LinuxCBT BASH Edition is a great product to help aspiring Linux Systems Administrators to develop foundation GNU/Linux Scripting skills. All of the subsequent LinuxCBT Scripting products, Perl, Python & PHP, are premised on the foundations of the basic shell environment. LinuxCBT BASH Edition prepares you or your organization for successfully automating Linux environments using the default shell; BASH. Recommended Prerequisites: * LinuxCBT Classic or Debian GNU/Linux Editions - Operating System (OS) Base * Open mind & determination to master Linux Scripting Solutions - BASH * Access to a GNU/Linux-based PC to perform exercises in LinuxCBT BASH Edition Bourne Again Shell (BASH) Scripting * Introduction to BASH Command Line Interface (CLI) o Identify BASH installation & key configuration files on RedHat & Debian GNU/Linux distros + .profile/.bash_profile/.bashrc/.bash_history o Identify & use common built-in BASH commands (pwd,cd,set,unset,export,source,etc.) o BASH Command-line Expansion + Brace Expansion + Tilde Expansion + Parameter & variable Expansion + Command Substitution o BASH Reserved words o BASH History identification & configuration o Aliases (ls,du,df,rm,cp) o Backticks - command expansion & execution o BASH Prompt configuration o Command chaining o Error level/Return code (Command Exit Status) identification + Test return 0 + Test return 126 - permissions + Test return 127 - command not found o Conditional execution of subsequent commands (&&,||) * * Redirection o Standard Input + Direct input from Standard Input + Redirect input from a file o Standard Output + Direct output to Standard Output + Redirect output to a file + Append Standard Output to an existing file o Standard Error + Redirect Standard Error o Input/Output (I/O) Redirection + Pipes + Sequential execution via pipes o Quoting & Escaping + single quotes preserves whitespace, double quotes don't + Full-quoting - single quotes - all enclosed values are literal + Partial quoting - double quotes - all enclosed values are literal except "$, \, `" + \ is the escape character used to treat following strings literally * * BASH Scripting o Basic Script definition (hello world), permissions modification & execution o Internal BASH variables o Global Variable definition o Function definition o Local Variable definition - function scope o BASH Arrays o Loops + For + While + Until o Menu creation using Select o Job control - Foreground/Background processing o Conditionals - If-Then-Else - Testing o Case - Concise Conditional Branching o Positional Parameters * * BASH Script Definition o Create BASH script to move multiple files to new names defined by positional parameters o Create script to monitor directory for file changes and report the differences via E-mail to Administrator o Create script to monitor directory size and report threshold encroachment to Administrator via E-mail o Define script to parse logs for keywords and notify the Administrator via E-mail o Create script to monitor network connectivity between hosts and report outages to Admin via E-mail o Define script to monitor process, restart if fails, and E-mail Administrator at defineable limits o Create script to backup sub-directories using Tar & Gzip, define threshold, and SSH file to remote host o Log the output of BASH scripts to a Syslog-like format Download: