an older glibc. That means you should be able to run cudaHashcat and oclHashcat now without glibc patching on Kali, some (older) Debian systems, CentOS 6.4, etc..

New algorithms

  • Skype
  • Peoplesoft
  • md5($salt.md5($pass))
  • Mediawiki B type
  • Kerberos 5 AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23 as fast algorithm (reimplementation)
  • Android FDE
  • scrypt
  • Password Safe v2
  • Lotus Notes/Domino 8

Skype and Peoplesoft are just new parsers as you were already able to crack them with older oclHashcat versions by using the generic hashtypes and by formating the hashes in a way that oclHashcat can load them. By adding parsers we just make it more comfortable for the users to load the hashes as you can use them in their native output.

The md5($salt.md5($pass)) generic algorithm was simply added as it was required for the Mediawiki B type hash-type. It's a simple scheme that does not require any special comment.

The Kerberos 5 algorithm is a reimplementation as fast algorithm type. That is the case if an algorithm is fast enough to require an on-gpu candidate generator. The algorithm actually was fast enough and just by not selecting it as fast hash it lost some performance. By switching it to a fast type we got some speedup for free.

Now it gets interessing. The Android FDE algorithm that was added is the one that is using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 + CBC-ESSIV-AES with 2000 iterations. Only tricky part was the "detection" of a filesystem. Note that this algorithm isn't used anymore in newer android devices. The new one uses scrypt instead of PBKDF2. For details about how the algorithm is working see here: https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-2270.html

That's why we've added scrypt to GPU. And what should I tell, it's PITA. The goal of scrypt to run slow on GPU has been fulfilled. Just one note about that. The intention (if I understood currectly) was to make the computuation slow because the memory access is slow. Well that's not what made it slow actually. It's simply the lack of the total memory available on the card. Note that, to run fast with GPGPU, you have to run many tasks in parallel. That means that you have to allocate a huge amount of memory for each parallel task and this is what kills the gpu, not the access time. Also note that this scrypt variant is the real scrypt, not the minimal version that is used for litecoin. The litecoin version uses extreme low settings for N, r and p such that it is not required to work on global memory for all operations. We're using a fully functional scrypt in which you can set N, r and p dynamically. For the benchmark, we're using the defaults of 16k, 8, 1.

The Password Safe v2 was also very interessting. This algorithm actually runs slower than the current one used in Password Safe v3, which is also supported with hash-type 5200. On my AMD hd7970, the v2 version runs with 101 kH/s while the v3 version runs with 506.2 kH/s but I don't think it's too much of a problem. Both run slow enough and are salted.

Last algorithm that was added is Lotus Notes/Domino 8 which was discovered by our own philsmd. Therefore, oclHashcat v1.30 is world's first Lotus Notes/Domino 8 (H-hashes) cracker! For details about how the algorithm is working see here: https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-3550.html

More info: https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-3627.html

  • Upvote 1

Pe Nvidia GTX770 am crapat parola MD5 de 8 caractere a-z (litere mici) in 1-2 minute.

O parola a-z, A-Z, 0-9 si caractere speciale cu lungimea de 8 caractere se sparge in 45 de zile.

Nu e rau. Mai exact, la MD5 am 1700 MH/s (1700 de milioane de hash-uri pe secunda).

Nota: Temperatura a crescut de la 52 de grade pe la 77 de grade dupa vreo 10 minute.

Sugestie: Nu lasati pornit pe laptop. Pe PC, unde ventilatia e mai buna, e ok.

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