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Crypto Checker 1.3a10

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! BUG Fix! Entry: Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ (RTL: __crtGetStringTypeA) misdetected

! BUG Fix! Entry: Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ (RTL: __crtLCMapStringA) misdetected

* ZLib better detect

* Borland Turbo C 1.0 better detect

* MinGW32 better detect

* PowerBasic CC 3.x better detect (EP)

* CheckSum Adler32() better detect (RFC 1950)

* Borland Delphi version better detect

* Borland Delphi DCU Hdr magics

* Borland C++ Builder better detect

* Microsoft Visual C++ x64 better detect

* NIST B571 better detect

* LZX better detect

* Tiny Primes array better detect

* Hash padding array detection method changed

* WinZip SFX better detect

+ GCC Algo group

+ MINGW Algo group

+ QT Algo group

+ ACSS Crypt

+ MinGW32 2.x..4.x DLL (EP)

+ MinGW64 2.x..4.x DLL (EP)

+ Qt strings detect (use QT Algo)

+ Aladdin HASP SRM

+ Rar 5.x Archive Signature

+ Confuser .NET Obfuscator (String)

+ LZXC2 Hdr marker

+ SnakeSoftware ExeBook

+ Photodex Installer

+ Map: Bits in byte count lookup table

+ Map: Power 2 table

+ eLicense initial detect

Usage: cc.exe [AlgoGroupName] wildcards

* Built to find everything

Available AlgoGroup names are:

AES AES Block Cipher

* Search ALL - try as last resort

BLACK A few known blacklisted names

BLOWFISH Blowfish Block Cipher

BORLAND Some Borland common sigz

CAST CAST Block Cipher

COM COM-specific text strings

CRACK Some words relative to crack

CRC CRC16/32 Hash function

DES DES Block Cipher

DITTO Search for Ditto values

EBOOK e-books

EXCEPTION Exceptions

EXTRA Extra search - Generate a Lot of Junk

FERMAT A few Fermat's numbers

GFX Common graphics formats

HAVAL Haval Hash function

HASH Some Hash specific values

IMUL Some strange IMUL immediate values

IRREDUCIBLE Some Irreducible polynomials

LOCKBOX Some LockBox sigz

LZX Some LZX archiver sigz

MAGIC Some common Magic values

MARKER Some common markers

MARS Mars Block Cipher

MASK Some common Mask values

MD MD Family Hash functions

MICROSOFT Some M$ common sigz

MSG WinAPI Message reference

NUMS A few common Numerical values

PRNG A few common PRNG sigz

Q128 Q128 Block Cipher

RSA RC5/6 Block Cipher etc.

SMALL_PRIMES 90,000+ small Prime numbers (> 65,521)

SNEFRU Snefru Hash function

STL STL-containers names

TBYTE System@Pow10 TByte arrays

TEXT Rough ASCIIZ strings dumper (5..1040 chrs)

TIME Date/Time calculation relative

TINY_PRIMES 6,000+ tiny Prime numbers (< 65,537)

WAKE Wake Block Cipher

WIDE Borland Wide strings dumper

ZIP A few (PK)Zip sigz

Download https://github.com/nihilus/IDA-CC

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