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Partenerul dvs de afaceri "necurate" va trimite un email ciudat despre istoria Angliei.

Ce vrea sa zica oare...

The territory that now constitutes England, a co
untry within the United Kingdom, was inhabited by ancie
nt humans more than 800,000 years ago as the discove
ry of flint tools and footprints at Happisburgh in Norf
olk has revealed. The earliest evidence for early m
odern humans in North West Europe is a jawbone di
scovered in Devon at Kents Cavern in 1927, whi
ch was re-dated in 2011 to between 41,000 and 44
,000 years old. Continuous human habitation d
ates to around 12,000 years ago,
at the end of the last glacial period. The r
egion has numerous remains from the Mesolithic, Neo
restored to the throne in 1660, though continued q
uestions over religion resulted in the deposition of a
lithic, and Bronze Age, such as Stonehenge and Ave
bury. In the Iron Age, England, like all of Brita
in south of the Firth of Forth, was inhablited by the
Celtic people known as the Britons, but also b
y some Belgae tribes (e.g. the Atrebates, the Cat
uvellauni, the Trinovantes, etc. ) in the south east.
In AD 43 the Roman conquest of B
ritain began; the Romans maintained control of their province of
Britannia until the 5th century.
The end of Roman rule in Britain enabled the Ang
lo-Saxon settlement of Britain, which is often r
egarded as the origin of England and the English people. T
he Anglo-Saxons, a collection of various Germani
c peoples, established several kingdoms that becam
e the primary powers in whalt is
now England and parts of southern Scotland. They introduced the Old English language, which displaced the previ
ous British language. The Anglo-Saxons warred with British successor states in Wales, Cornwall the end.

Hint1 : nimic nu e intamplator.

Solvers: @Usr6

Astept PM

Edited by Gio33
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