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Salut Tuturor

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Salut Prieteni,

Ma numesc Garrett, dar folosesc id-ul blackrob. Eu sunt student in domeniul CS la facultate. Eu experienta in domeniul iOS si am facut "whitehat" hacking si pentesting cu iOS ca sa gasesc vulnerabilities. Am in APP store 2 app-uri.

La scoala fac programare in C++ si Java, totusi la munca progamez in Swift. Sunt de fapt american si locuiesc in SUA dar recunosc ca voi romani sunteti mai tare si mai smecheri la progamare decat noi americani asa ca ma aflu aici sa invati de la voi si sa contribui si eu cat pot.

Eu am locuit in Romania timp de 2 ani. Asa ca am invatat limba romana in romania cand aveam 19-21 de ani.. acum 23 de ani.

Am vazut cu ochi mei pianisti la voi in craiova talentat in domeniul hackerii-lor asa ca am ramas convis ca e mai multa talent la voi decat aici in general.

Success si bafta in tot ceea ce faceti,


Eu am locuit in Romania timp de 2 ani.

Then why you didn't do a presentation in english, we aren't monkeys who does know only programming language and drink a lot of coffe standing in front of computer watching porn while hacking .gov websites.I respect you for trying to present a little history about you in our native language but, was more exciting to be in english.I don't want to be rude as you see or i could be, we have a proverb that is like "This story is sewing with white string(Meaning LIE)".I hope i'm wrong and this cold be a true story but, if is a lie and you being a Romanian who couldn't write a proper sentence then you can consider you a monkey.

Welcome/Bine ai venit.

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