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Ajutor functie PHP care sa genereze numere random

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Am un exercitiu de facut, trebuie un algoritm (in functia big_dice() ) care sa foloseasca functia dice() si sa returneze numere random de la 1-100, ma puteti ajuta?

Codul este asta

* Without using the rand() function, can you make a big_dice() function
* which returns a random int between 1-100, with even distribution
* You can and must use the dice() function within the big_dice() function
* Some simple testing code is included at the bottom to ensure
* even distribution and to calculate run-time.
* -- All code, PHP files, etc., necessary to run your solution
* -- A Google Docs graph of the distribution of your results from the
* test function below

* This is your only input function (use instead of rand())
* @ return int
function dice() {
return rand(1, 6);

* Here's the test -- create a random number between 1 and 100
* @ return int $result number between 1 and 100
function big_dice() {

figure out how to use the dice() function (as much as you like)
and just about anything else to generate a
random number between 1 and 100, with even distribution

but you can not use the rand() function or it's variants...
you can only use (and must use) the dice() function to generate it.


return $result;

* And here's the test of the big_dice() function
* echo's to page
* @ return null
function test_big_dice($test_limit = 100000) {
$big_dice_rolls = array();
$start = microtime(true);
for ($i=0; $i<$test_limit; $i++) {
$big_dice_rolls[] = big_dice();
$stop = microtime(true);
$duration = round((($stop - $start)), 4);
$breakdown = array_count_values($big_dice_rolls);
arsort($breakdown); // anomolies would be at the top or bottom
echo "Tested {$test_limit} rolls in ~{$duration} sec<br/>";
echo "Ended up with ".count($breakdown)." total outputs<br/>";
foreach ( $breakdown as $int => $occurances ) {
$pecentage = round($occurances / $test_limit * 100, 2);
echo "{$int} => [{$pecentage}%] {$occurances}<br/>";

# might as well test this thing!


Edited by JohnDoe

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