Nytro Posted November 24, 2015 Report Posted November 24, 2015 autopwnSpecify targets and run sets of tools against themautopwn is designed to make a pentester's life easier and more consistent by allowing them to specify tools they would like to run against targets, without having to type them in a shell or write a script. This tool will probably be useful during certain exams as well..InstallationIt is recommended that you use the docker image while exposing TCP 5000 for autopwn clients to connect to. This is because the autopwn docker image is already setup (tools are installed and in the right place).Only allow this package to listen on a loopback IP address. If you have this package listen on a public IP, you're allowing arbitrary users to execute commands as root on your server. Eventually, HTTPS and credentials will be required, but for now, don't be a moron.From DockerExecute docker pull rascal999/autopwnRun docker run -i -t -p rascal999/autopwn /usr/sbin/autopwnRun autopwn client (you can get the Java application at https://github.com/rascal999/autopwn-gui)From the Python Package Index (for development)Execute pip install autopwnFrom this repositoryClone the Git repositoryChange into the newly created directoryExecute pip install .UsageRunning autopwn will start the web server.Sample output * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) * Restarting with stat127.0.0.1 - - [15/Nov/2015 11:04:41] "GET /ping HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [15/Nov/2015 11:04:41] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -In order to interface with autopwn you should use autopwn-gui (available at https://github.com/rascal999/autopwn-gui). You can also use autopwn-cli (available at https://github.com/rascal999/autopwn-cli). If you're interested in the API, you can also do stuff in the browser.ContributingFork it!Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-featureCommit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-featureSubmit a pull request CreditsDeveloped by Aidan Marlin (aidan [dot] marlin [at] nccgroup [dot] com) while working at NCC Group.I'd like to thank the following contributors for their work on previous autopwn versions:Selfegris0xsaubyberdarioSursa: https://github.com/nccgroup/autopwn Quote