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[Android] SnoopSnitch

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SnoopSnitch collects and analyzes mobile radio data to make you aware of your mobile network security and to warn you about threats like fake base stations (IMSI catchers), user tracking and over-the-air updates.To use SnoopSnitch, a rooted device with a Qualcomm chipset running stock Android 4.1 or higher is required. Unfortunately, custom ROMs are unsupported at the moment as they lack necessary proprietary drivers.

This application uses data contributed by other users. By choosing to upload your measurement results or security events, you can help improve this data base and support future research.

SnoopSnitch will ask for confirmation whenever any of your information is uploaded to our servers. All uploads are encrypted. Note that uploaded radio traces may contain private information as a side-effect.

The following permissions are required:

- ACCESS_SUPERUSER: Open Qualcomm diagnosis interface to capture radio data

- CALL_PHONE, READ_PHONE_STATE, SEND_SMS, RECEIVE_SMS: Generate mobile network traffic recorded in active tests

- GET_TASKS: Retrieve state of helper processes interacting with diagnosis interface

- WAKE_LOCK: Acquire CPU for long-running analysis steps

- ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: record location of IMSI catchers and security events if configured

- INTERNET: Download new data from gsmmap.org, upload radio traces and debug logs upon request

- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Postpone uploads until network is available

SnoopSnitch is open-source software released under the GPL version 3. Visit our project website for source code and further information:


PGP fingerprint: 9728 A7F9 D457 1FBB 746F 5381 D52C AC10 634A 9561

Sursa: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.srlabs.snoopsnitch

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