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cPanels si Shells

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Vreo 180 bucati cpanels , 1,5$ bucata , 220$ toate 180

1 cpanel reseller cu ~1600 domenii - 50$

Cpanel-urile sunt cu parole mediocre (gen 1q2w3e4r, 123321 etc... nimic avansat), de aici si pretul mic.

Shells calitative WSO 2.5.1 cu pass (nu prastii rupte de toti) scoase cu exploits de wordpress, 0.7$ bucata, >100 bucati 0.5$ bucata, >1000 bucati 0.35 $ bucata . (am destule)

Toate shells sunt verificate (cu checker automat) inainte de a fi vandute pentru a fi 100% functionale la momentul tranzactiei.

Toate shells au si un mailer pus in folder, mailer cu interfata HTML, insa nu toate merg evident (depinde de la server la server)

Dati-mi PM pentru datele de contact Jabber.

Accept doar BTC / cod BTC-E USD .

NU va selectez anumite pagerank-uri sau mai stiu eu ce, luati la gramada, puteti gasi si pagerank 8 si pagerank 0 (am prins de la 0 la 8).

NU va dau lista de domenii sa va alegeti.

NU va selectez cele care dau mail inbox etc.



Selling 180 cPanels, 1.5$ each or 220$ all 180 pieces.

1 reseller cPanel with ~1600 domains, 50$

Cpanels have easy passwords, nothing special .. this is why the price is low.

Selling quality shells, WSO 2.5.1 with password, injected with wordpress exploits .

0.7$ piece

0.5$ >100 pieces

0.35$ >1000 pieces

All shells will be verified when sold (with automated checker script) to make sure they are 100% working.

All shells have a mailer with HTML interface in their folder also (but of course, not all of them work, because of server issues etc.. consider them a bonus)

I don't select certain domains with pageranks etc.

I don't provide list of domains for you to select what you want.

I accept BTC / BTC-e USD code only.

PM for jabber id.

Thank you.

Edited by Gio33

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