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Dear users,

We are happy to announce that our free web and VPS hosting project has been a great success. However, all good things come to an end and Haphost will be shut down on the 1st of August, 2015.

Additional information about the termination will be sent by email. Please make sure to collect and transfer all of your content until the 1st of August, 2015, so that no files would be lost.

Premium Hosting Services

If you’re looking for premium hosting services to power your online projects, try our longstanding sister company Host1Plus, powered by Digital Energy Technologies Ltd.


The offer valid for new clients, 1-6 month billing cycles. Can be used once.

We have always been inspired by the support and enthusiasm by the users and want to thank you for being there with us. It was a great ride, and we hope to meet you again in the future projects!

Best wishes,


deci? cine vrea sa faca un proiect ca haphost cu mine?:-/

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Eu zic ca mai bine iti cumperi doar un dedicat, cu sistem de operare linux si oferi doar usere si le pui limite, protectii sa nu poata sa faca anumite scamatorii, etc. si instalezi un panel care la fiecare inregistrare doritorul sa isi aleaga un user si o parola.

problema nu se pune pentru vps ca pot sa fac rost de un vps max 14gb/ram

problema e ca nu stiu chestiile astea cu dat share la ram/hdd/net/

o alta sunt IP-urile dedicate.

deci imi trebuie un virtual datacenter ce am vazut eu ca vinde acesti oameni

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